Flower, Blossom, Fancy Pattern, Spend
Word Links for words containing 花 (sorted via character pairs)
花園 Garden, Gardens, Flower garden, Flower gardens
做花園 Flower gardening, Gardening
熊貓花園 Panda garden
保留做花園 Reserved for gardens, Reserved for gardening
屋頂和花園 Roof and garden, Roofs and gardens
在花園裡 In the garden
在花園裡做事 Work in the garden, Worked in the garden, Was working in the garden, Labored in the garden
花開 The flowers are blooming
花開了 The flowers are blooming
花開的時候 When the flowers bloom, When the flowers are blooming
花了 Spent
卻只花了 Just only spend
花了不少時間 Spent a lot of time
花了一下午打蠟 Spent an afternoon waxing
他花了八十年才成功 It took him eighty years to do it, It took him eighty years to succeed
她花了八十年才成功 It took her eighty years to do it, It took her eighty years to accomplish
要花多少時間 How long will it take, How much time will it take, How much time will need to be spent
花生 Peanut, Peanuts
採花生 Pick peanuts
一大籃的花生 A big basket of peanuts
花生田 Peanut field, Peanut farm
花生醬 Peanut Butter
這片花生田 This peanut field
花生農夫 Peanut farmer
花生醬三明治 Peanut Butter Sandwich
半個花生醬三明治 Half A Peanut Butter Sandwich
花很多時間 Spend a lot of time, Spends a lot of time
沒有花很長的時間 It didn't take too long, Don't take too long
還是花很多時間上健身房 Still spent a lot of time at the gym
不希望你花自己的錢 Don't want you to spend your own money, Didn't want you to spend your own money
在花傘下躲雨 Take cover under the foliage to avoid the rain, Use flowers like an umbrella to escape the rain
花錢 Uneconomical, Waste money, Spend money wastefully
零花錢 Pocket money
花錢在不需要的東西上 Spending money on things that weren't needed
天花板 Ceiling
天花板上懸 Hang from the ceiling, Hangs from the ceiling, Hanging from the ceiling, Hung from the ceiling
天花板上懸著 Hang from the ceiling, Hangs from the ceiling, Hanging from the ceiling, Hung from the ceiling
掛到天花板上 Hang from the ceiling
花枝 Flowering Branch, Squid Ring
涼拌花枝 Squid Ring Salad
辣炒花枝 Spicy Fried Squid Rings
花枝招展 Like a flowering branch attracting attention
花樣 Pattern, Style, Model
碎形花樣 Fractal pattern
配以同花樣 Paired with a matching
認出布上的花樣 Recognized the patterns on the cloth
形成激烈的碎形花樣 Form a turbulent fractal bloom, Forming a turbulent self-replicating pattern, Formed a violent chaotically self-similar blossom
花樹 Blossoming tree
被佛化為花樹 Transformed into a tree by the Buddha
半蓮花樹式 Half Lotus Tree Pose, Ardha Baddha Padma Vrksasana
花在 Spend on, Spent on
把所有的錢花在 Spend all of their money on
把時間都花在了工作 Work all the time, Spend all available time working
野花 Wild flower, Wild flowers
小野花 Tiny wild flower
一朵朵小野花 Bunches of tiny wild flowers, Tiny wild flowers
像一朵朵小野花 Like tiny wildflowers
看起來都像一朵朵小野花 They all look like tiny wildflowers, All looking like tiny wildflowers, They all looked like tiny wildflowers
眼花 Blurred vision, Tired eyes
已經眼花 Eyes are now too blurry to see properly, Eyes can now barely see
水花 Spray, Foam, Froth, Flower blooming in water
水花四濺 Splashed in all directions, Splashed from all directions
得花 Needs to spend, Requires
加滿得花 To fill up requires
得花上好幾個星期 It would take weeks
他覺得花錢在不需要的東西上是毫無意義的事 He thinks it's pointless spending money on things she doesn't need, He thought it was pointless spending money on things he didn't need, He didn't see the point in spending money on things she didn't need
她覺得花錢在不需要的東西上是毫無意義的事 She thinks it's pointless spending money on things she doesn't need, She thought it was pointless spending money on things she didn't need, She didn't see the point in spending money on things she didn't need
黃楊木的花 Boxwood
大朵大朵的花 Huge flower, Huge flowers
很多種類的花 Many kinds of flowers
朵朵盛開的花 Blossoming flowers
火花 Spark
一小團火花 A little spark
製造出一小團火花 Create a spark, Creating a spark
努力讓火花燃燒成火焰 Trying to build the spark into a flame, Tried to build the spark into a flame
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