Index for words including 焰



Word Links for words containing 焰 (sorted via character pairs)

焰 yanˋ

Words containing

(Use links to see word pronunciation)


焰火 Fireworks


火焰 Flame, Flames

熄滅火焰 Extinguish a flame

噴出的火焰 Spat flames, Spurted out flames

小小的火焰 Small flame, Small flames

努力讓火花燃燒成火焰 Trying to build the spark into a flame, Tried to build the spark into a flame

噴吐火焰 Flame throwing

熄滅火焰 When extinguishing the flame

將手翻過來伸到小小的火焰 Tipped their hand over the small flames

覆蓋火焰來滅火 Cover the flame to extinguish it, Cover the flames to extinguish them, Cover the fire to put it out

可以控制火焰大小 To control the size of the flame, To control flame size

可直接在火焰上加熱 Can be heated directly over a flame


核焰 Atomic Breath (Godzilla)

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