White, Blank, Pure, Empty, All For Nothing, In Vain, Free Of Charge
Word Links for words containing 白 (sorted via character pairs)
白紙 Blank paper, White paper
一張白紙 A blank piece of paper
拿出一張白紙 Pulled out a blank piece of paper
好幾頁乳白紙張 Several cream-colored pages
白色 White
乳白色 Milky color, Milky white, Milkey
白色的 White
一條白色的魚 A white fish
白色蕾絲睡袍 White lace nightgown
白裙 White dress
穿白裙 Wore a white dress, Wearing a white dress
一個小小穿白裙的人形 A small figure wearing a white dress
白人 White person, White guy
白人垃圾 White trash
一個白人小孩 A white kid
金髮白人女孩 Blonde white girl
一個金髮白人女孩 A blonde white girl
白光 White light
刺目的白光 Pricks of white light
兩三萬顆獨立刺目的白光 Twenty or thirty thousand individual pricks of white light
明白 Understand, Understands, Understanding, Understood, Clear, Understandable, Easy to understand, Realize(s)
不明白 Didn't know, Didn't understand
纔明白 Finally understood
心裡明白 Knew, Knew it
忽然明白 Realized, Suddenly realized
聽不明白 Not understand what someone is saying, Not comprehend what is being said, Not hear what is being said
你和我都明白 You and I both know, You and I both understand
明白了 Understand, Understood, Realize, Realized
明白地 Knowingly
想明白了 Understood, Realized
我明白了 I see, I understand, I get it
說明白點 To be frank
是的我明白了 Yes, I see
這女人的很多事情是他不明白的 There was a lot he didn't know about her
甚至不明白為什麼 Didn't even know why
蛋白 Protein, Egg white
蛋白質塊 Protein bars
蛋白丁 Protein cubes, Cubes of protein made with egg white
蛋白質 Proteins
翻白 Roll the eyes (in exasperation)
翻白的眼神 Rolling the eyes (in exasperation)
用翻白的眼神對著我 Rolling their eyes at me (in exasperation)
空白 Blank
空白紙 Blank paper, Blank piece of paper
一大張空白紙 A large piece of blank paper
一張又髒又皺的空白紙 Dirty and wrinkled blank piece of paper
雪白 Snow white
雪白如昔 As white as before
又雪白如昔 Be just as white as before
幾秒後它又雪白如昔 After a few seconds it will be as white as before, After a few seconds it would be as white as before
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