
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 椎


Thoracic Spine, (Cats: Anatomy next)

xiong¯ zhui¯

椎 zhui¯, chuiˊ
Spine, Vertebrae, Hammer, Mallet

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Phone , Tone

Words that rhyme with 胸椎 (yong-wei)

Grouped by first phone

xiong, qiong, yong

雄偉 xiongˊ weiˇ


胸椎 xiong¯ zhui¯

Thoracic Spine

xiong, qiong, yong

窮追不捨 qiongˊ zhui¯ buˋ sheˇ

Pursue relentlessly, Relentless pursuit

xiong, qiong, yong

用圍巾圍住 yongˋ weiˊ jin¯ weiˊ zhuˋ

Wrapped a scarf around

Grouped in tone pairs

11, 21, 23, 42

胸椎 xiong¯ zhui¯

Thoracic Spine

11, 21, 23, 42

窮追不捨 qiongˊ zhui¯ buˋ sheˇ

Pursue relentlessly, Relentless pursuit

11, 21, 23, 42

雄偉 xiongˊ weiˇ


11, 21, 23, 42

用圍巾圍住 yongˋ weiˊ jin¯ weiˊ zhuˋ

Wrapped a scarf around


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十-木 : > : > [椎]-胸椎 : > [椎]-胸椎 >

胸椎 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 椎

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