
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 直



zhiˊ jueˊ

直 zhiˊ
Straight, Frank, Direct, Vertical, Upright, Honest, True

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Phone , Tone

Words that rhyme with 直覺 (i-yue)

Grouped by first phone

zhi, ri, shi, si, zi

知覺 zhi¯ jueˊ


直覺 zhiˊ jueˊ


直覺式 zhiˊ jueˊ shiˋ


直覺式的作法 zhiˊ jueˊ shiˋ de˙ zuoˋ faˇ

Intuitive approach, An intuitive approach

止血 zhiˇ xueˋ

Stop bleeding

治學 zhiˋ xueˊ


制約 zhiˋ yue¯


zhi, ri, shi, si, zi

日月 riˋ yueˋ

The Sun and Moon, The Emperor and Empress

日月潭 riˋ yueˋ tanˊ

Sun Moon Lake

zhi, ri, shi, si, zi

是絕不說出口的 shiˋ jueˊ buˋ shuo¯ chu¯ kouˇ de˙

Never voiced, Never spoken aloud

是絕佳的地方 shiˋ jueˊ jia¯ de˙ diˋ fang¯

Was perfect, Was a perfect place to be, A perfect location

視覺 shiˋ jueˊ

Vision, Sense of sight, View

視覺會騙人 shiˋ jueˊ huiˋ pianˋ renˊ

Vision can be deceptive

視覺錯覺技法 shiˋ jueˊ cuoˋ jueˊ jiˋ faˇ

Tromp l'oeil, Art technique for creating a three-dimensional affect, Technique for creating the illusion of depth

十月 shiˊ yueˋ

October, Oct

zhi, ri, shi, si, zi

肆虐 siˋ nueˋ

Rampant, Wanton, Indulge in atrocities

四月 siˋ yueˋ

April, Apr

四月初 siˋ yueˋ chu¯

Early April

四月底 siˋ yueˋ diˇ

Late April

zhi, ri, shi, si, zi

自覺 ziˋ jueˊ

Self consciousness, Self realization, Self aware

自覺地 ziˋ jueˊ de˙


自覺地意識到 ziˋ jueˊ de˙ yiˋ shiˋ daoˋ

Consciously realized

自覺地意識到這點 ziˋ jueˊ diˋ yiˋ shiˋ daoˋ zheˋ dianˇ

Consciously realized this, Consciously realized it

自學 ziˋ xueˊ

Self study, Study by one's self

Grouped in tone pairs

22, 12, 24, 34, 41, 42, 44

直覺 zhiˊ jueˊ


直覺式 zhiˊ jueˊ shiˋ


直覺式的作法 zhiˊ jueˊ shiˋ de˙ zuoˋ faˇ

Intuitive approach, An intuitive approach

22, 12, 24, 34, 41, 42, 44

知覺 zhi¯ jueˊ


22, 12, 24, 34, 41, 42, 44

十月 shiˊ yueˋ

October, Oct

22, 12, 24, 34, 41, 42, 44

止血 zhiˇ xueˋ

Stop bleeding

22, 12, 24, 34, 41, 42, 44

制約 zhiˋ yue¯


22, 12, 24, 34, 41, 42, 44

是絕不說出口的 shiˋ jueˊ buˋ shuo¯ chu¯ kouˇ de˙

Never voiced, Never spoken aloud

是絕佳的地方 shiˋ jueˊ jia¯ de˙ diˋ fang¯

Was perfect, Was a perfect place to be, A perfect location

視覺 shiˋ jueˊ

Vision, Sense of sight, View

視覺會騙人 shiˋ jueˊ huiˋ pianˋ renˊ

Vision can be deceptive

視覺錯覺技法 shiˋ jueˊ cuoˋ jueˊ jiˋ faˇ

Tromp l'oeil, Art technique for creating a three-dimensional affect, Technique for creating the illusion of depth

治學 zhiˋ xueˊ


自覺 ziˋ jueˊ

Self consciousness, Self realization, Self aware

自覺地 ziˋ jueˊ de˙


自覺地意識到 ziˋ jueˊ de˙ yiˋ shiˋ daoˋ

Consciously realized

自覺地意識到這點 ziˋ jueˊ diˋ yiˋ shiˋ daoˋ zheˋ dianˇ

Consciously realized this, Consciously realized it

自學 ziˋ xueˊ

Self study, Study by one's self

22, 12, 24, 34, 41, 42, 44

日月 riˋ yueˋ

The Sun and Moon, The Emperor and Empress

日月潭 riˋ yueˋ tanˊ

Sun Moon Lake

肆虐 siˋ nueˋ

Rampant, Wanton, Indulge in atrocities

四月 siˋ yueˋ

April, Apr

四月初 siˋ yueˋ chu¯

Early April

四月底 siˋ yueˋ diˇ

Late April


十-十 : > : > [直]-直覺 : > [直]-直覺 >

厂-臼 : > : > [覺]-直覺 : > [覺]-直覺 >

直覺 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 直

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