Comply, Compliance, Act In Accordance With, According To, Compare, Notify, Look After, License, Certificate, Illuminate, Photograph, Shine, Reflect, Record, Reason
Word Links for words containing 照 (sorted via character pairs)
照明 Illuminate, Shine, Light
照明器 Illumination device, Illumination devices, Illumination, Illuminator
照映 Light, Illumination, Reflection
火光照映 Firelight, Light of the fire, Light of a fire
微弱的火光照映 Weak firelight, Faint light of the fire
在微弱的火光照映中 In the dim firelight, In the faint light of the fire
照顧 Look after, Take care of
互相照顧 Take care of each other, Look after each other, Look out for each other
照顧他 Look after him
照顧好 Take (good) care of
照顧他們 Look after them, Looks after them, Looking after them, Looked after them
照顧起來 Looking after, Taking care of
照片 Photo, Photograph, Picture
小照片 Tiny photograph, Tiny picture
一張照片 A picture, A photo
標準照片 Standard picture
這張照片 This photo
照片的身分證明 Photo ID, Photographic proof of identity
需要有照片的身分證明 Need photo ID
陽光照不到的地方 Where the sun doesn't shine
探住了陽光照不到的地方 Poking where the shone doesn't shine, Someplace where the sun doesn't shine, Exploring places where the sun does not shine
照相 Take a picture, Take a photograph
照相機 Camera
很少拿著照相機 Seldom takes a camera along
照相寫實主義 Photorealism
照相機你會用嗎 Can you use a camera
照相機的閃光燈 Camera's flash
這種照相機我會用 I can use this type of camera
照在 Shine on, Shining on
照在他身上 Shining on him, Illuminating him
拿手電筒照在他身上 Holding a flashlight on him, Illuminating him with a flashlight
遵照 Comply with, According to, Accordingly
遵照這準則 Complying to these standards, According to these standards, Accordingly
對照 Compare, Contrast, Cross reference, Reference, For comparative purposes, Control
提供了活生生的對照 Provided a vivid contrast
拍照 Take a picture, Take a photograph
很會拍照 Good at taking pictures, Skilled at photography
給自己拍照 Take a picture of one's self, Selfie
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