
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 胸


Thoracic Cavity, Chest cavity, Chest unit, Cavity of the thorax, (Cats: Anatomy next)

xiong¯ qiang¯

胸 xiong¯
Bosom, Heart, Mind, Chest, Thorax

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Phone , Tone

Words that rhyme with 胸腔 (yong-yang)

Grouped by first phone

xiong, yong

胸腔 xiong¯ qiang¯

Thoracic Cavity, Chest cavity, Chest unit, Cavity of the thorax

xiong, yong

用講的 yongˋ jiangˇ de˙

Talk, Talks, Talking, Tell, Tells, Telling, Told, Speak, Speaks, Speaking, Spoken

用講的哪有用 yongˋ jiangˇ de˙ naˇ youˇ yongˋ

What use is talking, What use would talking be, What use would talking have been, How would talking about it have helped

用兩 yongˋ liangˇ

Used two

用兩支這樣 yongˋ liangˇ zhi¯ zheˋ yangˋ

Used two of these

用兩支這樣的臂 yongˋ liangˇ zhi¯ zheˋ yangˋ de˙ biˋ

Used two of these arms

用相同風格 yongˋ xiang¯ tongˊ feng¯ geˊ

Used the same style

Grouped in tone pairs

11, 41, 43

胸腔 xiong¯ qiang¯

Thoracic Cavity, Chest cavity, Chest unit, Cavity of the thorax

11, 41, 43

用相同風格 yongˋ xiang¯ tongˊ feng¯ geˊ

Used the same style

11, 41, 43

用講的 yongˋ jiangˇ de˙

Talk, Talks, Talking, Tell, Tells, Telling, Told, Speak, Speaks, Speaking, Spoken

用講的哪有用 yongˋ jiangˇ de˙ naˇ youˇ yongˋ

What use is talking, What use would talking be, What use would talking have been, How would talking about it have helped

用兩 yongˋ liangˇ

Used two

用兩支這樣 yongˋ liangˇ zhi¯ zheˋ yangˋ

Used two of these

用兩支這樣的臂 yongˋ liangˇ zhi¯ zheˋ yangˋ de˙ biˋ

Used two of these arms


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胸腔 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 胸

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