tuˊ, tu¯
Sudden, Abrupt, Unexpected, Break Through, Project, Jut Out, Chimney
Word Links for words containing 突 (sorted via character pairs)
突出 Stand out, Prominent, Highlight
更突出 Stand out more
十分突出 Very prominent
椎間盤突出 Slipped disc or discs, Bulging vertebral discs
突出的 Jutting out
將虛化背景以突出人物主體 Blurs the background so that the subject stands out
突發 Sudden
足夠應付突發狀況的量 Send an amount sufficient to deal with any emergencies, Send just enough to deal with any emergencies
突發狀況 Emergency, Emergency situation(s)
各種突發狀況 A variety of (all kinds of) emergency situations
突然 Suddenly, Abruptly
必須突然 Suddenly have to, Suddenly has to, Suddenly having to, Suddenly had to, Have to abruptly, Has to abruptly, Having to abruptly, Had to abruptly
突然間 Suddenly, Abruptly
突然生變 Suddenly arising difficulties
突然變強 Suddenly became stronger
突然結束對話 Suddenly end the conversation, Suddenly ends the conversation, Suddenly ending the conversation, Suddenly ended the conversation, End the conversation abruptly, Ends the conversation abruptly, Ending the conversation abruptly, Ended the conversation abruptly
膽子突然變小了 Courage suddenly disappeared
天空突然烏雲密布 The sky suddenly darkened with rain clouds
突擊 Surprise attack, Sudden assault, Raid
突擊隊員 Members of a commando unit
突擊隊 Commando unit, Shock troops
海豹突擊隊 Navy Seal Team
衝突 Clash, collide, Conflict
起衝突 Conflict, Clash
武裝衝突 Armed conflict
發生了衝突 Clashes occur, Clashes break out
發生武裝衝突 Armed conflict occurred
各國之間的衝突 Conflict between nations
他們可能會為了什麼而起衝突 What might they be fighting over?
衝突愈來愈激烈 Clashes become increasingly more violent
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