
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 竹


To be ready with a plan in mind

xiong¯ youˇ chengˊ zhuˊ

竹 zhuˊ

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Phone , Tone

Words that rhyme with 胸有成竹 (yong-you)

Grouped by first phone

xiong, yong

胸有成竹 xiong¯ youˇ chengˊ zhuˊ

To be ready with a plan in mind

xiong, yong

永久 yongˇ jiuˇ

Forever, Eternal, Permanent, Permanently

永久刪除 yongˇ jiuˇ shan¯ chuˊ

Permanently deleted

永久籠罩 yongˇ jiuˇ longˊ zhaoˋ

Eternal cloak, Permanent shroud, Everlasting pall

永久籠罩的煤煙 yongˇ jiuˇ longˊ zhaoˋ de˙ meiˊ yan¯

Eternal pall of coal-smoke

用袖子擦了擦裂開的嘴唇 yongˋ xiuˋ ziˇ ca¯ le˙ ca¯ lieˋ kai¯ de˙ zuiˇ chunˊ

Wiping his burst lip with his sleeve, Using her sleeve to wipe her burst lip

擁有 yong¯ youˇ

Possess, Have, Own

擁有任官優勢 yong¯ youˇ renˋ guan¯ you¯ shiˋ

More likely to be appointed, More likely to be appointed as an official

擁有強烈預感的那位先生 yong¯ youˇ qiangˊ lieˋ yuˋ ganˇ de˙ naˋ weiˋ xian¯ sheng¯

He of the powerful premonitions, That gentleman with the strong premonitions

擁有某種東西 yong¯ youˇ mouˇ zhongˇ dong¯ xi¯

Have something, Have a particular something

擁有者 yong¯ youˇ zheˇ


擁有自由 yong¯ youˇ ziˋ youˊ

Sense of freedom

擁有趣味的人生 yong¯ youˇ quˋ weiˋ de˙ renˊ sheng¯

Have interesting lives, Have an interesting life

Grouped in tone pairs

13, 33, 44

胸有成竹 xiong¯ youˇ chengˊ zhuˊ

To be ready with a plan in mind

擁有 yong¯ youˇ

Possess, Have, Own

擁有任官優勢 yong¯ youˇ renˋ guan¯ you¯ shiˋ

More likely to be appointed, More likely to be appointed as an official

擁有強烈預感的那位先生 yong¯ youˇ qiangˊ lieˋ yuˋ ganˇ de˙ naˋ weiˋ xian¯ sheng¯

He of the powerful premonitions, That gentleman with the strong premonitions

擁有某種東西 yong¯ youˇ mouˇ zhongˇ dong¯ xi¯

Have something, Have a particular something

擁有者 yong¯ youˇ zheˇ


擁有自由 yong¯ youˇ ziˋ youˊ

Sense of freedom

擁有趣味的人生 yong¯ youˇ quˋ weiˋ de˙ renˊ sheng¯

Have interesting lives, Have an interesting life

13, 33, 44

永久 yongˇ jiuˇ

Forever, Eternal, Permanent, Permanently

永久刪除 yongˇ jiuˇ shan¯ chuˊ

Permanently deleted

永久籠罩 yongˇ jiuˇ longˊ zhaoˋ

Eternal cloak, Permanent shroud, Everlasting pall

永久籠罩的煤煙 yongˇ jiuˇ longˊ zhaoˋ de˙ meiˊ yan¯

Eternal pall of coal-smoke

13, 33, 44

用袖子擦了擦裂開的嘴唇 yongˋ xiuˋ ziˇ ca¯ le˙ ca¯ lieˋ kai¯ de˙ zuiˇ chunˊ

Wiping his burst lip with his sleeve, Using her sleeve to wipe her burst lip


冂-月 : > : > [胸]-胸有 : > [胸]-胸有成竹 >

十-𠂇 : > : > [有]-有成 : > [有]-胸有成竹 >

丶-弋 : > : > [成]-成竹 : > [成]-胸有成竹 >

丿-竹 : > : > [竹]-成竹 : > [竹]-胸有成竹 >

胸有成竹 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 竹

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