Index for words including 紀


Journal, Diary, Records, Annals, Experience

Word Links for words containing 紀 (sorted via character pairs)

紀 jiˋ
Journal, Diary, Records, Annals, Experience

Words containing

(Use links to see word pronunciation)


紀年 Annal, Chronicle, Recording, Historical record

干支紀年 Heavenly stems and Earthly branches method for tracking dates

天皇年號紀年 Year of the emperor

古代中國以天干與地支的組合來紀年 Ancient China used the combination of heavenly stems and earthly branches to record the year

紀年 Recording methods


紀律 Discipline


紀實 Documentary


紀念 Commemorate

紀念 Souvenir, Souvenirs

紀念 Memorial day

紀念 Monument, Memorial

紀念 Commemorative stamp, Medal, Commemorative badge

紀念 Memorial

蓋上紀念 With a commemorative stamp, Stamped with a commemorative stamp

紀念品店 Souvenir shop

搜集紀念品的小籃子 Little baskets for collecting souvenirs, Little baskets for souvenirs, Little souvenir baskets


紀錄 Record, Keep track, Keep track of, History

紀錄 Record breaking, Break a record

歷史紀錄 Historic record, Historical record

紀錄 Documentary

紀錄下來 Recorded

紀錄下來的資料 Recorded information


紀錯 Mix up

紀錯了時間 Got the time mixed up

原來我紀錯了時間 I got the time mixed up, I forgot what day it was, I got the days mixed up


羅紀 Jurassic


風紀 Discipline

風紀 Disciplinary


經紀 Manage, Manager

經紀 Manage, Manager, Broker, Agent


年紀 Age, Young, Old

年紀 Young, Younger

妳這個年紀 At your age, About your age

到了差不多妳這個年紀 Get to about your age, When getting to about your age

年紀較大 Older

年紀頗大 Rather old, Considerably older

年紀可不小 Old, Not young

年紀很大了 He was pretty old, He was getting on in years

年紀和地球一樣大 As old as the earth

我的年紀和地球一樣大 I am as old as the earth


世紀 Century, 100 years

世紀 Medieval

一九世紀 Nineteenth century

上個世紀 Last century, Previous century

前幾世紀 Previous centuries, Centuries ago

十九世紀 Nineteenth-century

前一個世紀 The previous century

世紀 End of the century

二十世紀 Late twentieth century

二十一世紀 Early twenty-first century

到了一九世紀 By the end of the nineteenth century

世紀之交 Turn of the century

世紀之交 At the turn of the century

世紀之前 Centuries before, Centuries ago

建於數世紀之前 Had been built centuries ago

他們前幾世紀的祖宗 Their ancestors from previous centuries

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