biˋ, beiˋ
Word Links for words containing 臂 (sorted via character pairs)
把左臂甩過牆頭 Flung his left arm across the wall, Flung her left arm across the wall, Flung their left arm across the wall, Fling your left arm across the wall
他把左臂甩過牆頭 He swung his left arm over the wall
在類似牙醫器材的靈巧機械臂上 On a dexterous robotic arm that was similar to a dentist's tool
架在類似牙醫器材的靈巧機械臂上的機器 A device that was on a nimble robotic arm similar to a dentist's tool
胳臂 Upper arm
揪住他伸出的胳臂 Grabbed his outstretched arm
牢牢抓住他的兩隻胳臂 Grabbed him firmly by the arms
他的胳臂很壯 His arms are strong, His arms were strong
她的胳臂很壯 Her arms are strong, Her arms were strong
手臂 Arm, Arms
雙手臂 Arms, Both arms
一隻手臂 One arm
伸長手臂 Stretched out an arm, Stretch the arms, Reached an arm out
你的手臂 Your arm
妳的手臂 Your arm
枕著手臂 Pillowed on arms
機器手臂 Mechanical arm, Mechanical arms, Manipulator arm, Manipulator arms
機械手臂 Robot arm, Robot arms
粗壯的手臂 Thick arms
鷹式的手臂 Eagle Arms
用他們的手臂 Using their arms
手臂和腿 Arms and legs
他的手臂和腿 His arms and legs
她的手臂和腿 Her arms and legs
手臂肌力 Strengthening the arm muscles
手臂肌肉 Arm Muscles, Muscles of the arm
感覺手臂肌肉 Feel (the) arm muscles
手臂向前伸 Arm reaching forward, Arms reaching forward, Stretch the arm forward, Stretch the arms forward
手臂伸到頭上 Arms stretched overhead
將兩隻手臂伸到 Reach both arms
用他們的手臂努力捕捉 Tried to catch in their arms
手臂向後伸 Arm reaching back, Arms reaching back, Stretch the arm back, Stretch the arms back
把手臂往後舉 Reach the arms back
前臂 Forearm, Forearms
朝前臂 Toward the forearm, Toward his forearm, Toward her forearm
用前臂切他的咽喉 Sliced a forearm into his throat
用前臂切她的咽喉 Slammed a forearm across her throat
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