
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 耍


Throw one's weight around, Overbearing, Make a show of one's authority

shuaˇ wei¯ feng¯

耍 shuaˇ
Play, Play Around, Kid Around, Show Off, Juggle, Sport

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Phone , Tone


威風 wei¯ feng¯

Words that rhyme with 耍威風 (wa-wei)

Grouped by first phone

shua, hua

耍威風 shuaˇ wei¯ feng¯

Throw one's weight around, Overbearing, Make a show of one's authority

耍嘴皮子 shuaˇ zuiˇ piˊ zi˙

Brag, Boast, Talk big

shua, hua

花卉 hua¯ huiˋ

Flowering plants

話雖這麼說 huaˋ sui¯ zheˋ me˙ shuo¯

That being said

化為 huaˋ weiˋ

Transform, Turn into

化為了 huaˋ weiˋ le˙

Transformed (into), Turned to

化為了灰燼 huaˋ weiˋ le˙ hui¯ jinˋ

Turned to ashes, Destroyed

化為塵土 huaˋ weiˋ chenˊ tuˇ

Turned to dust

話最好 huaˋ zuiˋ haoˇ

Would be best

Grouped in tone pairs

31, 14, 33, 41, 44

耍威風 shuaˇ wei¯ feng¯

Throw one's weight around, Overbearing, Make a show of one's authority

31, 14, 33, 41, 44

花卉 hua¯ huiˋ

Flowering plants

31, 14, 33, 41, 44

耍嘴皮子 shuaˇ zuiˇ piˊ zi˙

Brag, Boast, Talk big

31, 14, 33, 41, 44

話雖這麼說 huaˋ sui¯ zheˋ me˙ shuo¯

That being said

31, 14, 33, 41, 44

化為 huaˋ weiˋ

Transform, Turn into

化為了 huaˋ weiˋ le˙

Transformed (into), Turned to

化為了灰燼 huaˋ weiˋ le˙ hui¯ jinˋ

Turned to ashes, Destroyed

化為塵土 huaˋ weiˋ chenˊ tuˇ

Turned to dust

話最好 huaˋ zuiˋ haoˇ

Would be best


一-丆 : > : > [耍]-耍威 : > [耍]-耍威風 >

丶-弋 : > : > [威]-威風 : > [威]-耍威風 >

冂-風 : > : > [風]-威風 : > [風]-耍威風 >

耍威風 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 耍

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