
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 緊


Urgent, Pressing, Tight

jinˇ poˋ

緊 jinˇ
Tight, Taut, Tense, Nervous, Secure, Firm, Fast, Urgent, Critical, Pressing, Emergency

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Phone , Tone

Words that rhyme with 緊迫 (yin-o)

Grouped by first phone

jin, pin, yin

金箔 jin¯ boˊ

Gold foil

緊迫 jinˇ poˋ

Urgent, Pressing, Tight

jin, pin, yin

拼搏 pin¯ boˊ


jin, pin, yin

銀箔紙 yinˊ boˊ zhiˇ

Silver paper, Silver gift wrapping paper

Grouped in tone pairs

34, 12, 22

緊迫 jinˇ poˋ

Urgent, Pressing, Tight

34, 12, 22

金箔 jin¯ boˊ

Gold foil

拼搏 pin¯ boˊ


34, 12, 22

銀箔紙 yinˊ boˊ zhiˇ

Silver paper, Silver gift wrapping paper


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緊迫 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 緊

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