
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 島


Group of islands, Archipelago

qunˊ daoˇ

島 daoˇ

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Phone , Tone

Words that rhyme with 群島 (yun-ao)

Grouped by first phone

qun, jun, xun, yun

群島 qunˊ daoˇ

Group of islands, Archipelago

qun, jun, xun, yun

軍帽 jun¯ maoˋ

Military headwear

qun, jun, xun, yun

尋寶遊戲 xunˊ baoˇ youˊ xiˋ

Scavenger hunt, Treasure hunt

訊號 xunˋ haoˊ

Signal, Communication(s)

訊號接收器 xunˋ haoˊ jie¯ shou¯ qiˋ

Receiver, Communications receiver, Dish (signal receiving device)

訊號發射 xunˋ haoˊ fa¯ sheˋ


訊號發射器 xunˋ haoˊ fa¯ sheˋ qiˋ

Signal transmission device, Transmitter

熏陶 xun¯ taoˊ


尋找 xunˊ zhaoˇ

Looking for, Finding

尋找他的蛛絲馬跡 xunˊ zhaoˇ ta¯ de˙ zhu¯ si¯ maˇ ji¯

Look for signs of him, Looking for signs of him

尋找比較容易到手的現金 xunˊ zhaoˇ biˇ jiaoˋ rongˊ yiˋ daoˋ shouˇ de˙ xianˋ jin¯

Look for cash on easier terms, Looking for an easier way to get cash

qun, jun, xun, yun

耘草 yunˊ caoˇ

Remove weeds, Weed

暈倒 yun¯ daoˇ


運到 yunˋ daoˋ

Transported to, Delivered to, Shipped to

Grouped in tone pairs

23, 12, 13, 14, 42, 44

群島 qunˊ daoˇ

Group of islands, Archipelago

尋寶遊戲 xunˊ baoˇ youˊ xiˋ

Scavenger hunt, Treasure hunt

尋找 xunˊ zhaoˇ

Looking for, Finding

尋找他的蛛絲馬跡 xunˊ zhaoˇ ta¯ de˙ zhu¯ si¯ maˇ ji¯

Look for signs of him, Looking for signs of him

尋找比較容易到手的現金 xunˊ zhaoˇ biˇ jiaoˋ rongˊ yiˋ daoˋ shouˇ de˙ xianˋ jin¯

Look for cash on easier terms, Looking for an easier way to get cash

耘草 yunˊ caoˇ

Remove weeds, Weed

23, 12, 13, 14, 42, 44

熏陶 xun¯ taoˊ


23, 12, 13, 14, 42, 44

暈倒 yun¯ daoˇ


23, 12, 13, 14, 42, 44

軍帽 jun¯ maoˋ

Military headwear

23, 12, 13, 14, 42, 44

訊號 xunˋ haoˊ

Signal, Communication(s)

訊號接收器 xunˋ haoˊ jie¯ shou¯ qiˋ

Receiver, Communications receiver, Dish (signal receiving device)

訊號發射 xunˋ haoˊ fa¯ sheˋ


訊號發射器 xunˋ haoˊ fa¯ sheˋ qiˋ

Signal transmission device, Transmitter

23, 12, 13, 14, 42, 44

運到 yunˋ daoˋ

Transported to, Delivered to, Shipped to


𠃌-尹 : > : > [群]-群島 : > [群]-群島 >

丶-白 : > : > [島]-群島 : > [島]-群島 >

群島 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 島

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