Index for words including 焦


Burnt, Scorched, Worried, Concerned, Anxious, Worry, Concern, Focus, Focused

Word Links for words containing 焦 (sorted via character pairs)

焦 jiao¯
Burnt, Scorched, Worried, Concerned, Anxious, Worry, Concern, Focus, Focused

Words containing

(Use links to see word pronunciation)


焦距 Focal length, Focal distance


焦躁 Worried, Anxious, Restless

被肌肉刺激物弄得有點焦躁 A little jumpy because of muscle stimulants

常被肌肉刺激物弄得有點焦躁 Often a little bit jumpy because of muscle stimulants

焦躁 Anxious, Irritable, Jumpy

焦躁不安 Fidgeted, Fidgety, Flustered, Feel flustered


焦點 Focus point, Point of focus, Focus


焦急 Anxious


焦鏡 Zoom lens

如有變焦鏡 If using a zoom lens

使用變焦鏡頭時 When using a zoom lens


焦糖 Caramel

焦糖瑪琦朵 Caramel Machiato


焦慮 Anxious

一股新生的焦慮 A new anxiety, A new worry


失焦 Lost focus, Went out of focus


燒焦 Singe, Scorch, Sear

燒焦 Scorched, Burned

橡膠燒焦的味道 Smell of burned rubber


對焦 Focus

手動對焦 Manual Focus, Focusing Manually

自動對焦 Auto focus (AF), Automatic focus

調整對焦 Adjust focus

向主體對焦 Focusing the subject, Bringing the subject into focus

將用於對焦 Can be used for focusing

伺服自動對焦 Servo Autofocus, Servo AF

使用自動對焦 Using Auto-Focus

會更易於對焦 Will make it easier to focus, Will make focusing easier

進行持續對焦 Continuously focus, Focus continuously, Continue to keep in focus

鏡頭將會調整對焦 Camera lens will adjust the focus

以向主體進行持續對焦 Act to keep subject continuously in focus

其中一個自動對焦點對準 Aim any one auto focus point

所有自動對焦點都將用於對焦 All auto focus points can be used for focusing

對焦 After focusing

對焦 While focused, While focused on

對焦 Focus point

對焦 While focusing

對焦 Just now focused, Focused

自動對焦 Auto focus point

中央自動對焦 Center auto focus point

選擇自動對焦 Choosing the Auto Focus Point

對焦時或對焦後 While focusing or after focusing

對靜止主體對焦 While focused on a still subject

其中一個自動對焦 Any one of the auto focus points

對焦確認 Focus confirmation

對焦便持續進行 Focusing will then be continuous

對焦確認指示燈 Focus confirmation light, Focus confirmation indicator light

自動對焦失敗時 When auto-focus fails

所有自動對焦點都 All auto focus points

對焦鎖定 Focus Lock

這稱為對焦鎖定 This is called focus lock

自動對焦模式 Auto focus (AF) mode

變更自動對焦模式 Changing the auto focus (AF) mode

對焦最近的主體 Will (bring into) focus the nearest object

保持自動對焦點覆蓋主體 Keep auto focus point over the subject

而通常會對焦最近的主體 And generally will (bring into) focus the nearest object

只要保持自動對焦點覆蓋主體 As long as the auto focus point is kept over the subject

將中央自動對焦點覆蓋拍攝主體 Place (or placing) the center autofocus point over the subject

將其中一個自動對焦點對準主體 Aim any one of the auto focus points at the subject


聚焦 Focus (e.g. a beam of light)

聚焦裝置 Focusing element (part of a device)

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