Index for words including 系


System, Relationship, Tie, Connect, Connection, Faculty, Department

Word Links for words containing 系 (sorted via character pairs)

系 xiˋ
System, Relationship, Tie, Connect, Connection, Faculty, Department

Words containing

(Use links to see word pronunciation)


系統 System, Systems

系統 New system

系統 Root system

系統 Subsystem

交換系統 Switching system

免疫系統 Immune system

冷卻系統 Cooling system

加密系統 Encryption scheme, Encryption schemes

司法系統 Justice system, System of justice

堵塞系統 Clog the system, Gum up the works

導航系統 Navigation system, Navigational system

武器系統 Weapon system, Weapons system

生態系統 Ecosystem

知識系統 Intellectual system

移動系統 Locomotion systems, Drive systems

維生系統 Life support system

送貨系統 Delivery system

電腦系統 Computer network

滑輪組系統 Pulley block system

儒家司法系統 System of Confucian justice

地球生態系統 Global ecosystem

根狀管道系統 Rootlike plumbing system, Rootlike plumbing

桌上出版系統 Desktop-publishing system

真空管線系統 Vacuum tube system, Vacuum plumbing

磁帶驅動系統 Tape drive system

齒輪傳動系統 Gear train

早已過時的系統 Obsolete system, Obsolete systems

自動的設計系統 Automated design system

相位聲波陣列系統 Phased-audio-array system, Phased-array audio systems

這麼設計出的系統 Systems designed this way

疫苗不良事件通報系統 Vaccine Adverse Effect Reporting System

系統 Systematized, Systematic

系統 System Map

系統 Systematic, Methodical

生活在一個生態系統 Living within an ecosystem

系統設計工程 Systems Design Engineering


物理系學 Physics major


羅曼語系語 Romance languages

說數種羅曼語系語 Speak a few Romance languages


系列 Line, Series, Lineage

系列 Series


系數 Coefficient

耦合系數 Coupling coefficient


星系 Star System, Planetary System, Galaxy

星系 Stellar System, Star System

渦狀星系 Spiral galaxy

仙女座星系 Andromeda galaxy

能利用它到達另一遙遠的星系 Can use it to travel to a distant star system

人類能利用它到達另一遙遠的星系 Mankind can use it to travel to a distant star system

希望人類能利用它到達另一遙遠的星系 In the hope that mankind can use it to travel to a distant star system

星系 Star System

以黑洞為中心的恆星系 A star system with a black hole at its center

希望人類能利用它到達另一遙遠的星系定居 In the hope that mankind can use it to settle in a distant star system


關系 Relationship

關系 No problem, It doesn't matter

間的關系 Relationship, Relationship between

關系未了 The relationship wasn't over yet, The relationship hadn't yet ended


體系 System

國家行政體系 National or State Administrative System

國家行政體系的擴大 Expansion of the National Administrative System


科系 Department

哪個科系 Which faculty, Which department, Which subject, What subject

上大學想念哪個科系 Want to study what subject at university, Wants to study what subject at university, Wanted to study what subject at university


文系 Faculty of Chinese Studies


譜系 Genealogy, Family tree, Heritage

高貴譜系 Noble heritage


河系 Milky way galaxy, Milky way


理系 Physics department


直角坐標系 Rectangular coordinate system

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