
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 管


Veins, Vascular, Blood Vessels, (Cats: Anatomy next)

xueˋ guanˇ

管 guanˇ
Control, Manage, Run, Regulate, Be In Charge Of, Key, Look After, Heed, Pay attention to, Provide, Guarantee, Pipe, Straw, Tube, Wind instrument

(hide char details)

Phone , Tone

Words that rhyme with 血管 (yue-wan)

Grouped by first phone

xue, que, yue

血管 xueˋ guanˇ

Veins, Vascular, Blood Vessels

血栓 xueˋ shuan¯


學完 xueˊ wanˊ

Finish studying

學完本章後 xueˊ wanˊ benˇ zhang¯ houˋ

After studying this chapter

xue, que, yue

卻晚了一步 queˋ wanˇ le˙ yiˊ buˋ

But (are) too late

xue, que, yue

樂團 yueˋ tuanˊ

Philharmonic orchestra, Philharmonic society

Grouped in tone pairs

43, 22, 41, 42

卻晚了一步 queˋ wanˇ le˙ yiˊ buˋ

But (are) too late

血管 xueˋ guanˇ

Veins, Vascular, Blood Vessels

43, 22, 41, 42

學完 xueˊ wanˊ

Finish studying

學完本章後 xueˊ wanˊ benˇ zhang¯ houˋ

After studying this chapter

43, 22, 41, 42

血栓 xueˋ shuan¯


43, 22, 41, 42

樂團 yueˋ tuanˊ

Philharmonic orchestra, Philharmonic society


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血管 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 管

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