
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 境


One's circumstances, One's situation, Circumstances, Situation

chuˇ jingˋ

境 jingˋ
Boundary, Border, Frontier, Limits, Area, Region

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Phone , Tone

Words that rhyme with 處境 (wu-ying)

Grouped by first phone

chu, bu, cu, du, fu, gu, hu, lu, mu, pu, ru, shu, su, tu, wu, zhu, zu

出兵 chu¯ bing¯

Dispatch troops, Dispatched troops

出境 chu¯ jingˋ

Exit, Leave, Depart, Departure

處境 chuˇ jingˋ

One's circumstances, One's situation, Circumstances, Situation

出名 chu¯ mingˊ

Famous, Become famous

出行 chu¯ xingˊ


雛型 chuˊ xingˊ


chu, bu, cu, du, fu, gu, hu, lu, mu, pu, ru, shu, su, tu, wu, zhu, zu

不定 buˊ dingˋ


不定向 buˊ dingˋ xiangˋ

Non-directional, Undirected, Without a direction

不定式的 buˊ dingˋ shiˋ de˙

Verb Infinitive

不經意 buˋ jing¯ yiˋ


不驚擾到 buˋ jing¯ raoˇ daoˋ

Not disturb, Not startle

不景氣 buˋ jingˇ qiˋ

Not prosperous, Unprosperous, Not good (for making money)

布景 buˋ jingˇ

Set for a motion picture or play

布景設計師 buˋ jingˇ sheˋ jiˋ shi¯

Set designer

不令人愉快 buˊ lingˋ renˊ yuˊ kuaiˋ


不名譽 buˋ mingˊ yuˋ

Dishonour, Disgrace, Disrepute

不明 buˋ mingˊ

Unexpected, Unknown

不明白 buˋ mingˊ baiˊ

Didn't know, Didn't understand

不平 buˋ pingˊ

Uneven, Not level

不平整 buˋ pingˊ zhengˇ

Rough, Uneven

不平滑 buˋ pingˊ huaˊ

Uneven, Rough

不清楚 buˋ qing¯ chuˇ

Unclear, Not understood, Uncertainty

不聽使喚 buˊ tingˋ shiˇ huanˋ

Acting up, Not responding, Non-responsive

不停 buˋ tingˊ

Continuous, Endlessly, Unceasing, Non-stop, Don't stop, Not stop, Ever

不停地 buˋ tingˊ de˙


不停搏動 buˋ tingˊ boˊ dongˋ

Pulsing, Beating

不停留太久 buˋ tingˊ liuˊ taiˋ jiuˇ

Not staying for too long, Not stopping for too long

不停的 buˋ tingˊ de˙

Non-stop(ping), Doesn't stop

不停轉動 buˋ tingˊ zhuanˇ dongˋ

Always turning, Always rotating, Ever spinning

不幸 buˊ xingˋ

Unfortunate, Unlucky

不幸地 buˊ xingˋ de˙

Unfortunately, Lamentably

不幸的是 buˊ xingˋ de˙ shiˋ


不行 buˋ xingˊ

Can't, Unable to, Not allowed, No, Nope

不行告訴我爸媽 buˋ xingˊ gaoˋ suˋ woˇ baˋ ma¯

Don't tell my parents

步行 buˋ xingˊ


步行到那裡 buˋ xingˊ daoˋ naˋ liˇ

Getting there, Walking there, Getting there on foot

不應 buˋ ying¯

Should not

不應該 buˋ ying¯ gai¯

Should not, Should not have

不應該影響到 buˋ ying¯ gai¯ yingˇ xiangˇ daoˋ

Should not affect

chu, bu, cu, du, fu, gu, hu, lu, mu, pu, ru, shu, su, tu, wu, zhu, zu

粗硬 cu¯ yingˋ


chu, bu, cu, du, fu, gu, hu, lu, mu, pu, ru, shu, su, tu, wu, zhu, zu

賭命 duˇ mingˋ

Gamble, Bet

毒性 duˊ xingˋ

Poisonous nature, Toxic, Toxicity

chu, bu, cu, du, fu, gu, hu, lu, mu, pu, ru, shu, su, tu, wu, zhu, zu

浮萍 fuˊ pingˊ

Duckweed, Water lens, Type of floating plant

撫平 fuˇ pingˊ

Smoothed flat

負平方根 fuˋ pingˊ fang¯ gen¯

Negative square root

付清 fuˋ qing¯

Payment, Pay of, Complete payment

服刑 fuˊ xingˊ

Serve time in prison, Serve time behind bars, Serve time as a prisoner

復興 fuˋ xing¯

Revival, Return to prosperity, Renaissance, Revive, Restore

服膺 fuˊ ying¯

Bear an idea or principle in mind so that it can be applied in practice

chu, bu, cu, du, fu, gu, hu, lu, mu, pu, ru, shu, su, tu, wu, zhu, zu

固定 guˋ dingˋ

Fixed in place, Secured (by)

固定住 guˋ dingˋ zhuˋ

Fixed in place, Secured (by)

固定周長 guˋ dingˋ zhou¯ changˊ

Perimeter with a fixed length, Fixed length perimeter, Constant perimeter

固定的地方 guˋ dingˋ de˙ diˋ fang¯

Fixed location

固定的工作 guˋ dingˋ de˙ gong¯ zuoˋ

Regular work, A stable job

固定的質量 guˋ dingˋ de˙ zhiˊ liangˋ

Fixed mass

孤伶伶 gu¯ lingˊ lingˊ

Lone, Lonely, Solitary

孤伶伶的屋子 gu¯ lingˊ lingˊ de˙ wu¯ zi˙

Lone house, Lone houses, Lonely house, Lonely houses

孤零零 gu¯ lingˊ lingˊ


沽名釣譽 gu¯ mingˊ diaoˋ yuˋ

Fishing for fame

故名 guˋ mingˊ

Hence the name

孤挺花 gu¯ tingˇ hua¯


chu, bu, cu, du, fu, gu, hu, lu, mu, pu, ru, shu, su, tu, wu, zhu, zu

弧形 huˊ xingˊ


弧形揮轉一圈 huˊ xingˊ hui¯ zhuanˇ yiˋ quan¯

Swing around in an arc

弧形環 huˊ xingˊ huanˊ

Curved around, Curved round, Curving around

呼應 hu¯ yingˋ


chu, bu, cu, du, fu, gu, hu, lu, mu, pu, ru, shu, su, tu, wu, zhu, zu

路徑 luˋ jingˋ

Road, Route, Path

路徑交錯 luˋ jingˋ jiao¯ cuoˋ

Crossed paths

露營 luˋ yingˊ

Camp, Go camping

露營車 luˋ yingˊ che¯

Camper van, Camper

錄影 luˋ yingˇ

Recording, Video recording, Video

錄影機 luˋ yingˇ ji¯

VCR, Video player

chu, bu, cu, du, fu, gu, hu, lu, mu, pu, ru, shu, su, tu, wu, zhu, zu

目鏡 muˋ jingˋ

Eye piece, Ocular element

木星 muˋ xing¯


chu, bu, cu, du, fu, gu, hu, lu, mu, pu, ru, shu, su, tu, wu, zhu, zu

鋪平 pu¯ pingˊ

Spread evenly

chu, bu, cu, du, fu, gu, hu, lu, mu, pu, ru, shu, su, tu, wu, zhu, zu

入境 ruˋ jingˋ

Local tourism, Tourism

入境旅遊協會 ruˋ jingˋ luuˇ youˊ xieˊ huiˋ

Tourism and Travel Association

入境的 ruˋ jingˋ de˙


chu, bu, cu, du, fu, gu, hu, lu, mu, pu, ru, shu, su, tu, wu, zhu, zu

殊病 shu¯ bingˋ

Medical history

薯餅 shuˇ bingˇ

Potato Cake, Hashbrown

樹齡上千年的樟樹 shuˋ lingˊ shangˋ qian¯ nianˊ de˙ zhang¯ shuˋ

Camphor trees that are over a thousand years old

書名號 shu¯ mingˊ haoˋ

Book name designator

抒情 shu¯ qingˊ

Lyric, Lyrical

抒情詩 shu¯ qingˊ shi¯

Lyrical poem, Lyrical poetry

屬性 shuˇ xingˋ

An attribute

數星期前 shuˋ xing¯ qiˊ qianˊ

Weeks ago, Weeks before

數星期後 shuˋ xing¯ qiˊ houˋ

Weeks later, After a few weeks

疏影 shu¯ yingˇ

Sparse shadows

chu, bu, cu, du, fu, gu, hu, lu, mu, pu, ru, shu, su, tu, wu, zhu, zu

肅清 suˋ qing¯

Eliminate, Wipe out, Cold and quiet

甦醒 su¯ xingˇ

Wake up, Wakes up, Waking up, Woke up

蘇醒 su¯ xingˇ


夙興 suˋ xing¯

Rise early

chu, bu, cu, du, fu, gu, hu, lu, mu, pu, ru, shu, su, tu, wu, zhu, zu

途徑 tuˊ jingˋ


圖形 tuˊ xingˊ

Image, Picture, Graphic

圖形電腦 tuˊ xingˊ dianˋ naoˇ

Graphical computer

土星 tuˇ xing¯


禿鷹 tu¯ ying¯

Vulture, Buzzard, Vultures, Buzzards

chu, bu, cu, du, fu, gu, hu, lu, mu, pu, ru, shu, su, tu, wu, zhu, zu

屋頂 wu¯ dingˇ

Roof, Roofs

屋頂和花園 wu¯ dingˇ hanˋ hua¯ yuanˊ

Roof and garden, Roofs and gardens

無精打采 wuˊ jing¯ daˇ caiˇ


物鏡 wuˋ jingˋ

Objective lens, Object lens

無名 wuˊ mingˊ

Nameless, Unknown, Innominate

無名指 wuˊ mingˊ zhiˇ

Ring finger (nameless finger)

無名的 wuˊ mingˊ de˙

Nameless, Anonymous

無名骨 wuˊ mingˊ guˇ

Hip Bone, Innominate Bone, Nameless Bone

五名 wuˇ mingˊ

Five (people)

無情 wuˊ qingˊ

Cruel, Heartless, Devoid of emotion, Relentless, Inevitable

無情無義 wuˊ qingˊ wuˊ yiˋ


舞廳 wuˇ ting¯

Dance hall

無形 wuˊ xingˊ

Without leaving a trace, Invisible

無形中 wuˊ xingˊ zhong¯


五星級 wuˇ xing¯ jiˊ

Five star

兀鷹 wuˋ ying¯


chu, bu, cu, du, fu, gu, hu, lu, mu, pu, ru, shu, su, tu, wu, zhu, zu

注定 zhuˋ dingˋ

Destined, Preordained, Fated, Doomed

屬令 zhuˇ lingˋ

Instruct, Direct, Tell

著名 zhuˋ mingˊ

Famous, Renown

著名的 zhuˋ mingˊ de˙

Famous, Renown

著名的美食 zhuˋ mingˊ de˙ meiˇ shiˊ

Famous cuisine

註明 zhuˋ mingˊ

Indicate, Show, Specify

chu, bu, cu, du, fu, gu, hu, lu, mu, pu, ru, shu, su, tu, wu, zhu, zu

族名 zuˊ mingˊ

Tribe name, Clan name

Grouped in tone pairs

34, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 24, 31, 32, 33, 41, 42, 43, 44

處境 chuˇ jingˋ

One's circumstances, One's situation, Circumstances, Situation

賭命 duˇ mingˋ

Gamble, Bet

屬性 shuˇ xingˋ

An attribute

屬令 zhuˇ lingˋ

Instruct, Direct, Tell

34, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 24, 31, 32, 33, 41, 42, 43, 44

出兵 chu¯ bing¯

Dispatch troops, Dispatched troops

禿鷹 tu¯ ying¯

Vulture, Buzzard, Vultures, Buzzards

34, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 24, 31, 32, 33, 41, 42, 43, 44

出名 chu¯ mingˊ

Famous, Become famous

出行 chu¯ xingˊ


孤伶伶 gu¯ lingˊ lingˊ

Lone, Lonely, Solitary

孤伶伶的屋子 gu¯ lingˊ lingˊ de˙ wu¯ zi˙

Lone house, Lone houses, Lonely house, Lonely houses

孤零零 gu¯ lingˊ lingˊ


沽名釣譽 gu¯ mingˊ diaoˋ yuˋ

Fishing for fame

鋪平 pu¯ pingˊ

Spread evenly

書名號 shu¯ mingˊ haoˋ

Book name designator

抒情 shu¯ qingˊ

Lyric, Lyrical

抒情詩 shu¯ qingˊ shi¯

Lyrical poem, Lyrical poetry

34, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 24, 31, 32, 33, 41, 42, 43, 44

孤挺花 gu¯ tingˇ hua¯


疏影 shu¯ yingˇ

Sparse shadows

甦醒 su¯ xingˇ

Wake up, Wakes up, Waking up, Woke up

蘇醒 su¯ xingˇ


屋頂 wu¯ dingˇ

Roof, Roofs

屋頂和花園 wu¯ dingˇ hanˋ hua¯ yuanˊ

Roof and garden, Roofs and gardens

34, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 24, 31, 32, 33, 41, 42, 43, 44

出境 chu¯ jingˋ

Exit, Leave, Depart, Departure

粗硬 cu¯ yingˋ


呼應 hu¯ yingˋ


殊病 shu¯ bingˋ

Medical history

34, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 24, 31, 32, 33, 41, 42, 43, 44

服膺 fuˊ ying¯

Bear an idea or principle in mind so that it can be applied in practice

無精打采 wuˊ jing¯ daˇ caiˇ


34, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 24, 31, 32, 33, 41, 42, 43, 44

雛型 chuˊ xingˊ


浮萍 fuˊ pingˊ

Duckweed, Water lens, Type of floating plant

服刑 fuˊ xingˊ

Serve time in prison, Serve time behind bars, Serve time as a prisoner

弧形 huˊ xingˊ


弧形揮轉一圈 huˊ xingˊ hui¯ zhuanˇ yiˋ quan¯

Swing around in an arc

弧形環 huˊ xingˊ huanˊ

Curved around, Curved round, Curving around

圖形 tuˊ xingˊ

Image, Picture, Graphic

圖形電腦 tuˊ xingˊ dianˋ naoˇ

Graphical computer

無名 wuˊ mingˊ

Nameless, Unknown, Innominate

無名指 wuˊ mingˊ zhiˇ

Ring finger (nameless finger)

無名的 wuˊ mingˊ de˙

Nameless, Anonymous

無名骨 wuˊ mingˊ guˇ

Hip Bone, Innominate Bone, Nameless Bone

無情 wuˊ qingˊ

Cruel, Heartless, Devoid of emotion, Relentless, Inevitable

無情無義 wuˊ qingˊ wuˊ yiˋ


無形 wuˊ xingˊ

Without leaving a trace, Invisible

無形中 wuˊ xingˊ zhong¯


族名 zuˊ mingˊ

Tribe name, Clan name

34, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 24, 31, 32, 33, 41, 42, 43, 44

不定 buˊ dingˋ


不定向 buˊ dingˋ xiangˋ

Non-directional, Undirected, Without a direction

不定式的 buˊ dingˋ shiˋ de˙

Verb Infinitive

不令人愉快 buˊ lingˋ renˊ yuˊ kuaiˋ


不聽使喚 buˊ tingˋ shiˇ huanˋ

Acting up, Not responding, Non-responsive

不幸 buˊ xingˋ

Unfortunate, Unlucky

不幸地 buˊ xingˋ de˙

Unfortunately, Lamentably

不幸的是 buˊ xingˋ de˙ shiˋ


毒性 duˊ xingˋ

Poisonous nature, Toxic, Toxicity

途徑 tuˊ jingˋ


34, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 24, 31, 32, 33, 41, 42, 43, 44

土星 tuˇ xing¯


舞廳 wuˇ ting¯

Dance hall

五星級 wuˇ xing¯ jiˊ

Five star

34, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 24, 31, 32, 33, 41, 42, 43, 44

撫平 fuˇ pingˊ

Smoothed flat

五名 wuˇ mingˊ

Five (people)

34, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 24, 31, 32, 33, 41, 42, 43, 44

薯餅 shuˇ bingˇ

Potato Cake, Hashbrown

34, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 24, 31, 32, 33, 41, 42, 43, 44

不經意 buˋ jing¯ yiˋ


不驚擾到 buˋ jing¯ raoˇ daoˋ

Not disturb, Not startle

不清楚 buˋ qing¯ chuˇ

Unclear, Not understood, Uncertainty

不應 buˋ ying¯

Should not

不應該 buˋ ying¯ gai¯

Should not, Should not have

不應該影響到 buˋ ying¯ gai¯ yingˇ xiangˇ daoˋ

Should not affect

付清 fuˋ qing¯

Payment, Pay of, Complete payment

復興 fuˋ xing¯

Revival, Return to prosperity, Renaissance, Revive, Restore

木星 muˋ xing¯


數星期前 shuˋ xing¯ qiˊ qianˊ

Weeks ago, Weeks before

數星期後 shuˋ xing¯ qiˊ houˋ

Weeks later, After a few weeks

肅清 suˋ qing¯

Eliminate, Wipe out, Cold and quiet

夙興 suˋ xing¯

Rise early

兀鷹 wuˋ ying¯


34, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 24, 31, 32, 33, 41, 42, 43, 44

不名譽 buˋ mingˊ yuˋ

Dishonour, Disgrace, Disrepute

不明 buˋ mingˊ

Unexpected, Unknown

不明白 buˋ mingˊ baiˊ

Didn't know, Didn't understand

不平 buˋ pingˊ

Uneven, Not level

不平整 buˋ pingˊ zhengˇ

Rough, Uneven

不平滑 buˋ pingˊ huaˊ

Uneven, Rough

不停 buˋ tingˊ

Continuous, Endlessly, Unceasing, Non-stop, Don't stop, Not stop, Ever

不停地 buˋ tingˊ de˙


不停搏動 buˋ tingˊ boˊ dongˋ

Pulsing, Beating

不停留太久 buˋ tingˊ liuˊ taiˋ jiuˇ

Not staying for too long, Not stopping for too long

不停的 buˋ tingˊ de˙

Non-stop(ping), Doesn't stop

不停轉動 buˋ tingˊ zhuanˇ dongˋ

Always turning, Always rotating, Ever spinning

不行 buˋ xingˊ

Can't, Unable to, Not allowed, No, Nope

不行告訴我爸媽 buˋ xingˊ gaoˋ suˋ woˇ baˋ ma¯

Don't tell my parents

步行 buˋ xingˊ


步行到那裡 buˋ xingˊ daoˋ naˋ liˇ

Getting there, Walking there, Getting there on foot

負平方根 fuˋ pingˊ fang¯ gen¯

Negative square root

故名 guˋ mingˊ

Hence the name

露營 luˋ yingˊ

Camp, Go camping

露營車 luˋ yingˊ che¯

Camper van, Camper

樹齡上千年的樟樹 shuˋ lingˊ shangˋ qian¯ nianˊ de˙ zhang¯ shuˋ

Camphor trees that are over a thousand years old

著名 zhuˋ mingˊ

Famous, Renown

著名的 zhuˋ mingˊ de˙

Famous, Renown

著名的美食 zhuˋ mingˊ de˙ meiˇ shiˊ

Famous cuisine

註明 zhuˋ mingˊ

Indicate, Show, Specify

34, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 24, 31, 32, 33, 41, 42, 43, 44

不景氣 buˋ jingˇ qiˋ

Not prosperous, Unprosperous, Not good (for making money)

布景 buˋ jingˇ

Set for a motion picture or play

布景設計師 buˋ jingˇ sheˋ jiˋ shi¯

Set designer

錄影 luˋ yingˇ

Recording, Video recording, Video

錄影機 luˋ yingˇ ji¯

VCR, Video player

34, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 24, 31, 32, 33, 41, 42, 43, 44

固定 guˋ dingˋ

Fixed in place, Secured (by)

固定住 guˋ dingˋ zhuˋ

Fixed in place, Secured (by)

固定周長 guˋ dingˋ zhou¯ changˊ

Perimeter with a fixed length, Fixed length perimeter, Constant perimeter

固定的地方 guˋ dingˋ de˙ diˋ fang¯

Fixed location

固定的工作 guˋ dingˋ de˙ gong¯ zuoˋ

Regular work, A stable job

固定的質量 guˋ dingˋ de˙ zhiˊ liangˋ

Fixed mass

路徑 luˋ jingˋ

Road, Route, Path

路徑交錯 luˋ jingˋ jiao¯ cuoˋ

Crossed paths

目鏡 muˋ jingˋ

Eye piece, Ocular element

入境 ruˋ jingˋ

Local tourism, Tourism

入境旅遊協會 ruˋ jingˋ luuˇ youˊ xieˊ huiˋ

Tourism and Travel Association

入境的 ruˋ jingˋ de˙


物鏡 wuˋ jingˋ

Objective lens, Object lens

注定 zhuˋ dingˋ

Destined, Preordained, Fated, Doomed


丨-虍 : > : > [處]-處境 : > [處]-處境 >

十-土 : > : > [境]-處境 : > [境]-處境 >

處境 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 境

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