
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 骨



wuˊ guˇ

骨 guˇ, guˊ
Bone, Skeleton, Framework, Frame

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Phone , Tone

Words that rhyme with 無骨 (wu-wu)

Grouped by first phone

wu, bu, chu, cu, du, fu, gu, hu, lu, mu, nu, pu, ru, shu, su, tu, zhu, zu

無不 wuˊ buˋ


無處不在 wuˊ chuˇ buˊ zaiˋ

Ubiquitous, Everywhere

無辜 wuˊ gu¯


無骨 wuˊ guˇ


無故 wuˊ guˋ

For no reason

五穀麵包 wuˇ guˇ mianˋ bao¯

5 grain bread

五胡十六國 wuˇ huˊ shiˊ liuˋ guoˊ

Sixteen Kingdoms of the Five Barbarians

侮辱 wuˇ ruˇ


侮辱人了 wuˇ ruˇ renˊ le˙


誤入 wuˋ ruˋ

Entered in error, Mistakenly entered

鼯鼠 wuˊ shuˇ

Flying Squirrel

鼯鼠技窮 wuˊ shuˇ jiˋ qiongˊ

At wits end, At the end of one's wits

無數 wuˊ shuˋ

Countless, Beyond counting, Innumberable

無數字之 wuˊ shuˋ ziˋ zhi¯

Without numbers, Numberless

無數次的日升月落 wuˊ shuˋ ciˋ de˙ riˋ sheng¯ yueˋ luoˋ

Countless sunrises and moonsets

無數的 wuˊ shuˋ de˙

Countless, Numberless, Innumerable, Infinite, Myriad

武術 wuˇ shuˋ

Martial art(s)

無誤地 wuˊ wuˋ de˙


兀兀禿禿 wuˋ wuˋ tu¯ tu¯


勿勿 wuˋ wuˋ

Cautiously, In a hurry

無助 wuˊ zhuˋ


無足輕重 wuˊ zuˊ qing¯ zhongˋ


wu, bu, chu, cu, du, fu, gu, hu, lu, mu, nu, pu, ru, shu, su, tu, zhu, zu

不出什麼結果 buˋ chu¯ shenˊ me˙ jieˊ guoˇ

Have little to show for, Produce few or no results

步出 buˋ chu¯

Step out of, Step out, Stepped out of, Stepped out

不賭博 buˋ duˇ boˊ

Don't gamble

不敷使用 buˋ fu¯ shiˇ yongˋ

Useless, Used up

不服 buˋ fuˊ

Disobey, Rebel, Refuse, Resist

不服從 buˋ fuˊ congˊ

Disobedience, Insubordination

不服從權威 buˋ fuˊ congˊ quanˊ wei¯

Maverick, Independent, Disobedient, Rebellious

不服氣 buˋ fuˊ qiˋ


步幅 buˋ fuˊ


不顧 buˊ guˋ

Disregard, Ignore, Not pay attention to, Regardless

布穀鳥 buˋ guˇ niaoˇ


布鼓雷門 buˋ guˇ leiˊ menˊ

Show off one's limited knowledge in front of a learned person and thus make a fool of oneself

布魯克納 buˋ luˇ keˋ naˋ


布魯塞爾 buˋ luˇ sai¯ erˇ


不如 buˋ ruˊ

Better to, Why not

不如說 buˋ ruˊ shuo¯

Rather say

步入 buˋ ruˋ

Step into, Stepped into

步入通道 buˋ ruˋ tong¯ daoˋ

Step into the corridor, Stepped into the passageway

不舒服 buˋ shu¯ fuˊ

Feel uncomfortable, Feel bad

部署 buˋ shuˇ


不速之客 buˊ suˋ zhi¯ keˋ

Uninvited guest, Unwelcome visitor

不住 buˊ zhuˋ

Continued, Continuously, Incessantly

補助 buˇ zhuˋ


補足 buˇ zuˊ

Make up for a deficit, Fill up, Backfill

不足 buˋ zuˊ

Insufficient, Not enough

不足以 buˋ zuˊ yiˇ

Insufficient, Not enough

不足時 buˋ zuˊ shiˊ

If not enough, When there is not enough

wu, bu, chu, cu, du, fu, gu, hu, lu, mu, nu, pu, ru, shu, su, tu, zhu, zu

出不去 chu¯ buˊ quˋ

Can't go out

出不來 chu¯ buˋ laiˊ

Can't come out

初步 chu¯ buˋ

Initial, First step, Preliminary, Initial step

初步處置 chu¯ buˋ chuˋ zhiˋ

First aid, Preliminary treatment, Initial treatment

出處 chu¯ chuˋ

Background, Quotations source

處處 chuˋ chuˋ


鋤骨 chuˊ guˇ


出乎 chu¯ hu¯

Contrary to

出乎自己的意料 chu¯ hu¯ ziˋ jiˇ de˙ yiˋ liaoˋ

Contrary to his own expectations, Surprised himself

出乎自己的意料自 chu¯ hu¯ ziˋ jiˇ de˙ yiˋ liaoˋ ziˋ

Contrary to their own expectations

出路 chu¯ luˋ

Way out, Exit

觸目驚心 chuˋ muˋ jing¯ xin¯


出入 chu¯ ruˋ

Come in and go out, Divergence, Discrepancy

除數 chuˊ shuˋ


處暑 chuˇ shuˇ

Heat Begins To Lessen, Aug 23 to Sept 8

出土 chu¯ tuˇ


出主意 chu¯ zhuˇ yiˋ


出租 chu¯ zu¯

Rent out, Offer for rent

出租車 chu¯ zu¯ che¯

Taxi (mainland)

wu, bu, chu, cu, du, fu, gu, hu, lu, mu, nu, pu, ru, shu, su, tu, zhu, zu

粗魯 cu¯ luˇ


粗魯地 cu¯ luˇ de˙


wu, bu, chu, cu, du, fu, gu, hu, lu, mu, nu, pu, ru, shu, su, tu, zhu, zu

讀不下 duˊ buˊ xiaˋ

Could only read so much

讀不懂 duˊ buˋ dongˇ

Difficult to read, Unintelligible writing

讀出 duˊ chu¯

Read, Read from

獨處 duˊ chuˇ

Stay alone

督促 du¯ cuˋ

Urge on, Pressure, Encourage

嘟嘟聲 du¯ du¯ sheng¯

Du Du

杜甫 duˋ fuˇ

Du Fu (Tang Dynasty Poet)

讀故事給他們聽 duˊ guˋ shiˋ geiˇ ta¯ men˙ ting¯

Read them a story

獨木舟 duˊ muˋ zhou¯

Dugout canoe, Dugout canoe, Logboat, Monoxylon, Einbaum

讀書 duˊ shu¯

Read, Study, Read a book, Read books, Reading a book, Reading books

讀書了 duˊ shu¯ le˙

Studied, Read

讀書會 duˊ shu¯ huiˋ

Reading society, Reading group, Book circle

讀數 duˊ shuˋ

Readout, Indicator, Gauge

度數 duˋ shuˋ

Prescription, Reading, Measurement

毒素 duˊ suˋ

Toxin, Toxins

堵住 duˇ zhuˋ


wu, bu, chu, cu, du, fu, gu, hu, lu, mu, nu, pu, ru, shu, su, tu, zhu, zu

腹部 fuˋ buˋ

Abdomen, Belly

腹部不下墜 fuˋ buˋ buˊ xiaˋ zhuiˋ

Belly doesn't drop

浮出海面 fuˊ chu¯ haiˇ mianˋ

Float up to sea surface

付出 fuˋ chu¯

Pay, work, effort

付出代價 fuˋ chu¯ daiˋ jiaˋ


付出這種代價 fuˋ chu¯ zheˋ zhongˇ daiˋ jiaˋ

Pay the price, The price to pay

幅度 fuˊ duˋ

Rate, Range, Extent

夫婦 fu¯ fuˋ

Man and wife, Husband and wife, A couple

跗骨 fu¯ guˇ

Tarsals, Ankle bones

腹股溝 fuˋ guˇ gou¯

Inguinal, Inguinal Groove

腹股溝韌帶 fuˋ guˇ gou¯ renˋ daiˋ

Inguinal Ligament

俘虜 fuˊ luˇ


附錄 fuˋ luˋ


父母 fuˋ muˇ

Mother and father, Parents

父母們 fuˋ muˇ men˙

Mothers and fathers, Parents

父母親 fuˋ muˇ qin¯

Parents, Mother and father

複數 fuˋ shuˋ


負數 fuˋ shuˋ

Negative number, Negative numbers

復甦 fuˋ su¯

Revive, Resuscitate

復蘇 fuˋ su¯

Revive, Recover resuscitate

服務 fuˊ wuˋ

Services, Render service, Help

服務員 fuˊ wuˋ yuanˊ

Waiter, Waitress

服務單位 fuˊ wuˋ dan¯ weiˋ

Service department

服務器 fuˊ wuˋ qiˋ


服務生 fuˊ wuˋ sheng¯


輔助 fuˇ zhuˋ


副主任 fuˋ zhuˇ renˋ

Deputy director, Assistant director

附屬 fuˋ zhuˇ


富足 fuˋ zuˊ


wu, bu, chu, cu, du, fu, gu, hu, lu, mu, nu, pu, ru, shu, su, tu, zhu, zu

顧不上 guˋ bu˙ shangˋ

Can't care

顧不得 guˋ bu˙ deˊ

Can't care

孤獨 gu¯ duˊ

Lonely, Alone

孤獨心靈 gu¯ duˊ xin¯ lingˊ

Lonely heart

古渡 guˇ duˋ

Ancient ford, Crossing

辜負 gu¯ fuˋ

Live up to

呱呱說 gu¯ gu¯ shuo¯

Quacked, Spoke with a duck-like voice

咕咕咕 gu¯ gu¯ gu¯

Onomatopoeic for the cooing sound a pigeon makes

姑姑 gu¯ gu¯

Aunt, Aunty

股骨 guˇ guˇ

Femur, Thigh bone

股骨粗線 guˇ guˇ cu¯ xianˋ

Linea Aspera

股骨頭 guˇ guˇ touˊ

Femoral Head, Head of the femur

股骨頸 guˇ guˇ jingˇ

Femoral Neck, Neck of the femur

鼓鼓 guˇ guˇ

Bulge, Bulges, Bulging

鼓鼓的東西 guˇ guˇ de˙ dong¯ xi¯


孤苦 gu¯ kuˇ

Alone, Helpless, Forlorn, Uprooted

咕嚕咕嚕 gu¯ lu¯ gu¯ lu¯

Onomatopoeic for the sound of a rumbling belly

咕嚕說 gu¯ lu¯ shuo¯


咕嚕說了幾句 gu¯ lu¯ shuo¯ le˙ jiˇ juˋ

Mumbled a few sentences, Muttered a few sentences, Said something that couldn't be made out

骨碌 guˊ luˋ

Rolling, Revolving, Swiveling, Turn round and round

骨碌轉動 guˊ luˋ zhuanˇ dongˋ

Swiveling around, Rolling around

古樸 guˇ puˇ


鼓突 guˇ tuˊ


鼓舞 guˇ wuˇ

Encourage, Inspire, Boost

鼓舞人 guˇ wuˇ renˊ


古物 guˇ wuˋ

Antique, Antiquities, Antiques, Curios, Relics

雇主 guˋ zhuˇ


wu, bu, chu, cu, du, fu, gu, hu, lu, mu, nu, pu, ru, shu, su, tu, zhu, zu

互補 huˋ buˇ


呼出之氣體含 hu¯ chu¯ zhi¯ qiˋ tiˇ hanˊ

Exhaled air contains or includes

呼呼 hu¯ hu¯

Blow, Glowing

呼呼大睡了 hu¯ hu¯ daˋ shuiˋ le˙

Fell asleep

呼呼的吹 hu¯ hu¯ de˙ chui¯

Blowing strongly

呼呼聲 hu¯ hu¯ sheng¯

Whooshing, Whooshing sound, Whooshing noise

胡胡塗塗的 huˊ huˊ tuˊ tuˊ de˙

Bewildered, Confused

虎虎生風 huˇ huˇ sheng¯ feng¯

Ready for anything, Could/can handle anything

呼嚕 hu¯ lu¯

A snore

呼嚕呼嚕 hu¯ lu¯ hu¯ lu¯

Grunt, Grunted

呼嚕聲 hu¯ lu¯ sheng¯

Snoring sound

葫蘆 huˊ luˊ


護目鏡 huˋ muˋ jingˋ

Goggles, Protective goggles

呼普聲 hu¯ puˇ sheng¯


糊塗 huˊ tuˊ

Stupid, Foolish, Bewildered, Confused

胡塗 huˊ tuˊ

Bewildered, Confused

胡塗的 huˊ tuˊ de˙

Bewildered, Confused

互助 huˋ zhuˋ

Help each other

護住 huˋ zhuˋ

Shield, Protect

wu, bu, chu, cu, du, fu, gu, hu, lu, mu, nu, pu, ru, shu, su, tu, zhu, zu

露出 luˋ chu¯

Show, Display, Reveal, Showed, Displayed, Revealed

露出了 luˋ chu¯ le˙


露出來 luˋ chu¯ laiˊ

Revealed, Showing, On display

露出冷笑 luˋ chu¯ lengˇ xiaoˋ

Smirked, Sneered

露出微笑 luˋ chu¯ weiˊ xiaoˋ

Smile, Smiles, Smiling, Smiled, Revealed a smile

鹿盧 luˋ luˊ

Pulley, Windlass

路途 luˋ tuˊ

Path, Road, Way

陸土 luˋ tuˇ

Land, Solid land

陸土不見 luˋ tuˇ buˊ jianˋ

No land in sight, No land visible

wu, bu, chu, cu, du, fu, gu, hu, lu, mu, nu, pu, ru, shu, su, tu, zhu, zu

木部 muˋ buˋ

Radical for Wood

目不轉睛 muˋ buˋ zhuanˇ jing¯

Intently, Fixedly, Without moving eyes

目不轉睛的看著 muˋ buˋ zhuanˇ jing¯ de˙ kanˋ zhe˙

Watch intently, Stare fixedly at

目睹 muˋ duˇ

Observe, Witness

目睹女王和親王的穿著後 muˋ duˇ nuuˇ wangˊ hanˋ qin¯ wangˊ de˙ chuan¯ zhe˙ houˋ

After seeing what the Queen and prince consort were wearing

目睹自己 muˋ duˇ ziˋ jiˇ

Watching oneself, Watching himself, Watching herself, Watching themselves

目錄 muˋ luˋ

Contents, Table of contents, List, Catalogue

wu, bu, chu, cu, du, fu, gu, hu, lu, mu, nu, pu, ru, shu, su, tu, zhu, zu

奴主 nuˊ zhuˇ

Slave master

wu, bu, chu, cu, du, fu, gu, hu, lu, mu, nu, pu, ru, shu, su, tu, zhu, zu

鋪路 pu¯ luˋ

Pave or surface a road

鋪路機 pu¯ luˋ ji¯

Road paving machine

樸素 puˊ suˋ

Simple, Plain

wu, bu, chu, cu, du, fu, gu, hu, lu, mu, nu, pu, ru, shu, su, tu, zhu, zu

如出一轍的 ruˊ chu¯ yiˊ cheˋ de˙

The same, Identical, Similar

如曝光時人物移動 ruˊ puˋ guang¯ shiˊ renˊ wuˋ yiˊ dongˋ

If during exposure person moves

乳突 ruˇ tuˊ


wu, bu, chu, cu, du, fu, gu, hu, lu, mu, nu, pu, ru, shu, su, tu, zhu, zu

數不清 shuˇ buˋ qing¯

Countless, Innumerable

數不清的美景 shuˋ buˋ qing¯ de˙ meiˇ jingˇ

Countless scenic areas, Countless beautiful locations

書出現了 shu¯ chu¯ xianˋ le˙

Out came the book, The book appeared

輸出 shu¯ chu¯

Output, Export

輸出盤 shu¯ chu¯ panˊ

Output tray

書櫥 shu¯ chuˊ


舒服 shu¯ fuˊ


舒服又美麗 shu¯ fuˊ youˋ meiˇ liˋ

Comfortable and beautiful

舒服地躲在被窩裡 shu¯ fuˊ de˙ duoˇ zaiˋ beiˋ wo¯ liˇ

Snuggled up under a quilt, Snuggled up under the covers, Snuggled up

舒服的 shu¯ fuˊ de˙


舒芙蕾 shu¯ fuˊ leiˇ


束縛 shuˋ fuˊ

Restrain, Bind, Restrict, Restrained, Bound

疏忽 shu¯ hu¯

Careless, Remiss, Negligent, Neglect

屬乎 shuˇ hu¯

Belong to a certain class, Be of a certain class or type

鼠目 shuˇ muˋ

Small beady eyes, Lacking foresight

鼠目寸光 shuˇ muˋ cunˋ guang¯

Lacking foresight

數目 shuˋ muˋ

Number, Sum

數目上百萬 shuˋ muˋ shangˋ baiˇ wanˋ


數目上百萬的話 shuˋ muˋ shangˋ baiˇ wanˋ de˙ huaˋ

If there are millions

數目不明 shuˋ muˋ buˋ mingˊ

Unknown number

數目雖不大 shuˋ muˋ sui¯ buˊ daˋ

It wasn't a huge amount

樹木 shuˋ muˋ


輸入 shu¯ ruˋ

Came in, Entered, Enter information, Enter information via keyboard

輸入盤 shu¯ ruˋ panˊ

Feed tray, Input tray

舒舒服服 shu¯ shu¯ fuˊ fuˊ

Comfortably, Comfort

舒舒服服的 shu¯ shu¯ fuˊ fuˊ de˙


叔叔 shuˊ shu˙


叔叔們 shuˊ shu˙ men˙


數數 shuˋ shuˋ


書屋 shu¯ wu¯

Book shop

wu, bu, chu, cu, du, fu, gu, hu, lu, mu, nu, pu, ru, shu, su, tu, zhu, zu

素不相識 suˋ buˋ xiang¯ shiˊ


速度 suˋ duˋ


速度太快 suˋ duˋ taiˋ kuaiˋ

Speed is too fast, Speed was too fast, Too fast

速度太快沒法安全迴轉 suˋ duˋ taiˋ kuaiˋ meiˊ faˇ an¯ quanˊ huiˊ zhuanˇ

Going to fast to safely turn, Going to fast to make a safe U-turn

速度快得像是 suˋ duˋ kuaiˋ deˊ xiangˋ shiˋ

As fast as, As quickly as

速度快得像是糞便通過鵝腸一樣 suˋ duˋ kuaiˋ deˊ xiangˋ shiˋ fenˋ bianˋ tong¯ guoˋ eˊ changˊ yiˊ yangˋ

As fast as shit through a goose, Like shit through a goose

速度變慢 suˋ duˋ bianˋ manˋ

Slow down, Slows down, Slowing down, Slowed down

速度跟他一樣快 suˋ duˋ gen¯ ta¯ yiˋ yangˋ kuaiˋ

As fast as him, Matched him in speed, Matched him speed, Matched him for speed

速度跟她一樣快 suˋ duˋ gen¯ ta¯ yiˋ yangˋ kuaiˋ

As fast as her, Matched her in speed, Matched her speed, Matched her for speed

訴苦 suˋ kuˇ


肅穆 suˋ muˋ

Solemn, Peaceful

肅肅 suˋ suˋ

Solemn, Respectful, Rustling, Swiftly, In a hurry

訴諸 suˋ zhu¯

Appeal to

宿主 suˋ zhuˇ

Host of a parasite, Host

wu, bu, chu, cu, du, fu, gu, hu, lu, mu, nu, pu, ru, shu, su, tu, zhu, zu

徒步 tuˊ buˋ

Walk, Walking

徒步逃逸 tuˊ buˋ taoˊ yiˋ

Escape on foot, Flee on foot, Fled on foot

徒步離開她家 tuˊ buˋ liˊ kai¯ ta¯ jia¯

Walking from her house, Walking away from her house

土部 tuˇ buˋ

Radical for Ground

突出 tuˊ chu¯

Stand out, Prominent, Highlight

突出的 tuˊ chu¯ de˙

Jutting out

吐出 tuˇ chu¯

Spit out, Disgorge, Disgorged, Put out, Utter

吐出來 tuˇ chu¯ laiˊ

Threw up

吐出成千 tuˇ chu¯ chengˊ qian¯

Disgorged thousands

土庫曼斯坦 tuˇ kuˋ manˋ si¯ tanˇ


突如其來 tuˊ ruˊ qiˊ laiˊ

Unexpected, Sudden, Abrupt

突如其來的 tuˊ ruˊ qiˊ laiˊ de˙

Unexpected, Sudden, Abrupt, Offhanded

圖書 tuˊ shu¯


圖書室裡 tuˊ shu¯ shiˋ liˇ

In the library

圖書館 tuˊ shu¯ guanˇ


突兀 tuˊ wuˋ

Sudden, Abrupt, Unexpected, Lofty, Steep, High

土著 tuˇ zhuˋ

Aboriginal, Native

wu, bu, chu, cu, du, fu, gu, hu, lu, mu, nu, pu, ru, shu, su, tu, zhu, zu

逐步 zhuˊ buˋ


逐出 zhuˊ chu¯


主廚 zhuˇ chuˊ


住處 zhuˋ chuˇ

Place of residence, Dwelling, Quarters

主婦 zhuˇ fuˋ


囑咐 zhuˇ fuˋ

Exhort, Enjoin, Direct, Entrust

祝福 zhuˋ fuˊ


豬骨湯 zhu¯ guˇ tang¯

Pig Bone Soup

住戶 zhuˋ huˋ

Resident family

屬目 zhuˇ muˋ

Gaze at

矚目 zhuˇ muˋ

Watch with great interest, Stare at, Focus of attention

注目 zhuˋ muˋ

Watched attentively

諸如此類 zhu¯ ruˊ ciˇ leiˇ

And so on

注入 zhuˋ ruˋ

Empty into, Pour in, Pour into

住宿 zhuˋ suˋ

Stay overnight, Lodge

wu, bu, chu, cu, du, fu, gu, hu, lu, mu, nu, pu, ru, shu, su, tu, zhu, zu

祖父 zuˇ fuˋ

One's grandfather, Grandfather

祖魯 zuˇ luˇ


祖母 zuˇ muˇ


足足 zuˊ zuˊ

More than enough, More than sufficient

Grouped in tone pairs

23, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 24, 25, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45

鋤骨 chuˊ guˇ


獨處 duˊ chuˇ

Stay alone

俘虜 fuˊ luˇ


奴主 nuˊ zhuˇ

Slave master

無處不在 wuˊ chuˇ buˊ zaiˋ

Ubiquitous, Everywhere

無骨 wuˊ guˇ


鼯鼠 wuˊ shuˇ

Flying Squirrel

鼯鼠技窮 wuˊ shuˇ jiˋ qiongˊ

At wits end, At the end of one's wits

23, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 24, 25, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45

出乎 chu¯ hu¯

Contrary to

出乎自己的意料 chu¯ hu¯ ziˋ jiˇ de˙ yiˋ liaoˋ

Contrary to his own expectations, Surprised himself

出乎自己的意料自 chu¯ hu¯ ziˋ jiˇ de˙ yiˋ liaoˋ ziˋ

Contrary to their own expectations

出租 chu¯ zu¯

Rent out, Offer for rent

出租車 chu¯ zu¯ che¯

Taxi (mainland)

嘟嘟聲 du¯ du¯ sheng¯

Du Du

呱呱說 gu¯ gu¯ shuo¯

Quacked, Spoke with a duck-like voice

咕咕咕 gu¯ gu¯ gu¯

Onomatopoeic for the cooing sound a pigeon makes

姑姑 gu¯ gu¯

Aunt, Aunty

咕嚕咕嚕 gu¯ lu¯ gu¯ lu¯

Onomatopoeic for the sound of a rumbling belly

咕嚕說 gu¯ lu¯ shuo¯


咕嚕說了幾句 gu¯ lu¯ shuo¯ le˙ jiˇ juˋ

Mumbled a few sentences, Muttered a few sentences, Said something that couldn't be made out

呼出之氣體含 hu¯ chu¯ zhi¯ qiˋ tiˇ hanˊ

Exhaled air contains or includes

呼呼 hu¯ hu¯

Blow, Glowing

呼呼大睡了 hu¯ hu¯ daˋ shuiˋ le˙

Fell asleep

呼呼的吹 hu¯ hu¯ de˙ chui¯

Blowing strongly

呼呼聲 hu¯ hu¯ sheng¯

Whooshing, Whooshing sound, Whooshing noise

呼嚕 hu¯ lu¯

A snore

呼嚕呼嚕 hu¯ lu¯ hu¯ lu¯

Grunt, Grunted

呼嚕聲 hu¯ lu¯ sheng¯

Snoring sound

書出現了 shu¯ chu¯ xianˋ le˙

Out came the book, The book appeared

輸出 shu¯ chu¯

Output, Export

輸出盤 shu¯ chu¯ panˊ

Output tray

疏忽 shu¯ hu¯

Careless, Remiss, Negligent, Neglect

舒舒服服 shu¯ shu¯ fuˊ fuˊ

Comfortably, Comfort

舒舒服服的 shu¯ shu¯ fuˊ fuˊ de˙


書屋 shu¯ wu¯

Book shop

23, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 24, 25, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45

出不去 chu¯ buˊ quˋ

Can't go out

孤獨 gu¯ duˊ

Lonely, Alone

孤獨心靈 gu¯ duˊ xin¯ lingˊ

Lonely heart

書櫥 shu¯ chuˊ


舒服 shu¯ fuˊ


舒服又美麗 shu¯ fuˊ youˋ meiˇ liˋ

Comfortable and beautiful

舒服地躲在被窩裡 shu¯ fuˊ de˙ duoˇ zaiˋ beiˋ wo¯ liˇ

Snuggled up under a quilt, Snuggled up under the covers, Snuggled up

舒服的 shu¯ fuˊ de˙


舒芙蕾 shu¯ fuˊ leiˇ


諸如此類 zhu¯ ruˊ ciˇ leiˇ

And so on

23, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 24, 25, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45

出土 chu¯ tuˇ


出主意 chu¯ zhuˇ yiˋ


粗魯 cu¯ luˇ


粗魯地 cu¯ luˇ de˙


跗骨 fu¯ guˇ

Tarsals, Ankle bones

孤苦 gu¯ kuˇ

Alone, Helpless, Forlorn, Uprooted

呼普聲 hu¯ puˇ sheng¯


豬骨湯 zhu¯ guˇ tang¯

Pig Bone Soup

23, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 24, 25, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45

出不來 chu¯ buˋ laiˊ

Can't come out

初步 chu¯ buˋ

Initial, First step, Preliminary, Initial step

初步處置 chu¯ buˋ chuˋ zhiˋ

First aid, Preliminary treatment, Initial treatment

出處 chu¯ chuˋ

Background, Quotations source

出路 chu¯ luˋ

Way out, Exit

出入 chu¯ ruˋ

Come in and go out, Divergence, Discrepancy

督促 du¯ cuˋ

Urge on, Pressure, Encourage

夫婦 fu¯ fuˋ

Man and wife, Husband and wife, A couple

辜負 gu¯ fuˋ

Live up to

鋪路 pu¯ luˋ

Pave or surface a road

鋪路機 pu¯ luˋ ji¯

Road paving machine

輸入 shu¯ ruˋ

Came in, Entered, Enter information, Enter information via keyboard

輸入盤 shu¯ ruˋ panˊ

Feed tray, Input tray

23, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 24, 25, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45

讀出 duˊ chu¯

Read, Read from

讀書 duˊ shu¯

Read, Study, Read a book, Read books, Reading a book, Reading books

讀書了 duˊ shu¯ le˙

Studied, Read

讀書會 duˊ shu¯ huiˋ

Reading society, Reading group, Book circle

浮出海面 fuˊ chu¯ haiˇ mianˋ

Float up to sea surface

如出一轍的 ruˊ chu¯ yiˊ cheˋ de˙

The same, Identical, Similar

突出 tuˊ chu¯

Stand out, Prominent, Highlight

突出的 tuˊ chu¯ de˙

Jutting out

圖書 tuˊ shu¯


圖書室裡 tuˊ shu¯ shiˋ liˇ

In the library

圖書館 tuˊ shu¯ guanˇ


無辜 wuˊ gu¯


逐出 zhuˊ chu¯


23, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 24, 25, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45

讀不下 duˊ buˊ xiaˋ

Could only read so much

胡胡塗塗的 huˊ huˊ tuˊ tuˊ de˙

Bewildered, Confused

葫蘆 huˊ luˊ


糊塗 huˊ tuˊ

Stupid, Foolish, Bewildered, Confused

胡塗 huˊ tuˊ

Bewildered, Confused

胡塗的 huˊ tuˊ de˙

Bewildered, Confused

突如其來 tuˊ ruˊ qiˊ laiˊ

Unexpected, Sudden, Abrupt

突如其來的 tuˊ ruˊ qiˊ laiˊ de˙

Unexpected, Sudden, Abrupt, Offhanded

無足輕重 wuˊ zuˊ qing¯ zhongˋ


足足 zuˊ zuˊ

More than enough, More than sufficient

23, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 24, 25, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45

不顧 buˊ guˋ

Disregard, Ignore, Not pay attention to, Regardless

不速之客 buˊ suˋ zhi¯ keˋ

Uninvited guest, Unwelcome visitor

不住 buˊ zhuˋ

Continued, Continuously, Incessantly

除數 chuˊ shuˋ


讀不懂 duˊ buˋ dongˇ

Difficult to read, Unintelligible writing

讀故事給他們聽 duˊ guˋ shiˋ geiˇ ta¯ men˙ ting¯

Read them a story

獨木舟 duˊ muˋ zhou¯

Dugout canoe, Dugout canoe, Logboat, Monoxylon, Einbaum

讀數 duˊ shuˋ

Readout, Indicator, Gauge

毒素 duˊ suˋ

Toxin, Toxins

幅度 fuˊ duˋ

Rate, Range, Extent

服務 fuˊ wuˋ

Services, Render service, Help

服務員 fuˊ wuˋ yuanˊ

Waiter, Waitress

服務單位 fuˊ wuˋ dan¯ weiˋ

Service department

服務器 fuˊ wuˋ qiˋ


服務生 fuˊ wuˋ sheng¯


骨碌 guˊ luˋ

Rolling, Revolving, Swiveling, Turn round and round

骨碌轉動 guˊ luˋ zhuanˇ dongˋ

Swiveling around, Rolling around

樸素 puˊ suˋ

Simple, Plain

如曝光時人物移動 ruˊ puˋ guang¯ shiˊ renˊ wuˋ yiˊ dongˋ

If during exposure person moves

徒步 tuˊ buˋ

Walk, Walking

徒步逃逸 tuˊ buˋ taoˊ yiˋ

Escape on foot, Flee on foot, Fled on foot

徒步離開她家 tuˊ buˋ liˊ kai¯ ta¯ jia¯

Walking from her house, Walking away from her house

突兀 tuˊ wuˋ

Sudden, Abrupt, Unexpected, Lofty, Steep, High

無不 wuˊ buˋ


無故 wuˊ guˋ

For no reason

無數 wuˊ shuˋ

Countless, Beyond counting, Innumberable

無數字之 wuˊ shuˋ ziˋ zhi¯

Without numbers, Numberless

無數次的日升月落 wuˊ shuˋ ciˋ de˙ riˋ sheng¯ yueˋ luoˋ

Countless sunrises and moonsets

無數的 wuˊ shuˋ de˙

Countless, Numberless, Innumerable, Infinite, Myriad

無誤地 wuˊ wuˋ de˙


無助 wuˊ zhuˋ


逐步 zhuˊ buˋ


23, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 24, 25, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45

叔叔 shuˊ shu˙


叔叔們 shuˊ shu˙ men˙


23, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 24, 25, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45

屬乎 shuˇ hu¯

Belong to a certain class, Be of a certain class or type

吐出 tuˇ chu¯

Spit out, Disgorge, Disgorged, Put out, Utter

吐出來 tuˇ chu¯ laiˊ

Threw up

吐出成千 tuˇ chu¯ chengˊ qian¯

Disgorged thousands

23, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 24, 25, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45

補足 buˇ zuˊ

Make up for a deficit, Fill up, Backfill

鼓突 guˇ tuˊ


乳突 ruˇ tuˊ


五胡十六國 wuˇ huˊ shiˊ liuˋ guoˊ

Sixteen Kingdoms of the Five Barbarians

主廚 zhuˇ chuˊ


23, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 24, 25, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45

處暑 chuˇ shuˇ

Heat Begins To Lessen, Aug 23 to Sept 8

股骨 guˇ guˇ

Femur, Thigh bone

股骨粗線 guˇ guˇ cu¯ xianˋ

Linea Aspera

股骨頭 guˇ guˇ touˊ

Femoral Head, Head of the femur

股骨頸 guˇ guˇ jingˇ

Femoral Neck, Neck of the femur

鼓鼓 guˇ guˇ

Bulge, Bulges, Bulging

鼓鼓的東西 guˇ guˇ de˙ dong¯ xi¯


古樸 guˇ puˇ


鼓舞 guˇ wuˇ

Encourage, Inspire, Boost

鼓舞人 guˇ wuˇ renˊ


虎虎生風 huˇ huˇ sheng¯ feng¯

Ready for anything, Could/can handle anything

五穀麵包 wuˇ guˇ mianˋ bao¯

5 grain bread

侮辱 wuˇ ruˇ


侮辱人了 wuˇ ruˇ renˊ le˙


祖魯 zuˇ luˇ


祖母 zuˇ muˇ


23, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 24, 25, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45

補助 buˇ zhuˋ


堵住 duˇ zhuˋ


輔助 fuˇ zhuˋ


古渡 guˇ duˋ

Ancient ford, Crossing

古物 guˇ wuˋ

Antique, Antiquities, Antiques, Curios, Relics

數不清 shuˇ buˋ qing¯

Countless, Innumerable

鼠目 shuˇ muˋ

Small beady eyes, Lacking foresight

鼠目寸光 shuˇ muˋ cunˋ guang¯

Lacking foresight

土部 tuˇ buˋ

Radical for Ground

土庫曼斯坦 tuˇ kuˋ manˋ si¯ tanˇ


土著 tuˇ zhuˋ

Aboriginal, Native

武術 wuˇ shuˋ

Martial art(s)

主婦 zhuˇ fuˋ


囑咐 zhuˇ fuˋ

Exhort, Enjoin, Direct, Entrust

屬目 zhuˇ muˋ

Gaze at

矚目 zhuˇ muˋ

Watch with great interest, Stare at, Focus of attention

祖父 zuˇ fuˋ

One's grandfather, Grandfather

23, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 24, 25, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45

不出什麼結果 buˋ chu¯ shenˊ me˙ jieˊ guoˇ

Have little to show for, Produce few or no results

步出 buˋ chu¯

Step out of, Step out, Stepped out of, Stepped out

不敷使用 buˋ fu¯ shiˇ yongˋ

Useless, Used up

不舒服 buˋ shu¯ fuˊ

Feel uncomfortable, Feel bad

付出 fuˋ chu¯

Pay, work, effort

付出代價 fuˋ chu¯ daiˋ jiaˋ


付出這種代價 fuˋ chu¯ zheˋ zhongˇ daiˋ jiaˋ

Pay the price, The price to pay

復甦 fuˋ su¯

Revive, Resuscitate

復蘇 fuˋ su¯

Revive, Recover resuscitate

露出 luˋ chu¯

Show, Display, Reveal, Showed, Displayed, Revealed

露出了 luˋ chu¯ le˙


露出來 luˋ chu¯ laiˊ

Revealed, Showing, On display

露出冷笑 luˋ chu¯ lengˇ xiaoˋ

Smirked, Sneered

露出微笑 luˋ chu¯ weiˊ xiaoˋ

Smile, Smiles, Smiling, Smiled, Revealed a smile

訴諸 suˋ zhu¯

Appeal to

23, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 24, 25, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45

不服 buˋ fuˊ

Disobey, Rebel, Refuse, Resist

不服從 buˋ fuˊ congˊ

Disobedience, Insubordination

不服從權威 buˋ fuˊ congˊ quanˊ wei¯

Maverick, Independent, Disobedient, Rebellious

不服氣 buˋ fuˊ qiˋ


步幅 buˋ fuˊ


不如 buˋ ruˊ

Better to, Why not

不如說 buˋ ruˊ shuo¯

Rather say

不足 buˋ zuˊ

Insufficient, Not enough

不足以 buˋ zuˊ yiˇ

Insufficient, Not enough

不足時 buˋ zuˊ shiˊ

If not enough, When there is not enough

富足 fuˋ zuˊ


鹿盧 luˋ luˊ

Pulley, Windlass

路途 luˋ tuˊ

Path, Road, Way

束縛 shuˋ fuˊ

Restrain, Bind, Restrict, Restrained, Bound

祝福 zhuˋ fuˊ


23, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 24, 25, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45

不賭博 buˋ duˇ boˊ

Don't gamble

布穀鳥 buˋ guˇ niaoˇ


布鼓雷門 buˋ guˇ leiˊ menˊ

Show off one's limited knowledge in front of a learned person and thus make a fool of oneself

布魯克納 buˋ luˇ keˋ naˋ


布魯塞爾 buˋ luˇ sai¯ erˇ


部署 buˋ shuˇ


杜甫 duˋ fuˇ

Du Fu (Tang Dynasty Poet)

腹股溝 fuˋ guˇ gou¯

Inguinal, Inguinal Groove

腹股溝韌帶 fuˋ guˇ gou¯ renˋ daiˋ

Inguinal Ligament

父母 fuˋ muˇ

Mother and father, Parents

父母們 fuˋ muˇ men˙

Mothers and fathers, Parents

父母親 fuˋ muˇ qin¯

Parents, Mother and father

副主任 fuˋ zhuˇ renˋ

Deputy director, Assistant director

附屬 fuˋ zhuˇ


雇主 guˋ zhuˇ


互補 huˋ buˇ


陸土 luˋ tuˇ

Land, Solid land

陸土不見 luˋ tuˇ buˊ jianˋ

No land in sight, No land visible

目睹 muˋ duˇ

Observe, Witness

目睹女王和親王的穿著後 muˋ duˇ nuuˇ wangˊ hanˋ qin¯ wangˊ de˙ chuan¯ zhe˙ houˋ

After seeing what the Queen and prince consort were wearing

目睹自己 muˋ duˇ ziˋ jiˇ

Watching oneself, Watching himself, Watching herself, Watching themselves

訴苦 suˋ kuˇ


宿主 suˋ zhuˇ

Host of a parasite, Host

住處 zhuˋ chuˇ

Place of residence, Dwelling, Quarters

23, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 24, 25, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45

步入 buˋ ruˋ

Step into, Stepped into

步入通道 buˋ ruˋ tong¯ daoˋ

Step into the corridor, Stepped into the passageway

處處 chuˋ chuˋ


觸目驚心 chuˋ muˋ jing¯ xin¯


度數 duˋ shuˋ

Prescription, Reading, Measurement

腹部 fuˋ buˋ

Abdomen, Belly

腹部不下墜 fuˋ buˋ buˊ xiaˋ zhuiˋ

Belly doesn't drop

附錄 fuˋ luˋ


複數 fuˋ shuˋ


負數 fuˋ shuˋ

Negative number, Negative numbers

護目鏡 huˋ muˋ jingˋ

Goggles, Protective goggles

互助 huˋ zhuˋ

Help each other

護住 huˋ zhuˋ

Shield, Protect

木部 muˋ buˋ

Radical for Wood

目不轉睛 muˋ buˋ zhuanˇ jing¯

Intently, Fixedly, Without moving eyes

目不轉睛的看著 muˋ buˋ zhuanˇ jing¯ de˙ kanˋ zhe˙

Watch intently, Stare fixedly at

目錄 muˋ luˋ

Contents, Table of contents, List, Catalogue

數不清的美景 shuˋ buˋ qing¯ de˙ meiˇ jingˇ

Countless scenic areas, Countless beautiful locations

數目 shuˋ muˋ

Number, Sum

數目上百萬 shuˋ muˋ shangˋ baiˇ wanˋ


數目上百萬的話 shuˋ muˋ shangˋ baiˇ wanˋ de˙ huaˋ

If there are millions

數目不明 shuˋ muˋ buˋ mingˊ

Unknown number

數目雖不大 shuˋ muˋ sui¯ buˊ daˋ

It wasn't a huge amount

樹木 shuˋ muˋ


數數 shuˋ shuˋ


素不相識 suˋ buˋ xiang¯ shiˊ


速度 suˋ duˋ


速度太快 suˋ duˋ taiˋ kuaiˋ

Speed is too fast, Speed was too fast, Too fast

速度太快沒法安全迴轉 suˋ duˋ taiˋ kuaiˋ meiˊ faˇ an¯ quanˊ huiˊ zhuanˇ

Going to fast to safely turn, Going to fast to make a safe U-turn

速度快得像是 suˋ duˋ kuaiˋ deˊ xiangˋ shiˋ

As fast as, As quickly as

速度快得像是糞便通過鵝腸一樣 suˋ duˋ kuaiˋ deˊ xiangˋ shiˋ fenˋ bianˋ tong¯ guoˋ eˊ changˊ yiˊ yangˋ

As fast as shit through a goose, Like shit through a goose

速度變慢 suˋ duˋ bianˋ manˋ

Slow down, Slows down, Slowing down, Slowed down

速度跟他一樣快 suˋ duˋ gen¯ ta¯ yiˋ yangˋ kuaiˋ

As fast as him, Matched him in speed, Matched him speed, Matched him for speed

速度跟她一樣快 suˋ duˋ gen¯ ta¯ yiˋ yangˋ kuaiˋ

As fast as her, Matched her in speed, Matched her speed, Matched her for speed

肅穆 suˋ muˋ

Solemn, Peaceful

肅肅 suˋ suˋ

Solemn, Respectful, Rustling, Swiftly, In a hurry

誤入 wuˋ ruˋ

Entered in error, Mistakenly entered

兀兀禿禿 wuˋ wuˋ tu¯ tu¯


勿勿 wuˋ wuˋ

Cautiously, In a hurry

住戶 zhuˋ huˋ

Resident family

注目 zhuˋ muˋ

Watched attentively

注入 zhuˋ ruˋ

Empty into, Pour in, Pour into

住宿 zhuˋ suˋ

Stay overnight, Lodge

23, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 24, 25, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45

顧不上 guˋ bu˙ shangˋ

Can't care

顧不得 guˋ bu˙ deˊ

Can't care


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冂-骨 : > : > [骨]-無骨 : > [骨]-無骨 >

無骨 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 骨

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