
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 用


Use electrical current

yongˋ dianˋ liuˊ

用 yongˋ
Use, Employ, Operate, Apply, Exert, Try, Sample

(hide char details)

Phone , Tone


用電 yongˋ dianˋ

電流 dianˋ liuˊ

Words that rhyme with 用電流 (yong-yan)

Grouped by first phone

yong, xiong

用電 yongˋ dianˋ

Electricity use, Use electricity

用電流 yongˋ dianˋ liuˊ

Use electrical current

用前腳掌 yongˋ qianˊ jiaoˇ zhangˇ

Use the forefoot, Using the forefoot, Use the forefeet, Using the forefeet

用前臂切他的咽喉 yongˋ qianˊ biˋ qie¯ ta¯ de˙ yan¯ houˊ

Sliced a forearm into his throat

用前臂切她的咽喉 yongˋ qianˊ biˋ qie¯ ta¯ de˙ yan¯ houˊ

Slammed a forearm across her throat

湧現 yongˇ xianˋ


yong, xiong

胸前內袋 xiong¯ qianˊ neiˋ daiˋ

Inner breast pocket

Grouped in tone pairs

44, 12, 34, 42

用電 yongˋ dianˋ

Electricity use, Use electricity

用電流 yongˋ dianˋ liuˊ

Use electrical current

44, 12, 34, 42

胸前內袋 xiong¯ qianˊ neiˋ daiˋ

Inner breast pocket

44, 12, 34, 42

湧現 yongˇ xianˋ


44, 12, 34, 42

用前腳掌 yongˋ qianˊ jiaoˇ zhangˇ

Use the forefoot, Using the forefoot, Use the forefeet, Using the forefeet

用前臂切他的咽喉 yongˋ qianˊ biˋ qie¯ ta¯ de˙ yan¯ houˊ

Sliced a forearm into his throat

用前臂切她的咽喉 yongˋ qianˊ biˋ qie¯ ta¯ de˙ yan¯ houˊ

Slammed a forearm across her throat


冂-⺆ : > : > [用]-用電 : > [用]-用電流 >

一-雨 : > : > [電]-用電 : > [電]-用電流 >

丶-氵 : > : > [流]-電流 : > [流]-用電流 >

用電流 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 用

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