
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 行


Vertical script, Columnar script

zhiˊ hangˊ shu¯ xieˇ

行 xingˊ, xingˋ, hangˊ
Take action, Act, Go, Do, Work, Able, Capable, Ready, Walk, Travel, Road, Path, Baggage, Current, Prevailing, Publish, (Xing4), Conduct, Behaviour, (Hang2), Generation, Row, Line, Array, Series, Sequence, Profession, Trade, Business, Rank And File Of The Military, Financial Market, MW For Objects Arranged In Lines

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Phone , Tone


直行 zhiˊ hangˊ

書寫 shu¯ xieˇ

Words that rhyme with 直行書寫 (i-ang)

Grouped by first phone

zhi, chi, ci, ri, shi, si, zi

直腸 zhiˊ changˊ


脂肪 zhi¯ fangˊ


直行 zhiˊ hangˊ

Vertical, Columnar

直行書寫 zhiˊ hangˊ shu¯ xieˇ

Vertical script, Columnar script

之上 zhi¯ shangˋ


智商 zhiˋ shang¯


致上 zhiˋ shangˋ

Reward, Present

紙張 zhiˇ zhang¯

Paper, Piece of paper

zhi, chi, ci, ri, shi, si, zi

翅膀 chiˋ bangˇ

Wings, Wing

池塘 chiˊ tangˊ


zhi, chi, ci, ri, shi, si, zi

次方 ciˋ fang¯

Power, Exponent

次方為 ciˋ fang¯ weiˋ

Power is, Powers are, Exponent is, Exponents are

zhi, chi, ci, ri, shi, si, zi

日常 riˋ changˊ

Daily, Usually, Ordinarily, Generally

日常生活 riˋ changˊ sheng¯ huoˊ

Every day life, Daily life

日常生活中 riˋ changˊ sheng¯ huoˊ zhong¯

In daily life

日常生活中的 riˋ changˊ sheng¯ huoˊ zhong¯ de˙

Daily life's

zhi, chi, ci, ri, shi, si, zi

失常 shi¯ changˊ

Off form, Odd, Abnormal, Peculiar, Aberrant, Strange

時常 shiˊ changˊ


時常來 shiˊ changˊ laiˊ

Often came

時常來找他們 shiˊ changˊ laiˊ zhaoˇ ta¯ men˙

Often came to visit them, Often came to find them

時常在外面 shiˊ changˊ zaiˋ waiˋ mianˋ

Often outside, Frequently outdoors

時常有人停下來看 shiˊ changˊ youˇ renˊ tingˊ xiaˋ laiˊ kanˋ

People stop to look all the time

時長 shiˊ changˊ


市場 shiˋ changˇ


市場上 shiˋ changˇ shangˋ

On the market, Being on the market

市場經濟 shiˋ changˇ jing¯ jiˋ

Market economy

適當 shiˋ dang¯

Proper, Appropriate, Fitting

適當的 shiˋ dang¯ de˙

Appropriate, Fitting

適當的數 shiˋ dang¯ de˙ shuˋ

Appropriate number

施放 shi¯ fangˋ

Discharge, Let loose, Set off

釋放 shiˋ fangˋ

Lose, Lost, Release, Released

釋放出 shiˋ fangˋ chu¯

Release, Emit, Discharge, Send out, Give off

試行 shiˋ hangˊ

Trial run

時尚 shiˊ shangˋ

Fad, Fashion

時尚專欄家 shiˊ shangˋ zhuan¯ lanˊ jia¯

Fashion columnist

世上 shiˋ shangˋ

World, In the world, On the world

食堂 shiˊ tangˊ

Mess hall, Mess, Canteen, Dining room

師長 shi¯ zhangˇ


市長 shiˋ zhangˇ


是長官 shiˋ zhangˇ guan¯

Yes, sir

zhi, chi, ci, ri, shi, si, zi

四盎司 siˋ angˋ si¯

Quarter pound, Four ounce, 4 Ounce

四盎司牛 siˋ angˋ si¯ niuˊ

Four ounces, 4 ounces, Quarter pound, 1/4 pound

四檔 siˋ dangˇ

Fourth gear

私房 si¯ fangˊ

Personal, Private

私房景點 si¯ fangˊ jingˇ dianˇ

Private attraction, Pay to enter scenic spot

私房錢 si¯ fangˊ qianˊ

Private money

四方 siˋ fang¯

Square, Every direction, All sides, The four directions

四趟 siˋ tangˋ

4 journeys, 4 trips

四趟無人任務 siˋ tangˋ wuˊ renˊ renˋ wuˋ

4 unmanned missions

司長 si¯ zhangˇ

Director, Chief

zhi, chi, ci, ri, shi, si, zi

孖上肌 zi¯ shangˋ ji¯

Gemellus Superior

Grouped in tone pairs

22, 12, 13, 14, 24, 31, 41, 42, 43, 44

池塘 chiˊ tangˊ


時常 shiˊ changˊ


時常來 shiˊ changˊ laiˊ

Often came

時常來找他們 shiˊ changˊ laiˊ zhaoˇ ta¯ men˙

Often came to visit them, Often came to find them

時常在外面 shiˊ changˊ zaiˋ waiˋ mianˋ

Often outside, Frequently outdoors

時常有人停下來看 shiˊ changˊ youˇ renˊ tingˊ xiaˋ laiˊ kanˋ

People stop to look all the time

時長 shiˊ changˊ


食堂 shiˊ tangˊ

Mess hall, Mess, Canteen, Dining room

直腸 zhiˊ changˊ


直行 zhiˊ hangˊ

Vertical, Columnar

直行書寫 zhiˊ hangˊ shu¯ xieˇ

Vertical script, Columnar script

22, 12, 13, 14, 24, 31, 41, 42, 43, 44

失常 shi¯ changˊ

Off form, Odd, Abnormal, Peculiar, Aberrant, Strange

私房 si¯ fangˊ

Personal, Private

私房景點 si¯ fangˊ jingˇ dianˇ

Private attraction, Pay to enter scenic spot

私房錢 si¯ fangˊ qianˊ

Private money

脂肪 zhi¯ fangˊ


22, 12, 13, 14, 24, 31, 41, 42, 43, 44

師長 shi¯ zhangˇ


司長 si¯ zhangˇ

Director, Chief

22, 12, 13, 14, 24, 31, 41, 42, 43, 44

施放 shi¯ fangˋ

Discharge, Let loose, Set off

之上 zhi¯ shangˋ


孖上肌 zi¯ shangˋ ji¯

Gemellus Superior

22, 12, 13, 14, 24, 31, 41, 42, 43, 44

時尚 shiˊ shangˋ

Fad, Fashion

時尚專欄家 shiˊ shangˋ zhuan¯ lanˊ jia¯

Fashion columnist

22, 12, 13, 14, 24, 31, 41, 42, 43, 44

紙張 zhiˇ zhang¯

Paper, Piece of paper

22, 12, 13, 14, 24, 31, 41, 42, 43, 44

次方 ciˋ fang¯

Power, Exponent

次方為 ciˋ fang¯ weiˋ

Power is, Powers are, Exponent is, Exponents are

適當 shiˋ dang¯

Proper, Appropriate, Fitting

適當的 shiˋ dang¯ de˙

Appropriate, Fitting

適當的數 shiˋ dang¯ de˙ shuˋ

Appropriate number

四方 siˋ fang¯

Square, Every direction, All sides, The four directions

智商 zhiˋ shang¯


22, 12, 13, 14, 24, 31, 41, 42, 43, 44

日常 riˋ changˊ

Daily, Usually, Ordinarily, Generally

日常生活 riˋ changˊ sheng¯ huoˊ

Every day life, Daily life

日常生活中 riˋ changˊ sheng¯ huoˊ zhong¯

In daily life

日常生活中的 riˋ changˊ sheng¯ huoˊ zhong¯ de˙

Daily life's

試行 shiˋ hangˊ

Trial run

22, 12, 13, 14, 24, 31, 41, 42, 43, 44

翅膀 chiˋ bangˇ

Wings, Wing

市場 shiˋ changˇ


市場上 shiˋ changˇ shangˋ

On the market, Being on the market

市場經濟 shiˋ changˇ jing¯ jiˋ

Market economy

市長 shiˋ zhangˇ


是長官 shiˋ zhangˇ guan¯

Yes, sir

四檔 siˋ dangˇ

Fourth gear

22, 12, 13, 14, 24, 31, 41, 42, 43, 44

釋放 shiˋ fangˋ

Lose, Lost, Release, Released

釋放出 shiˋ fangˋ chu¯

Release, Emit, Discharge, Send out, Give off

世上 shiˋ shangˋ

World, In the world, On the world

四盎司 siˋ angˋ si¯

Quarter pound, Four ounce, 4 Ounce

四盎司牛 siˋ angˋ si¯ niuˊ

Four ounces, 4 ounces, Quarter pound, 1/4 pound

四趟 siˋ tangˋ

4 journeys, 4 trips

四趟無人任務 siˋ tangˋ wuˊ renˊ renˋ wuˋ

4 unmanned missions

致上 zhiˋ shangˋ

Reward, Present


十-十 : > : > [直]-直行 : > [直]-直行書寫 >

丿-彳 : > : > [行]-直行 : > [行]-直行書寫 >

十-肀 : > : > [書]-書寫 : > [書]-直行書寫 >

丶-宀 : > : > [寫]-書寫 : > [寫]-直行書寫 >

直行書寫 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 行

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