Index for words including 盾

dunˋ, shunˇ

Shield, Buckler

Word Links for words containing 盾 (sorted via character pairs)

盾 dunˋ, shunˇ
Shield, Buckler

Words containing

(Use links to see word pronunciation)


盾牌 Shield, Pretext, Excuse

防禦盾牌 Shield

堅不可摧的防禦盾牌概念 The impenetrable shield paradigm


矛盾 Contradict, Contradiction, Inconsistant, Inconsistency

內部矛盾 Internal contradictions

自相矛盾 Self-contradict, Self-contradictory, Inconsistent

傾向視這為矛盾 Tend to see as a contradiction

這類人傾向視這為矛盾 Such people tend to see a contradiction, This type of person tends to see a contradiction


後盾 Backing, Support, Supporter

以武力為後盾 Used force of arms for backup, Used force for backup, Backed by force

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