
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 蘊



yunˋ hanˊ

蘊 yunˋ
Collect, Gather, Bring Together, Store, Deep, Profound, Meaningful, Sultry, Exuberant

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Phone , Tone

Words that rhyme with 蘊涵 (yun-an)

Grouped by first phone

yun, xun

蘊涵 yunˋ hanˊ


雲南 yunˊ nanˊ

Yunnan province

雲南大薄片 yunˊ nanˊ daˋ boˊ pianˋ

Sliced Pork Head Skin

雲散射出的光 yunˊ sanˋ sheˋ chu¯ de˙ guang¯

Cloud scattered light

yun, xun

馴悍記 xunˊ hanˋ jiˋ

Taming of the Shrew

Grouped in tone pairs

42, 22, 24

蘊涵 yunˋ hanˊ


42, 22, 24

雲南 yunˊ nanˊ

Yunnan province

雲南大薄片 yunˊ nanˊ daˋ boˊ pianˋ

Sliced Pork Head Skin

42, 22, 24

馴悍記 xunˊ hanˋ jiˋ

Taming of the Shrew

雲散射出的光 yunˊ sanˋ sheˋ chu¯ de˙ guang¯

Cloud scattered light


人-艹 : > : > [蘊]-蘊涵 : > [蘊]-蘊涵 >

丶-氵 : > : > [涵]-蘊涵 : > [涵]-蘊涵 >

蘊涵 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 蘊

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