
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 有


Completely interesting

zongˇ shiˋ shiˊ fen¯ youˇ quˋ

有 youˇ
Have, Has, Had, That Have, Is (There Is), With, If, Possessing, Owning, Be Present, Exist

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Phone , Tone


總是 zongˇ shiˋ

十分 shiˊ fen¯

有趣 youˇ quˋ

Words that rhyme with 總是十分有趣 (wong-i)

Grouped by first phone

zong, chong, cong, dong, gong, hong, kong, long, song, tong, zhong

總時 zongˇ shiˊ

Always, All the time

總是 zongˇ shiˋ

Always, Without exception

總是不放心 zongˇ shiˋ buˊ fangˋ xin¯

Always worry

總是不記得 zongˇ shiˋ buˊ jiˋ deˊ

Easily forget, Easily forgets, Easily forgot, Have a short memory, Has a short memory, Had a short memory, Had short memories

總是十分有趣 zongˇ shiˋ shiˊ fen¯ youˇ quˋ

Completely interesting

總是急著 zongˇ shiˋ jiˊ zhe˙

Always in a hurry

總是會有幾次 zongˇ shiˋ huiˋ youˇ jiˇ ciˋ

There will be times, There will be times when

總是有 zongˇ shiˋ youˇ

There was always

總是有用 zongˇ shiˋ youˇ yongˋ

Always helps

總是試探性地 zongˇ shiˋ shiˋ tanˋ xingˋ diˋ

Always carefully, Always tentatively

總是說 zongˇ shiˋ shuo¯

Always says

縱使 zongˋ shiˇ

Even if, Even though

宗旨 zong¯ zhiˇ

Purpose, Aim

總之 zongˇ zhi¯

In short, To sum up, Anyway, In any case

總質量 zongˇ zhiˊ liangˋ

Total mass

總資料量 zongˇ zi¯ liaoˋ liangˋ

Total amount of data stored

粽子 zongˋ ziˇ


zong, chong, cong, dong, gong, hong, kong, long, song, tong, zhong

充斥 chong¯ chiˋ

Numerous, Plentiful, Filled with, Rife, Everywhere

充斥著 chong¯ chiˋ zhe˙

Full of

衝刺 chong¯ ciˋ

Dash, Sprint, Rush, Hurry

充實 chong¯ shiˊ

Substantial, Substantiate, Fulfill, Make meaningful, Enrich

蟲子 chongˊ zi˙


zong, chong, cong, dong, gong, hong, kong, long, song, tong, zhong

從齒縫中擠出 congˊ chiˇ fengˊ zhong¯ jiˇ chu¯

Squeeze out from between the teeth, Extrude from between the teeth, Spit out, Squeeze out

從此 congˊ ciˇ

From then on, Since then

從此以後 congˊ ciˇ yiˇ houˋ

From now on

從日落大道這裡 congˊ riˋ luoˋ daˋ daoˋ zheˋ liˇ

From here on Sunset Boulevard

從石造蓄水池裡 congˊ shiˊ zaoˋ xuˋ shuiˇ chiˊ liˇ

From stone cisterns

從事 congˊ shiˋ

Engaged in

從事後看 congˊ shiˋ houˋ kanˋ

In retrospect, Looking back

從四面八方朝島的地點集合 congˊ siˋ mianˋ ba¯ fang¯ chaoˊ daoˇ de˙ diˋ dianˇ jiˊ heˊ

From all directions converged on the island, Converged on the island from all directions, Converging on the island from all around

從芝加哥 congˊ zhi¯ jia¯ ge¯

Urgent matter

從紫色轉為黑色 congˊ ziˇ seˋ zhuanˇ weiˋ hei¯ seˋ

Turning from purple to black

zong, chong, cong, dong, gong, hong, kong, long, song, tong, zhong

動詞 dongˋ ciˊ


動詞型態 dongˋ ciˊ xingˊ taiˋ

Verb form, Verb forms

動詞的時 dongˋ ciˊ de˙ shiˊ

Verb Tenses

動詞過去時 dongˋ ciˊ guoˋ quˋ shiˊ

Verb Past Tense

懂事 dongˇ shiˋ

Sensible, Makes sense

董事 dongˇ shiˋ


董事會 dongˇ shiˋ huiˋ

Board of Directors

董事長 dongˇ shiˋ zhangˇ


冬至 dong¯ zhiˋ

Winter Solstice, Dec 22 to Jan 6

zong, chong, cong, dong, gong, hong, kong, long, song, tong, zhong

公尺 gong¯ chiˇ

Meter, M, Meter, Length measure

公事 gong¯ shiˋ

Official business, Public affairs

公事包 gong¯ shiˋ bao¯

Briefcase, Portfolio, Attache case

公式 gong¯ shiˋ


公示 gong¯ shiˋ


工事 gong¯ shiˋ

Defense works, Military fortifications, Civil engineering matters

弓式 gong¯ shiˋ

Bow Pose, Dhanurasana

共事 gongˋ shiˋ

Work together

共事過 gongˋ shiˋ guoˋ

Worked together

共識 gongˋ shiˋ

Agreement, Consensus

公司 gong¯ si¯

Company, Corporation

公司的 gong¯ si¯ de˙


公絲 gong¯ si¯

Milligram, Weight measure

公職 gong¯ zhiˊ

Public office

工資 gong¯ zi¯

Wage, Salary

zong, chong, cong, dong, gong, hong, kong, long, song, tong, zhong

紅之死 hongˊ zhi¯ siˇ

The red death

zong, chong, cong, dong, gong, hong, kong, long, song, tong, zhong

空室 kong¯ shiˋ

Empty house, Empty room, Empty chamber

控制 kongˋ zhiˋ

Controls, Controller, Control, Manipulate, Moderate, Dominate

控制中心 kongˋ zhiˋ zhong¯ xin¯

Control center

控制了 kongˋ zhiˋ le˙


控制住 kongˋ zhiˋ zhuˋ

Controlled, Managed

控制台 kongˋ zhiˋ taiˊ

Control panel

控制墊 kongˋ zhiˋ dianˋ

Control pad

控制室 kongˋ zhiˋ shiˋ

Control room

控制物質進出 kongˋ zhiˋ wuˋ zhiˊ jinˋ chu¯

Control the entry and exit of substances

控制資源 kongˋ zhiˋ zi¯ yuanˊ

Control resources, Controls resources, Controlling resources, Controlled resources

控制車頭 kongˋ zhiˋ che¯ touˊ


孔子 kongˇ ziˇ


孔子的主張 kongˇ ziˇ de˙ zhuˇ zhang¯

Confucius' main ideas, Confucius' point of view

zong, chong, cong, dong, gong, hong, kong, long, song, tong, zhong

龍師 longˊ shi¯

Fu xi who called ministers dragons

龍之怒 longˊ zhi¯ nuˋ

Dragon's rage, Wrath, Fury

籠子 longˊ zi˙


zong, chong, cong, dong, gong, hong, kong, long, song, tong, zhong

鬆弛 song¯ chiˊ


送紙盤 songˋ zhiˇ panˊ

Output tray, Document tray, Tray for receiving paper, Tray

送紙盤可隨時裝卸 songˋ zhiˇ panˊ keˇ suiˊ shiˊ zhuang¯ xieˋ

Detachable document tray, Detachable tray

zong, chong, cong, dong, gong, hong, kong, long, song, tong, zhong

同時 tongˊ shiˊ

At the same time, While

同時代的人 tongˊ shiˊ daiˋ de˙ renˊ


同時感到相當興奮 tongˊ shiˊ ganˇ daoˋ xiang¯ dang¯ xing¯ fenˋ

At the same time felt rather excited

同時相機會發出提示音 tongˊ shiˊ xiang¯ ji¯ huiˋ fa¯ chu¯ tiˊ shiˋ yin¯

At the same time the camera beeper will sound

同事 tongˊ shiˋ

Colleague, Coworker

同事們 tongˊ shiˋ men˙

Colleagues, Coworkers, Workmates

痛死 tongˋ siˇ

Hurt like hell, Extremely painful

痛死了 tongˋ siˇ le˙

Hurt like hell, Extremely painful

通知 tong¯ zhi¯

Inform, Notify

通知單 tong¯ zhi¯ dan¯

Notification, Written notification

通知我 tong¯ zhi¯ woˇ

Inform me, Get back to me, Let me know

通知書 tong¯ zhi¯ shu¯


同志 tongˊ zhiˋ


統制 tongˇ zhiˋ

Control, Govern, Regulate

統治 tongˇ zhiˋ

Rule over, Rule, Govern, Soveriegnity

統治地位 tongˇ zhiˋ diˋ weiˋ

Sovereign status, Ruling status, Governing status

統治者 tongˇ zhiˋ zheˇ


童子軍 tongˊ ziˇ jun¯

Boy Scouts

桶子 tongˇ zi˙

Barrel, Drum, Bucket

zong, chong, cong, dong, gong, hong, kong, long, song, tong, zhong

忠實 zhong¯ shiˊ

Loyal, Faithful, Reliable, Truthful

終始 zhong¯ shiˇ

From beginning to end

中世紀 zhong¯ shiˋ jiˋ


重視 zhongˋ shiˋ

Value, Consider important, Take seriously, Pay attention to

重視學習經學 zhongˋ shiˋ xueˊ xiˊ jing¯ xueˊ

Attached great importance to the study of the classics

重視的 zhongˋ shiˋ de˙


中指 zhong¯ zhiˇ

Middle finger

中止 zhong¯ zhiˇ

Suspend, Suspension, Stop, Cease

中止了 zhong¯ zhiˇ le˙

Stopped, Stopped for a while, Temporarily halted

終止 zhong¯ zhiˇ

Stop, End, Come to an end

終止運作 zhong¯ zhiˇ yunˋ zuoˋ

Stopped work, Stopped working

種植面積 zhongˇ zhiˊ mianˋ ji¯

Planting area, Growing area

種植 zhongˋ zhiˊ

Plant, Grow, Cultivate

種植了 zhongˋ zhiˊ le˙


種植的 zhongˋ zhiˊ de˙


種植蔬菜 zhongˋ zhiˊ shu¯ caiˋ

Grow vegetables

眾志成城 zhongˋ zhiˋ chengˊ chengˊ

Unite as one

種子 zhongˇ ziˇ

Seed, Seeds

Grouped in tone pairs

34, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 31, 32, 33, 35, 42, 43, 44

懂事 dongˇ shiˋ

Sensible, Makes sense

董事 dongˇ shiˋ


董事會 dongˇ shiˋ huiˋ

Board of Directors

董事長 dongˇ shiˋ zhangˇ


統制 tongˇ zhiˋ

Control, Govern, Regulate

統治 tongˇ zhiˋ

Rule over, Rule, Govern, Soveriegnity

統治地位 tongˇ zhiˋ diˋ weiˋ

Sovereign status, Ruling status, Governing status

統治者 tongˇ zhiˋ zheˇ


總是 zongˇ shiˋ

Always, Without exception

總是不放心 zongˇ shiˋ buˊ fangˋ xin¯

Always worry

總是不記得 zongˇ shiˋ buˊ jiˋ deˊ

Easily forget, Easily forgets, Easily forgot, Have a short memory, Has a short memory, Had a short memory, Had short memories

總是十分有趣 zongˇ shiˋ shiˊ fen¯ youˇ quˋ

Completely interesting

總是急著 zongˇ shiˋ jiˊ zhe˙

Always in a hurry

總是會有幾次 zongˇ shiˋ huiˋ youˇ jiˇ ciˋ

There will be times, There will be times when

總是有 zongˇ shiˋ youˇ

There was always

總是有用 zongˇ shiˋ youˇ yongˋ

Always helps

總是試探性地 zongˇ shiˋ shiˋ tanˋ xingˋ diˋ

Always carefully, Always tentatively

總是說 zongˇ shiˋ shuo¯

Always says

34, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 31, 32, 33, 35, 42, 43, 44

公司 gong¯ si¯

Company, Corporation

公司的 gong¯ si¯ de˙


公絲 gong¯ si¯

Milligram, Weight measure

工資 gong¯ zi¯

Wage, Salary

通知 tong¯ zhi¯

Inform, Notify

通知單 tong¯ zhi¯ dan¯

Notification, Written notification

通知我 tong¯ zhi¯ woˇ

Inform me, Get back to me, Let me know

通知書 tong¯ zhi¯ shu¯


34, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 31, 32, 33, 35, 42, 43, 44

充實 chong¯ shiˊ

Substantial, Substantiate, Fulfill, Make meaningful, Enrich

公職 gong¯ zhiˊ

Public office

鬆弛 song¯ chiˊ


忠實 zhong¯ shiˊ

Loyal, Faithful, Reliable, Truthful

34, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 31, 32, 33, 35, 42, 43, 44

公尺 gong¯ chiˇ

Meter, M, Meter, Length measure

終始 zhong¯ shiˇ

From beginning to end

中指 zhong¯ zhiˇ

Middle finger

中止 zhong¯ zhiˇ

Suspend, Suspension, Stop, Cease

中止了 zhong¯ zhiˇ le˙

Stopped, Stopped for a while, Temporarily halted

終止 zhong¯ zhiˇ

Stop, End, Come to an end

終止運作 zhong¯ zhiˇ yunˋ zuoˋ

Stopped work, Stopped working

宗旨 zong¯ zhiˇ

Purpose, Aim

34, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 31, 32, 33, 35, 42, 43, 44

充斥 chong¯ chiˋ

Numerous, Plentiful, Filled with, Rife, Everywhere

充斥著 chong¯ chiˋ zhe˙

Full of

衝刺 chong¯ ciˋ

Dash, Sprint, Rush, Hurry

冬至 dong¯ zhiˋ

Winter Solstice, Dec 22 to Jan 6

公事 gong¯ shiˋ

Official business, Public affairs

公事包 gong¯ shiˋ bao¯

Briefcase, Portfolio, Attache case

公式 gong¯ shiˋ


公示 gong¯ shiˋ


工事 gong¯ shiˋ

Defense works, Military fortifications, Civil engineering matters

弓式 gong¯ shiˋ

Bow Pose, Dhanurasana

空室 kong¯ shiˋ

Empty house, Empty room, Empty chamber

中世紀 zhong¯ shiˋ jiˋ


34, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 31, 32, 33, 35, 42, 43, 44

從芝加哥 congˊ zhi¯ jia¯ ge¯

Urgent matter

紅之死 hongˊ zhi¯ siˇ

The red death

龍師 longˊ shi¯

Fu xi who called ministers dragons

龍之怒 longˊ zhi¯ nuˋ

Dragon's rage, Wrath, Fury

34, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 31, 32, 33, 35, 42, 43, 44

從石造蓄水池裡 congˊ shiˊ zaoˋ xuˋ shuiˇ chiˊ liˇ

From stone cisterns

同時 tongˊ shiˊ

At the same time, While

同時代的人 tongˊ shiˊ daiˋ de˙ renˊ


同時感到相當興奮 tongˊ shiˊ ganˇ daoˋ xiang¯ dang¯ xing¯ fenˋ

At the same time felt rather excited

同時相機會發出提示音 tongˊ shiˊ xiang¯ ji¯ huiˋ fa¯ chu¯ tiˊ shiˋ yin¯

At the same time the camera beeper will sound

34, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 31, 32, 33, 35, 42, 43, 44

從齒縫中擠出 congˊ chiˇ fengˊ zhong¯ jiˇ chu¯

Squeeze out from between the teeth, Extrude from between the teeth, Spit out, Squeeze out

從此 congˊ ciˇ

From then on, Since then

從此以後 congˊ ciˇ yiˇ houˋ

From now on

從紫色轉為黑色 congˊ ziˇ seˋ zhuanˇ weiˋ hei¯ seˋ

Turning from purple to black

童子軍 tongˊ ziˇ jun¯

Boy Scouts

34, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 31, 32, 33, 35, 42, 43, 44

從日落大道這裡 congˊ riˋ luoˋ daˋ daoˋ zheˋ liˇ

From here on Sunset Boulevard

從事 congˊ shiˋ

Engaged in

從事後看 congˊ shiˋ houˋ kanˋ

In retrospect, Looking back

從四面八方朝島的地點集合 congˊ siˋ mianˋ ba¯ fang¯ chaoˊ daoˇ de˙ diˋ dianˇ jiˊ heˊ

From all directions converged on the island, Converged on the island from all directions, Converging on the island from all around

同事 tongˊ shiˋ

Colleague, Coworker

同事們 tongˊ shiˋ men˙

Colleagues, Coworkers, Workmates

同志 tongˊ zhiˋ


34, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 31, 32, 33, 35, 42, 43, 44

蟲子 chongˊ zi˙


籠子 longˊ zi˙


34, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 31, 32, 33, 35, 42, 43, 44

總之 zongˇ zhi¯

In short, To sum up, Anyway, In any case

總資料量 zongˇ zi¯ liaoˋ liangˋ

Total amount of data stored

34, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 31, 32, 33, 35, 42, 43, 44

種植面積 zhongˇ zhiˊ mianˋ ji¯

Planting area, Growing area

總時 zongˇ shiˊ

Always, All the time

總質量 zongˇ zhiˊ liangˋ

Total mass

34, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 31, 32, 33, 35, 42, 43, 44

孔子 kongˇ ziˇ


孔子的主張 kongˇ ziˇ de˙ zhuˇ zhang¯

Confucius' main ideas, Confucius' point of view

種子 zhongˇ ziˇ

Seed, Seeds

34, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 31, 32, 33, 35, 42, 43, 44

桶子 tongˇ zi˙

Barrel, Drum, Bucket

34, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 31, 32, 33, 35, 42, 43, 44

動詞 dongˋ ciˊ


動詞型態 dongˋ ciˊ xingˊ taiˋ

Verb form, Verb forms

動詞的時 dongˋ ciˊ de˙ shiˊ

Verb Tenses

動詞過去時 dongˋ ciˊ guoˋ quˋ shiˊ

Verb Past Tense

種植 zhongˋ zhiˊ

Plant, Grow, Cultivate

種植了 zhongˋ zhiˊ le˙


種植的 zhongˋ zhiˊ de˙


種植蔬菜 zhongˋ zhiˊ shu¯ caiˋ

Grow vegetables

34, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 31, 32, 33, 35, 42, 43, 44

送紙盤 songˋ zhiˇ panˊ

Output tray, Document tray, Tray for receiving paper, Tray

送紙盤可隨時裝卸 songˋ zhiˇ panˊ keˇ suiˊ shiˊ zhuang¯ xieˋ

Detachable document tray, Detachable tray

痛死 tongˋ siˇ

Hurt like hell, Extremely painful

痛死了 tongˋ siˇ le˙

Hurt like hell, Extremely painful

縱使 zongˋ shiˇ

Even if, Even though

粽子 zongˋ ziˇ


34, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 31, 32, 33, 35, 42, 43, 44

共事 gongˋ shiˋ

Work together

共事過 gongˋ shiˋ guoˋ

Worked together

共識 gongˋ shiˋ

Agreement, Consensus

控制 kongˋ zhiˋ

Controls, Controller, Control, Manipulate, Moderate, Dominate

控制中心 kongˋ zhiˋ zhong¯ xin¯

Control center

控制了 kongˋ zhiˋ le˙


控制住 kongˋ zhiˋ zhuˋ

Controlled, Managed

控制台 kongˋ zhiˋ taiˊ

Control panel

控制墊 kongˋ zhiˋ dianˋ

Control pad

控制室 kongˋ zhiˋ shiˋ

Control room

控制物質進出 kongˋ zhiˋ wuˋ zhiˊ jinˋ chu¯

Control the entry and exit of substances

控制資源 kongˋ zhiˋ zi¯ yuanˊ

Control resources, Controls resources, Controlling resources, Controlled resources

控制車頭 kongˋ zhiˋ che¯ touˊ


重視 zhongˋ shiˋ

Value, Consider important, Take seriously, Pay attention to

重視學習經學 zhongˋ shiˋ xueˊ xiˊ jing¯ xueˊ

Attached great importance to the study of the classics

重視的 zhongˋ shiˋ de˙


眾志成城 zhongˋ zhiˋ chengˊ chengˊ

Unite as one


𠄌-糸 : > : > [總]-總是 : > [總]-總是十分有趣 >

口-日 : > : > [是]-總是 : > [是]-總是十分有趣 >

十-十 : > : > [十]-十分 : > [十]-總是十分有趣 >

人-八 : > : > [分]-十分 : > [分]-總是十分有趣 >

十-𠂇 : > : > [有]-有趣 : > [有]-總是十分有趣 >

十-土 : > : > [趣]-有趣 : > [趣]-總是十分有趣 >

總是十分有趣 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 有

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