
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 傳


Passed down from generation to generation, Shared, Imparted, Transmitted

xiang¯ chuanˊ

傳 chuanˊ, zhuanˋ
Transmit, Communicate, Send, Conduct, Circulate, Propagate, Teach, Pass On

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Phone , Tone

Words that rhyme with 相傳 (yang-wan)

Grouped by first phone

xiang, jiang, liang, qiang

相傳 xiang¯ chuanˊ

Passed down from generation to generation, Shared, Imparted, Transmitted

相關 xiang¯ guan¯

Relevant, Associated, Related

相關優點 xiang¯ guan¯ you¯ dianˇ

Relative merits, Relative advantages

項專長 xiangˋ zhuan¯ changˊ


xiang, jiang, liang, qiang

將罐子踢開 jiang¯ guanˋ zi˙ ti¯ kai¯

Kicked the container out of the way

將寬分成 jiang¯ kuan¯ fen¯ chengˊ

Divide the width into

將晚 jiang¯ wanˇ

Towards evening

xiang, jiang, liang, qiang

兩端 liangˇ duan¯

Both ends, Each end, At each end

兩段 liangˇ duanˋ

Two sections

兩罐 liangˇ guanˋ

Two cans, Two tins

兩罐油漆 liangˇ guanˋ youˊ qi¯

Two cans of paint, Two tins of paint

兩萬 liangˇ wanˋ

Twenty thousand

兩萬一千 liangˇ wanˋ yi¯ qian¯

Twenty-one thousand

兩萬一千哩 liangˇ wanˋ yi¯ qian¯ liˇ

Twenty-one thousand miles

xiang, jiang, liang, qiang

槍管 qiang¯ guanˇ

Barrel of a gun, Barrel

Grouped in tone pairs

12, 11, 13, 14, 31, 34, 41

相傳 xiang¯ chuanˊ

Passed down from generation to generation, Shared, Imparted, Transmitted

12, 11, 13, 14, 31, 34, 41

將寬分成 jiang¯ kuan¯ fen¯ chengˊ

Divide the width into

相關 xiang¯ guan¯

Relevant, Associated, Related

相關優點 xiang¯ guan¯ you¯ dianˇ

Relative merits, Relative advantages

12, 11, 13, 14, 31, 34, 41

將晚 jiang¯ wanˇ

Towards evening

槍管 qiang¯ guanˇ

Barrel of a gun, Barrel

12, 11, 13, 14, 31, 34, 41

將罐子踢開 jiang¯ guanˋ zi˙ ti¯ kai¯

Kicked the container out of the way

12, 11, 13, 14, 31, 34, 41

兩端 liangˇ duan¯

Both ends, Each end, At each end

12, 11, 13, 14, 31, 34, 41

兩段 liangˇ duanˋ

Two sections

兩罐 liangˇ guanˋ

Two cans, Two tins

兩罐油漆 liangˇ guanˋ youˊ qi¯

Two cans of paint, Two tins of paint

兩萬 liangˇ wanˋ

Twenty thousand

兩萬一千 liangˇ wanˋ yi¯ qian¯

Twenty-one thousand

兩萬一千哩 liangˇ wanˋ yi¯ qian¯ liˇ

Twenty-one thousand miles

12, 11, 13, 14, 31, 34, 41

項專長 xiangˋ zhuan¯ changˊ



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相傳 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 傳

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