weiˋ, weiˊ
For, And So, Because, For This Reason, For The Sake Of, (Wei2), Act, Manage, Handle
Word Links for words containing 為 (sorted via character pairs)
傾向視這為矛盾 Tend to see as a contradiction
這類人傾向視這為矛盾 Such people tend to see a contradiction, This type of person tends to see a contradiction
為了 Because, For, For the sake of, So that…
是為了 Just to, For the sake of, So that
為了了解 In order to understand, To figure out
為了便於 To make it easier to
為了找我 To find me
為了以防萬一 As a precaution, Just in case
為了各種事情 For all sorts of things
為了測試一下 Just to check it out
為了今日的活動 For the day's activities, For the occasion
進城都是為了追捕 Came to town hunting for
是為了讓你印象深刻 Just to impress you
是為了達到什麼目的 For what purpose?, To what end?
為了不妥協而不妥協 Be non-conformist for its own sake, Be a non-conformist for its own sake
為了那一晚特別借了 Had borrowed especially for that evening
為了確定他還嚐了嚐水質 He tasted the water just to be sure of its quality, He tasted the water just to be sure
他們可能會為了什麼而起衝突 What might they be fighting over?
我為了這個快要趕不上和家人共進晚餐了 This is making me late for dinner with the family
為了確保 Just to make sure
為了確定 To be sure, Just to be sure
為了你的安全 For your safety
為了您的安全 For your safety
為解決 In order to solve, To deal with
為解除 To save, To relieve, To lift, To spare
為解決糧食危機 In order to solve food crisis, To solve food shortage problem
為什麼 Why
你為什麼 Why are you
問著為什麼 Asked why, Asking why
那就是為什麼 That's why
甚至不明白為什麼 Didn't even know why
為什麼要 Why would, Why should
他為什麼跑 Why is he running?
你為什麼要 Why would you want, Why would you want to
她為什麼跑 Why is she running?
能問為什麼嗎 Can I ask why, Might I ask why?
你為什麼要這麼做 Why are you doing this
我可以知道為什麼嗎 Can I know why, Can you tell me why
我終於了解媽媽剛才為什麼說 I finally understood why mother a moment ago said
為什麼不幫 Why not help
為什麼這樣 Why this?
為什麼那樣 Why that?
為什麼不直接 Why not just
為什麼我還沒死 Why aren't I dead yet? Why am I still alive?
為什麼男人如此愚蠢 Why are men so stupid?
那窗戶為什麼要打開 Why was the window open, Why had the window been open
我是為什麼來的 Why am I here?, Why I came
我們是為什麼來的 Why are we here?, Why we came
你早就知道我們是為什麼來的 You already know why we are here
妳早就知道我們是為什麼來的 You already know why we are here
為什麼問題總是接二連三地來呢 Why it is that problems always come together?
為何 Why
情形為何 What is the situation?, What is the state of affairs?
為何不送 Why not send, Why not give
為何不繼續 Why not continue
為人 For the sake of others, Acting in the interests of others, Acting on someone else's behalf
捨己為人 Give up one's interests for the sake of others, Sacrifice one's interests for the sake of others
不為人知 No one else knew about, Secret
為人著想 Thinks about other people
最為人津津樂道 Most talked about
最為人津津樂道的一場仗 The most talked about battle, Most talked about battles
那是整個戰爭裡最為人津津樂道的一場仗 It was the most talked about battle of the whole war
分子量為分子中所有原子的原子量總和 Molecular weight is the sum of the atomic weights of all atoms within a molecule
下為一組 Forms 1 set, Constitutes 1 set
混為一談 Lump together indiscriminately
為一天的活動做準備 Got ready for the day's activities, Prepare for the day's activities, Prepared for the day's activities
為中心的 At the center of, Acting as center of
以火堆為中心 Around the fire, Centered around the fire
以黑洞為中心的恆星系統 A star system with a black hole at its center
為止 Till, Until, Up to, That's all, No further
目前為止 Until now, So far, Up until now
迄今為止 So far
到目前為止 So far, Until now
直到純淨為止 Until pure
直到她自己判斷合作對她最有利為止 Until she decides on her own that it's in her best interests to cooperate
目前為止所做的任何事 Anything done so far, Anything done up to now
為此 Because of this, For this reason
為此目的 For this purpose
專門為此目的 Specifically for this purpose
專門為此目的設計 Specifically designed for this purpose, Specially designed for this purpose
你準備為此付出代價 You're going to pay for this, You'll pay for this
無能為力 Unable to help, Powerless, Helpless
化這些恐懼為力量 Turn these fears into strength, Turns these fears into strength, Turning these fears into strength, Turned these fears into strength, Use these these fears for strength, Uses these fears for strength, Using these fears for strength, Used these fears for strength
因為 Because, Because of, Since, Due to
只因為 Just because, Only because
是因為 Is because
可能是因為 Might have been because
要不是因為 If not for, If not because of
我不喜歡他是因為 I don't like him because
我不喜歡她是因為 I don't like her because
因為她 Because she
因為要不然 Because otherwise
因為她過得很好 Because she was doing well
要不是因為兩點 But for two things, But for two points
因為需要小便而醒來 Woke up needing to pee
不能因為遇到困難就放棄 When encountering difficulty, don't give up, Don't give up just because you experience some difficulty
因為這樣 Because of this, Because of that
是不是因為這樣 Is it because of this?, Is it because of that?, Is that why?
因為成績太差 Because of low grades, Because of poor grades
不是因為成績太差 Not because of poor grades
我不喜歡他是因為他很邪惡 I don't like him because he is evil
我不喜歡她是因為她很邪惡 I don't like her because she is evil
是不是因為這樣你才不喜歡他 Is that why you don't like him?
是不是因為這樣你才不喜歡她 Is that why you don't like her?
以為 Think, Assume, Presume, Might think, Thought, Be under the impression that
他以為 He thinks, He presumes, He assumes
原以為 Originally thought, Thought, Thought at first that
她以為 She thinks, She presumes, She assumes
我以為 I thought, I assumed
我誤以為 I assumed in error, I made a mistaken assumption, I mistakenly assumed
是你以為 So you think
他曾自以為 He once thought that he, He used to think that he, He once believed he
她曾自以為 She once thought that she, She used to think that
不以為意 Unmindful, Indifferent, Uncaring, Paid no heed to, Ignored, Disregarded, Uncaringly, Disapprovingly
不以為然 Disagree
習以為常 Fall into a habit, Become accustomed to doing
自以為是 Opinionated, Self-righteous, Regard oneself as correct, Presume to imply, Self-approbation
我不會自以為是 I would not presume to imply
他曾自以為了解 He once thought he understood
我不以為意的說 I indifferently said, I uncaringly said
自以為是的精神 Cheekiness
自以為高人一等 Think one is better than others, Self-righteous, Priggish, Moralistic, Superior
以為這是某種比賽 Thought it was some sort of competition, Was under the impressiont that it was some sort of contest
我只是自以為知道 I assumed that I knew, I only thought I knew
自以為聰明的傢伙 Smartass, Smart aleck
沒人喜歡自以為聰明的傢伙 Nobody likes a smartass
變為 Becomes, Changes into
轉變為 Converting, Changing
漸漸變為 Slowly became, Slowly turned, Moved towards
分鐘變為小時 Minutes seem like hours
可以分別把三階段理解為 The three phases can be understood as
你可以分別把三階段理解為 You can think of these three phases as
作為 As, Use as, Serve as, By way of
無所作為 Do nothing
作為一個 As a
作為你媽媽 As your mother
作為一個學生 As a student
作為一個銀行 As a bank
作為生日禮物 As a birthday present
作為反應或加熱時 For reactions or while heating
化為 Transform, Turn into
化為了 Transformed (into), Turned to
化為塵土 Turned to dust
化為了灰燼 Turned to ashes, Destroyed
被佛化為花樹 Transformed into a tree by the Buddha
將係數化為最簡單整數 Reduce the coefficients to the simplest integers
稱為 Called, Known as
也稱為 Also known as, AKA
簡稱為 Referred to as, Abbreviated as
被稱為 Was known as, Was called
口語稱為 Colloquially known as
嗤之以鼻地稱為 Sneeringly called, Snidely referred to as
這稱為對焦鎖定 This is called focus lock
大於零的數稱為正數 Numbers greater than zero are called positive umbers
小於零的數稱為負數 Numbers less than zero are called negative numbers
面積為 Area is
其面積為 The area is, Its area is, Their area is
總面積為 Total area is
長方形面積為 The rectangle's area is, The area of the rectangle is, The area of a rectangle is
行為 Act, Action, Behaviour, Conduct
性行為 Sexual act, Sexual action, Sexual activity, Sexual gratification
典型行為 Stereotypical behaviour, Stereotyped behaviour
犯罪行為 Criminal activity
典型性行為 Stereotypical behaviour, Stereotyped behaviour
相同的行為 The same behaviour, The same conduct
一個自我性行為 Self gratification (act of), Sexual self gratification (act of)
如果發生了什麼我不知道的犯罪行為 If a criminal act occurred that I was not aware of
行為上 Through action, Action, Acting
行為像 Acting like, Acting as
行為範籌 Realm of behaviour, Realms of behaviour
相信行為有善有惡 Believe that some actions are good and others bad
不願為自己行為負責 Unwilling to take responsibility for their own actions
行為規範 Code of conduct, Behavioural discipline
加諸自身的行為規範 Self-imposed behavioural protocols
認為 Think that, Thinks that, Thinking that, Thought that, Consider, Considers, Considering, Considered, Admit, Acknowledge, Believe that, Of the opinion that
不認為 Do not see, Do not believe, Not of the opinion
總認為 Always thought, Always believed that
被認為 Believed to be
我不認為 I don't think that, I don't believe that
真心認為 Really felt, Really believed
以前他認為 He'd believed, He'd thought, He'd once believed, He'd once thought
以前她認為 She'd believed, She'd thought, She'd once believed, She'd once thought
你憑什麼認為 Are you really sure
認為是 Believes that, Believing that
認為會 Thought it would
誤認為是 Mistakenly believe, Mistake for
誤認為是平靜 Mistaken for calmness
如果你認為你見過 If you think you've seen
認為那只是燈光作怪 Thinking that it was just a trick of the light
被認為有居住可能性的 Believed to be habitable
被認為有居住可能性的行星 Planets that are believed to be habitable
你認為我們的學校能做到這點嗎 Do you think that our schools accomplish this?
認為這是某幽靈欲與她溝通所致 Believes that it is because a ghost is trying to communicate with her
成為 Become, Became, Form, Turn into
更成為 Also became
意外成為 Unexpectedly became
他如何成為 How he became
她如何成為 How she became
成為了 Turned into, Become
成為司機 Become a driver
正式成為夫妻 Officially become man and wife
被迫成為農民 Was forced to become a farmer
才成為廉價的主食 Became a cheap staple food
成為奈米科技革命中數百位先驅中的一名 Became one of the few hundred pioneers of the nanotechnological revolution
成為不再有的事 Become a thing of the past, Prevent from happening again
讓這類意外成為不再有的事 Made this sort of mishap a thing of the past
身為 As
身為法官 As judge, As the judge
身為工程師 As an engineer
身為公民的責任 Civic duties, Your responsibilities as a citizen
視為 Treated as, Construed as
自視為 Styled itself, Self styled itself, Thought of itself as
視為侮辱 Taken as an insult, Construed as an insult
把你視為朋友 Treat you as a friend, Regard you as a friend
智力的發展在小小孩可視為天真 The level of intelligence in a small child could be seen as innocence
人為 Man-made
領導人為 In command, Under the command (of), Leader, Acting commander
人為開發區域 Developed areas
指數為 Index, Indicate, Reference
次數為 Are of degree
餘數為 Balance is, Complement to a number is, Remainder is
其次數為 Its degree is
一次項係數為 The first order (linear) coefficient is
三次項係數為 The third order (cubic) coefficient is
二次項係數為 The second order (quadratic) coefficient is
五次項係數為 The fifth order (quintic) coefficient is
四次項係數為 The fourth order (quartic) coefficient is
此多項式的次數為 This polynomial is of degree
本為 Originally or formerly worked as
成本為 Cost is
本為美國太空總署駕駛員和工程師 Originally worked as a pilot and engineer for NASA
轉為 Transferred to
期盼轉為失落 Hope turned to loss
從紫色轉為黑色 Turning from purple to black
慢慢從紫色轉為黑色 Slowly turning from purple to black
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