
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 床



woˋ chuangˊ

床 chuangˊ
Bed, Couch, Chassis, Framework, (牀)

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Phone , Tone

Words that rhyme with 臥床 (wo-wang)

Grouped by first phone

wo, guo, huo, shuo, tuo, zuo

臥床 woˋ chuangˊ


渦狀 wo¯ zhuangˋ

Spiral shape, Spiral shaped

渦狀星系 wo¯ zhuangˋ xing¯ xiˋ

Spiral galaxy

wo, guo, huo, shuo, tuo, zuo

國王 guoˊ wangˊ

King, Sovereign

過往 guoˋ wangˇ

Show up, Shown up, Comings and goings, Social contacts, Visits

過往的故事 guoˋ wangˇ de˙ guˋ shiˋ

Comings and goings, Events, Happenings, Visits

過往雲煙了 guoˋ wangˇ yunˊ yan¯ le˙

A long time ago, A thing of the past

wo, guo, huo, shuo, tuo, zuo

火光照映 huoˇ guang¯ zhaoˋ yingˋ

Firelight, Light of the fire, Light of a fire

wo, guo, huo, shuo, tuo, zuo

說謊 shuo¯ huangˇ

Lie, Tell a lie

說謊話 shuo¯ huangˇ huaˋ

Lie, Tell a lie

wo, guo, huo, shuo, tuo, zuo

拓荒者號 tuoˋ huang¯ zheˇ haoˋ

Pathfinder probe

wo, guo, huo, shuo, tuo, zuo

做廣告 zuoˋ guangˇ gaoˋ


Grouped in tone pairs

42, 13, 14, 22, 31, 41, 43

臥床 woˋ chuangˊ


42, 13, 14, 22, 31, 41, 43

說謊 shuo¯ huangˇ

Lie, Tell a lie

說謊話 shuo¯ huangˇ huaˋ

Lie, Tell a lie

42, 13, 14, 22, 31, 41, 43

渦狀 wo¯ zhuangˋ

Spiral shape, Spiral shaped

渦狀星系 wo¯ zhuangˋ xing¯ xiˋ

Spiral galaxy

42, 13, 14, 22, 31, 41, 43

國王 guoˊ wangˊ

King, Sovereign

42, 13, 14, 22, 31, 41, 43

火光照映 huoˇ guang¯ zhaoˋ yingˋ

Firelight, Light of the fire, Light of a fire

42, 13, 14, 22, 31, 41, 43

拓荒者號 tuoˋ huang¯ zheˇ haoˋ

Pathfinder probe

42, 13, 14, 22, 31, 41, 43

過往 guoˋ wangˇ

Show up, Shown up, Comings and goings, Social contacts, Visits

過往的故事 guoˋ wangˇ de˙ guˋ shiˋ

Comings and goings, Events, Happenings, Visits

過往雲煙了 guoˋ wangˇ yunˊ yan¯ le˙

A long time ago, A thing of the past

做廣告 zuoˋ guangˇ gaoˋ



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臥床 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 床

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