
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 缺


Missing teeth, Edentulous, Toothless

que¯ yaˊ

缺 que¯
Deficient, Scarce, Lacking, Gap, Breach, Empty, Vacant, Opening, Run Short Of

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Phone , Tone

Words that rhyme with 缺牙 (yue-a)

Grouped by first phone

que, jue, xue, yue

缺乏 que¯ faˊ

Insufficient, Lack of (a lack of)

缺乏一個成分 que¯ faˊ yiˋ ge˙ chengˊ fenˋ

Lack an ingredient, Lacked an ingredient

缺乏值得效法之處 que¯ faˊ zhiˊ deˊ xiaoˋ faˇ zhi¯ chuˇ

Has little worthy of emulating

缺乏的成分 que¯ faˊ de˙ chengˊ fenˋ

Insufficiencies, Missing ingredient, Missing ingredients

卻發現 queˋ fa¯ xianˋ

But discover, But discovered, Then noticed

缺牙 que¯ yaˊ

Missing teeth, Edentulous, Toothless

缺牙的笑容 que¯ yaˊ de˙ xiaoˋ rongˊ

Gap-toothed smile, Gap-toothed smiles

que, jue, xue, yue

倔巴 jueˋ ba¯

Rude, Blunt

覺察 jueˊ chaˊ

Detect, Discover, Realize, Aware, Sense, Sensed

絕大 jueˊ daˋ

Extremely large

絕大多數 jueˊ daˋ duo¯ shuˋ


絕大多數是廢物 jueˊ daˋ duo¯ shuˋ shiˋ feiˋ wuˋ

It was mostly garbage

que, jue, xue, yue

削髮為僧 xueˋ faˇ weiˊ seng¯

Shave head to become a monk

學爬樹 xueˊ paˊ shuˋ

Learning to climb trees

血壓 xueˋ ya¯

Blood pressure

que, jue, xue, yue

越大 yueˋ daˋ


越大越好 yueˋ daˋ yueˋ haoˇ

The bigger the better

約法 yue¯ faˇ

Provisional constitution, Rules and regulations

越發 yueˋ fa¯

More and more

月牙形 yueˋ yaˊ xingˊ

Crescent shape

Grouped in tone pairs

12, 13, 22, 24, 41, 42, 43, 44

缺乏 que¯ faˊ

Insufficient, Lack of (a lack of)

缺乏一個成分 que¯ faˊ yiˋ ge˙ chengˊ fenˋ

Lack an ingredient, Lacked an ingredient

缺乏值得效法之處 que¯ faˊ zhiˊ deˊ xiaoˋ faˇ zhi¯ chuˇ

Has little worthy of emulating

缺乏的成分 que¯ faˊ de˙ chengˊ fenˋ

Insufficiencies, Missing ingredient, Missing ingredients

缺牙 que¯ yaˊ

Missing teeth, Edentulous, Toothless

缺牙的笑容 que¯ yaˊ de˙ xiaoˋ rongˊ

Gap-toothed smile, Gap-toothed smiles

12, 13, 22, 24, 41, 42, 43, 44

約法 yue¯ faˇ

Provisional constitution, Rules and regulations

12, 13, 22, 24, 41, 42, 43, 44

覺察 jueˊ chaˊ

Detect, Discover, Realize, Aware, Sense, Sensed

學爬樹 xueˊ paˊ shuˋ

Learning to climb trees

12, 13, 22, 24, 41, 42, 43, 44

絕大 jueˊ daˋ

Extremely large

絕大多數 jueˊ daˋ duo¯ shuˋ


絕大多數是廢物 jueˊ daˋ duo¯ shuˋ shiˋ feiˋ wuˋ

It was mostly garbage

12, 13, 22, 24, 41, 42, 43, 44

倔巴 jueˋ ba¯

Rude, Blunt

卻發現 queˋ fa¯ xianˋ

But discover, But discovered, Then noticed

血壓 xueˋ ya¯

Blood pressure

越發 yueˋ fa¯

More and more

12, 13, 22, 24, 41, 42, 43, 44

月牙形 yueˋ yaˊ xingˊ

Crescent shape

12, 13, 22, 24, 41, 42, 43, 44

削髮為僧 xueˋ faˇ weiˊ seng¯

Shave head to become a monk

12, 13, 22, 24, 41, 42, 43, 44

越大 yueˋ daˋ


越大越好 yueˋ daˋ yueˋ haoˇ

The bigger the better


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缺牙 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 缺

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