
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 胸


Ambitions, Aspirations

xiong¯ yuˇ

胸 xiong¯
Bosom, Heart, Mind, Chest, Thorax

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Phone , Tone

Words that rhyme with 胸宇 (yong-yu)

Grouped by first phone

xiong, yong

胸宇 xiong¯ yuˇ

Ambitions, Aspirations

xiong, yong

用具 yongˋ juˋ


永續號 yongˇ xuˋ haoˋ


勇於 yongˇ yuˊ


用於 yongˋ yuˊ

Used to, Used for

用於得出 yongˋ yuˊ deˊ chu¯

Used to conclude, Used to derive

用於起升的孔 yongˋ yuˊ qiˇ sheng¯ de˙ kongˇ

Holes used for lifting

用於起吊重物的起重機 yongˋ yuˊ qiˇ diaoˋ zhongˋ wuˋ de˙ qiˇ zhongˋ ji¯

Crane used for lifting heavy loads

Grouped in tone pairs

13, 32, 34, 42, 44

胸宇 xiong¯ yuˇ

Ambitions, Aspirations

13, 32, 34, 42, 44

勇於 yongˇ yuˊ


13, 32, 34, 42, 44

永續號 yongˇ xuˋ haoˋ


13, 32, 34, 42, 44

用於 yongˋ yuˊ

Used to, Used for

用於得出 yongˋ yuˊ deˊ chu¯

Used to conclude, Used to derive

用於起升的孔 yongˋ yuˊ qiˇ sheng¯ de˙ kongˇ

Holes used for lifting

用於起吊重物的起重機 yongˋ yuˊ qiˇ diaoˋ zhongˋ wuˋ de˙ qiˇ zhongˋ ji¯

Crane used for lifting heavy loads

13, 32, 34, 42, 44

用具 yongˋ juˋ



冂-月 : > : > [胸]-胸宇 : > [胸]-胸宇 >

丶-宀 : > : > [宇]-胸宇 : > [宇]-胸宇 >

胸宇 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 胸

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