
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 式


Hero Pose, Virasana, (Cats: Exercise-Yoga next)

ying¯ xiongˊ shiˋ

式 shiˋ
Form, Type, Style, System, Pattern, Posture, Pose

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Phone , Tone


英雄 ying¯ xiongˊ

Words that rhyme with 英雄式 (ying-yong)

Grouped by first phone

ying, bing, jing, ting

英雄 ying¯ xiongˊ


英雄式 ying¯ xiongˊ shiˋ

Hero Pose, Virasana

英勇 ying¯ yongˇ

Brave, Courageous, Valiant, Heroic

英勇地 ying¯ yongˇ de˙

Heroic, Brave

應用 ying¯ yongˋ

Use, Application, Application of

應用到 ying¯ yongˋ daoˋ


應用到別處 ying¯ yongˋ daoˋ bieˊ chuˇ

Used elsewhere

ying, bing, jing, ting

並用 bingˋ yongˋ

Use together

ying, bing, jing, ting

警用 jingˇ yongˋ

Police issue

ying, bing, jing, ting

挺胸 tingˇ xiong¯

Open (and lift) chest

Grouped in tone pairs

12, 13, 14, 31, 34, 44

英雄 ying¯ xiongˊ


英雄式 ying¯ xiongˊ shiˋ

Hero Pose, Virasana

12, 13, 14, 31, 34, 44

英勇 ying¯ yongˇ

Brave, Courageous, Valiant, Heroic

英勇地 ying¯ yongˇ de˙

Heroic, Brave

12, 13, 14, 31, 34, 44

應用 ying¯ yongˋ

Use, Application, Application of

應用到 ying¯ yongˋ daoˋ


應用到別處 ying¯ yongˋ daoˋ bieˊ chuˇ

Used elsewhere

12, 13, 14, 31, 34, 44

挺胸 tingˇ xiong¯

Open (and lift) chest

12, 13, 14, 31, 34, 44

警用 jingˇ yongˋ

Police issue

12, 13, 14, 31, 34, 44

並用 bingˋ yongˋ

Use together


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英雄式 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 式

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