Basic necessities of life
yi¯ shiˊ zhuˋ hangˊ
行 xingˊ, xingˋ, hangˊ
Take action, Act, Go, Do, Work, Able, Capable, Ready, Walk, Travel, Road, Path, Baggage, Current, Prevailing, Publish, (Xing4), Conduct, Behaviour, (Hang2), Generation, Row, Line, Array, Series, Sequence, Profession, Trade, Business, Rank And File Of The Military, Financial Market, MW For Objects Arranged In Lines
Grouped by first phone
yi, bi, di, ji, li, mi, ni, pi, qi, ti, xi
一呎長 yi¯ chiˇ changˊ
A foot long
一池清涼乾淨活水 yiˋ chiˊ qing¯ liangˊ gan¯ jingˋ huoˊ shuiˇ
Cool and clear pond of fresh water
依此定罪 yi¯ ciˇ dingˋ zuiˋ
Find guilty, Convict, Convicted
一次 yi¯ ciˋ
A, One, Single
一次一微形塊 yi¯ ciˋ yiˋ weiˊ xingˊ kuaiˋ
One microscopic chunk at a time
一次又一次 yi¯ ciˋ youˋ yi¯ ciˋ
Again and again, Repeatedly
一次多項式 yi¯ ciˋ duo¯ xiangˋ shiˋ
First-order polynomial, First-degree polynomial
一次式乘積 yi¯ ciˋ shiˋ chengˊ ji¯
First-order product, First degree product
一次性 yi¯ ciˋ xingˋ
Disposable, Single use
一次次的 yi¯ ciˋ ciˋ de˙
Again and again, Constant
一次項係數 yi¯ ciˋ xiangˋ xiˋ shuˋ
First order (linear) coefficient
一次項係數為 yi¯ ciˋ xiangˋ xiˋ shuˋ weiˋ
The first order (linear) coefficient is
依次 yi¯ ciˋ
In proper order, Sequentially, Successively
一次項 yiˊ ciˋ xiangˋ
First order term
以此 yiˇ ciˇ
The thing is, For this reason
一日 yiˊ riˋ
The first
翌日 yiˋ riˋ
醫師 yi¯ shi¯
Physician, Surgeon
衣食住行 yi¯ shiˊ zhuˋ hangˊ
Basic necessities of life
遺失 yiˊ shi¯
Lost, Misplaced
遺失過 yiˊ shi¯ guoˋ
Had lost, Had misplaced
一世 yiˊ shiˋ
An era, An age, A lifetime
一事無成 yiˊ shiˋ wuˊ chengˊ
Get nothing done
一視同仁 yiˊ shiˋ tongˊ renˊ
Treat everyone the same, Treat everyone equally
儀式 yiˊ shiˋ
Ceremony, Rite, Ritual
乙式 yiˇ shiˋ
Second type
以示 yiˇ shiˋ
To show
一時 yiˋ shiˊ
For a moment, A period of time, Accidentally
一時衝動 yiˋ shiˊ chong¯ dongˋ
On an impulse
一石三鳥 yiˋ shiˊ san¯ niaoˇ
Kill three birds with one stone
一石二鳥 yiˋ shiˊ erˋ niaoˇ
Kill Two Birds With One Stone
意識 yiˋ shiˋ
意識到 yiˋ shiˋ daoˋ
Realizes, Realized
意識到自己在做這件事 yiˋ shiˋ daoˋ ziˋ jiˇ zaiˋ zuoˋ zheˋ jianˋ shiˋ
Realized what they were doing
意識清醒 yiˋ shiˋ qing¯ xingˇ
議室 yiˋ shiˋ
Interview room
伊斯坦堡 yi¯ si¯ tanˇ baoˇ
伊斯坦布爾 yi¯ si¯ tanˇ buˋ erˇ
伊斯蘭教 yi¯ si¯ lanˊ jiaoˋ
疑似 yiˊ siˋ
Suspect, Suspected
以死要挾 yiˇ siˇ yao¯ xieˊ
The threat of death, Threatened with death
已死 yiˇ siˇ
Was dead, Was already dead
一絲 yiˋ si¯
A trace, A hint
一絲不掛 yiˋ si¯ buˊ guaˋ
Naked, Bare, Nude, Not wearing any clothing
一絲懷疑 yiˋ si¯ huaiˊ yiˊ
Harbor a thread of doubt
一絲頭髮 yiˋ si¯ touˊ faˇ
A hair, A strand of hair
意思 yiˋ si¯
Idea, Meaning, Implication
意思一樣 yiˋ si¯ yiˊ yangˋ
The same meaning
依指示 yi¯ zhiˇ shiˋ
Follow directions, Act according to instructions
移植 yiˊ zhiˊ
Transplant, Graft
遺址 yiˊ zhiˇ
一致 yiˊ zhiˋ
Unanimous, Unanimously
已知 yiˇ zhi¯
Know that, Knew, Knew how, Knew how to
以至 yiˇ zhiˋ
Until, Up to, So that
以至於 yiˇ zhiˋ yuˊ
So that
以致 yiˇ zhiˋ
So that
已治療 yiˇ zhiˋ liaoˊ
Already treated, Already taken care of (i.e. treated cavities)
一支 yiˋ zhi¯
A (e.g. an antennae or other long and slender object)
一支天線 yiˋ zhi¯ tian¯ xianˋ
An antennae
一支小傘 yiˋ zhi¯ xiaoˇ sanˇ
A little tiny umbrella
一支手錶 yiˋ zhi¯ shouˇ biaoˇ
A watch
一支蜡燭 yiˋ zhi¯ laˋ zhuˊ
A candle
一支鋼筆 yiˋ zhi¯ gang¯ biˇ
A fountain pen
一知半解 yiˋ zhi¯ banˋ jieˇ
Only partially comprehend, A smattering of understanding, Partially understand
一隻 yiˋ zhi¯
One, A (e.g. a hand), An (e.g. an animal), A (e.g. a beast or creature)
一隻兔子 yiˋ zhi¯ tuˋ zi˙
A rabbit
一隻公雞 yiˋ zhi¯ gong¯ ji¯
One rooster, One cock
一隻大黑鳥 yiˋ zhi¯ daˋ hei¯ niaoˇ
A big black bird
一隻孔雀 yiˋ zhi¯ kongˇ queˋ
A peacock
一隻小毛毛蟲 yiˋ zhi¯ xiaoˇ maoˊ maoˊ chongˊ
A caterpillar
一隻小海豹 yiˋ zhi¯ xiaoˇ haiˇ baoˋ
A seal, One seal
一隻戴著手套的拳頭 yiˋ zhi¯ daiˋ zhe˙ shouˇ taoˋ de˙ quanˊ touˊ
A gloved fist
一隻手 yiˋ zhi¯ shouˇ
One hand, A hand
一隻手肘 yiˋ zhi¯ shouˇ zhouˇ
An elbow
一隻手肘撞進他的胸口 yiˋ zhi¯ shouˇ zhouˇ zhuangˋ jinˋ ta¯ de˙ xiong¯ kouˇ
An elbow crashed into his chest
一隻手肘撞進她的胸口 yiˋ zhi¯ shouˇ zhouˇ zhuangˋ jinˋ ta¯ de˙ xiong¯ kouˇ
An elbow crashed into her chest
一隻手臂 yiˋ zhi¯ shouˇ biˋ
One arm
一隻眼睛 yiˋ zhi¯ yanˇ jing¯
一隻老鼠 yiˋ zhi¯ laoˇ shuˇ
One mouse, A mouse
一隻腳 yiˋ zhi¯ jiaoˇ
A Foot, foot
一隻腳踢中他的小腿 yiˋ zhi¯ jiaoˇ ti¯ zhong¯ ta¯ de˙ xiaoˇ tuiˇ
A foot kicked his lower leg
一隻腳踢中她的小腿 yiˋ zhi¯ jiaoˇ ti¯ zhong¯ ta¯ de˙ xiaoˇ tuiˇ
A foot kicked her lower leg
一隻蜘蛛 yiˋ zhi¯ zhi¯ zhu¯
A spider
一隻蜜蜂 yiˋ zhi¯ miˋ feng¯
A honeybee
一隻蜜蜂嗡嗡尋花蜜 yiˋ zhi¯ miˋ feng¯ weng¯ weng¯ xunˊ hua¯ miˋ
A honeybee buzzing around looking for nectar
一隻蝴蝶 yiˋ zhi¯ huˊ dieˊ
A butterfly
一隻蟬 yiˋ zhi¯ chanˊ
A Cicada
一隻隻 yiˋ zhi¯ zhi¯
One by one
一隻鱷魚 yiˋ zhi¯ eˋ yuˊ
An alligator
一隻鳥 yiˋ zhi¯ niaoˇ
A bird
一隻麒麟 yiˋ zhi¯ qiˊ linˊ
A unicorn
義肢 yiˋ zhi¯
Fake foot, Fake limb
一直 yiˋ zhiˊ
Straight, Always, All the way, Constantly, Been, Straight ahead, Go straight ahead
一直企圖 yiˋ zhiˊ qiˋ tuˊ
Constantly trying, Constantly been trying
一直到熱水用盡 yiˋ zhiˊ daoˋ reˋ shuiˇ yongˋ jinˋ
Until the hot water ran out, Till the hot water was used up
一直到週末 yiˋ zhiˊ daoˋ zhou¯ moˋ
Up to the weekend
一直在困擾情我 yiˋ zhiˊ zaiˋ kunˋ raoˇ qingˊ woˇ
Has always puzzle me, Constantly perplexes me
一直在工作 yiˋ zhiˊ zaiˋ gong¯ zuoˋ
Work continuously, Worked continuously
一直在海底 yiˋ zhiˊ zaiˋ haiˇ diˇ
Always under the sea, Been on the bottom of the ocean
一直在講話 yiˋ zhiˊ zaiˋ jiangˇ huaˋ
Been talking
一直在進步 yiˋ zhiˊ zaiˋ jinˋ buˋ
Always progressing, Always improving
一直太忙了 yiˋ zhiˊ taiˋ mangˊ le˙
Have been so busy
一直往前走吧 yiˋ zhiˊ wangˇ qianˊ zouˇ ba¯
Go straight ahead
一直抱怨 yiˋ zhiˊ baoˋ yuanˋ
一直持續增強 yiˋ zhiˊ chiˊ xuˋ zeng¯ qiangˊ
Keeps getting stronger
一直擺在原地 yiˋ zhiˊ baiˇ zaiˋ yuanˊ diˋ
Remained in place
一直期待 yiˋ zhiˊ qiˊ daiˋ
Been waiting, Been wondering
一直看到 yiˋ zhiˊ kanˋ daoˋ
Kept watching until, Continued to watch until, Watched until
一直站在窗邊 yiˋ zhiˊ zhanˋ zaiˋ chuang¯ bian¯
Been standing by the window, Standing at the window
一直覺得 yiˋ zhiˊ jueˊ de˙
Felt, Believed, Thought that
一直走下台階 yiˋ zhiˊ zouˇ xiaˋ taiˊ jie¯
Go all the way down the stairs
一直通過 yiˋ zhiˊ tong¯ guoˋ
Has been using
一直都在 yiˋ zhiˊ dou¯ zaiˋ
Was there, Was always there
一直都是如此 yiˋ zhiˊ dou¯ shiˋ ruˊ ciˇ
It had always been this way.
一直預期 yiˋ zhiˊ yuˋ qiˊ
Been expecting
意指 yiˋ zhiˇ
Meant, Meaning, Intent, Intention, Wish, Will
意旨 yiˋ zhiˇ
Meant, Meaning, Intent, Intention, Wish, Will
意志 yiˋ zhiˋ
Volition, Will power
意志力 yiˋ zhiˋ liˋ
抑制 yiˋ zhiˋ
Repress, Restrain, Control
抑制劑 yiˋ zhiˋ jiˋ
Negative catalyst
抑制激情 yiˋ zhiˋ ji¯ qingˊ
Curb one's passions
一字一字慢慢說 yiˊ ziˋ yiˊ ziˋ manˋ manˋ shuo¯
Speak slowly, Speaks slowly, Speaking slowly, Spoke slowly
一字一字說得很慢 yiˊ ziˋ yiˊ ziˋ shuo¯ de˙ henˇ manˋ
Spoke slowly
一字排開 yiˊ ziˋ paiˊ kai¯
Line up, Lined up, Arrayed, Arranged
以自己的動力 yiˇ ziˋ jiˇ de˙ dongˋ liˋ
Under its own power
椅子 yiˇ zi˙
Chair, Chairs
yi, bi, di, ji, li, mi, ni, pi, qi, ti, xi
彼此 biˇ ciˇ
Each other, You and me, That and this
彼此對吼 biˇ ciˇ duiˋ houˇ
Shout at each other
彼此對吼一陣 biˇ ciˇ duiˋ houˇ yiˊ zhenˋ
Shout at each other for awhile
彼此的 biˇ ciˇ de˙
Each other's
彼此重疊 biˇ ciˇ chongˊ dieˊ
Overlap each other
比試 biˇ shiˋ
筆試 biˇ shiˋ
Written test, Written examination
鄙視 biˇ shiˋ
壁式支架 biˋ shiˋ zhi¯ jiaˋ
Wall bracket, Wall mount
畢氏定理 biˋ shiˋ dingˋ liˇ
Pythagorean Theorem
比值 biˇ zhiˊ
筆直 biˇ zhiˊ
Straight, Perfectly straight
筆直向上 biˇ zhiˊ xiangˋ shangˋ
Straight up, Straight upwards
幣值 biˋ zhiˊ
鼻子尖 biˊ ziˇ jian¯
Pointy nosed, Long nosed
鼻子 biˊ zi˙
鼻子被打斷了 biˊ zi˙ beiˋ daˇ duanˋ le˙
Broken nose
yi, bi, di, ji, li, mi, ni, pi, qi, ti, xi
第十 diˋ shiˊ
第十二年 diˋ shiˊ erˋ nianˊ
Year 12
第十八 diˋ shiˊ ba¯
地勢 diˋ shiˋ
Topography, Terrain
第四年 diˋ siˋ nianˊ
Fourth year
第四段 diˋ siˋ duanˋ
Section 4
第四章 diˋ siˋ zhang¯
Chapter four
低脂 di¯ zhi¯
Low fat
低脂牛奶 di¯ zhi¯ niuˊ naiˇ
Low Fat Milk
抵制 diˇ zhiˋ
Resist, Boycott
地支 diˋ zhi¯
Earthly branch, Earthly branches
地質 diˋ zhiˊ
地址 diˋ zhiˇ
帝制 diˋ zhiˋ
帝制中國 diˋ zhiˋ zhong¯ guoˊ
Imperial China
笛子 diˊ zi˙
底子 diˇ ziˇ
弟子 diˋ ziˇ
yi, bi, di, ji, li, mi, ni, pi, qi, ti, xi
激刺 ji¯ ciˋ
Goad, Excite, Stimulate
幾次 jiˇ ciˋ
A few times
幾次後 jiˇ ciˋ houˋ
After a few times
即日 jiˊ riˋ
Same day, Immediately, As soon as possible, At once
即日起至 jiˊ riˋ qiˇ zhiˋ
From now until, Starting from now until, Good until...
機師 ji¯ shi¯
基石 ji¯ shiˊ
Building block, Building blocks
即時 jiˊ shiˊ
Instantly, Immediately, At once, Just-in-time
即時顯示 jiˊ shiˊ xianˇ shiˋ
Live View
即時顯示拍攝 jiˊ shiˊ xianˇ shiˋ pai¯ sheˋ
Live view shooting (picture taking)
及時 jiˊ shiˊ
Timely, Promptly
及時聯繫 jiˊ shiˊ lianˊ xiˋ
Promptly get in touch with
及時阻止了 jiˊ shiˊ zuˇ zhiˇ le˙
Stopped, Prevented
及時阻止了自己 jiˊ shiˊ zuˇ zhiˇ le˙ ziˋ jiˇ
Stopped themselves
即使 jiˊ shiˇ
Despite, Even if, Even though
即使如此 jiˊ shiˇ ruˊ ciˇ
That's all, That's why
即使是一點點 jiˊ shiˇ shiˋ yiˋ dianˇ dianˇ
Even a little
即使是一點點都 jiˊ shiˇ shiˋ yiˋ dianˇ dianˇ dou¯
Even a little
即使是好友 jiˊ shiˇ shiˋ haoˇ youˇ
Even a close friend
即使時間是清晨四點 jiˊ shiˇ shiˊ jian¯ shiˋ qing¯ chenˊ siˋ dianˇ
Even though it was only four in the morning
即使有事 jiˊ shiˇ youˇ shiˋ
Even if something has happened
即使沒人在旁邊觀看 jiˊ shiˇ meiˊ renˊ zaiˋ pangˊ bian¯ guan¯ kanˋ
Even if there was no one there to see
即使這麼多年後 jiˊ shiˇ zheˋ me˙ duo¯ nianˊ houˋ
Even after all this time, Even after all these years
急事 jiˊ shiˋ
Urgent matter
幾十 jiˇ shiˊ
幾十億 jiˇ shiˊ yiˋ
幾十年 jiˇ shiˊ nianˊ
A few decades
幾十年來 jiˇ shiˊ nianˊ laiˊ
For decades
幾十萬 jiˇ shiˊ wanˋ
Few hundred thousand, Several hundred thousand
幾十萬畝 jiˇ shiˊ wanˋ muˇ
Few hundred thousand acres
紀實 jiˋ shiˊ
計時 jiˋ shiˊ
計時器 jiˋ shiˊ qiˋ
計時器核彈 jiˋ shiˊ qiˋ heˊ danˋ
Timer equipped Nuclear bomb
記事 jiˋ shiˋ
Record events, Make a record of events
記事本 jiˋ shiˋ benˇ
Note book
祭司 jiˋ si¯
Priest, Priests
祭司們 jiˋ si¯ men˙
祭祀 jiˋ siˋ
Offer sacrifice
機制 ji¯ zhiˋ
機智 ji¯ zhiˋ
幾隻 jiˇ zhi¯
A few, Some
幾隻恐龍寶寶 jiˇ zhi¯ kongˇ longˊ baoˇ baoˇ
A few baby dinosaurs
技置 jiˋ zhiˋ
Technology, Device, Devices
集資 jiˊ zi¯
Raise funds
yi, bi, di, ji, li, mi, ni, pi, qi, ti, xi
麗池 liˋ chiˊ
離日落大道只有一街之遙 liˊ riˋ luoˋ daˋ daoˋ zhiˇ youˇ yiˋ jie¯ zhi¯ yaoˊ
One block from Sunset Boulevard
犁式 liˊ shiˋ
Plough Pose, Halasana
離世 liˊ shiˋ
理事 liˇ shiˋ
Administer, Manage, Administrator, Board directors
理事長 liˇ shiˋ zhangˇ
Board chairman, Chairman of the board
歷時 liˋ shiˊ
Duration, Time to complete, Time taken
歷時十秒完成 liˋ shiˊ shiˊ miaoˇ wanˊ chengˊ
Took all of ten seconds, Took about ten seconds to finish
歷史 liˋ shiˇ
History, Story
歷史事件 liˋ shiˇ shiˋ jianˋ
Historic event, Historical event, Historical events
歷史人物 liˋ shiˇ renˊ wuˋ
Historical figure, Historical figures
歷史分期 liˋ shiˇ fen¯ qiˊ
Historical period, Historical periods
歷史是什麼 liˋ shiˇ shiˋ shenˊ me˙
What is history?
歷史時代 liˋ shiˇ shiˊ daiˋ
Historical era
歷史的 liˋ shiˇ de˙
Histories, Historical
歷史紀錄 liˋ shiˇ jiˋ luˋ
Historic record, Historical record
歷史舊城 liˋ shiˇ jiuˋ chengˊ
Historic old cities, Old cities
歷史解釋 liˋ shiˇ jieˇ shiˋ
Historical explanation, Historical interpretation
歷史課 liˋ shiˇ keˋ
History lesson, History class
歷史資料 liˋ shiˇ zi¯ liaoˋ
Historical data
力士 liˋ shiˋ
Strong man, Muscleman
離職 liˊ zhiˊ
理直氣壯 liˇ zhiˊ qiˋ zhuangˋ
理智 liˇ zhiˋ
勵志 liˋ zhiˋ
立志 liˋ zhiˋ
Aspire to be, Aspired to be, Aspiring to be, Aspire to become, Want to be, Wanted to be, Wanting to be
離子引擎 liˊ ziˇ yinˇ qingˊ
Ion engine
離子 liˊ zi˙
例子 liˋ ziˇ
Example, Instance, For instance
粒子 liˋ ziˇ
粒子加速器 liˋ ziˇ jia¯ suˋ qiˋ
Particle accelerator
yi, bi, di, ji, li, mi, ni, pi, qi, ti, xi
迷失 miˊ shi¯
Get lost
迷失自我 miˊ shi¯ ziˋ woˇ
Lose one's self
覓食 miˋ shiˊ
Foraging, Looking for food
迷思診療 miˊ si¯ zhenˇ liaoˊ
Mystery clinic
迷死人了 miˊ siˇ renˊ le˙
Awesome, Amazing, Ravishing
yi, bi, di, ji, li, mi, ni, pi, qi, ti, xi
你遲到了 niˇ chiˊ daoˋ le˙
You are late
你遲早會習慣的 niˇ chiˊ zaoˇ huiˋ xiˊ guanˋ de˙
You'll get used to it, You'll get used to it sooner or later
她遲到了 niˇ chiˊ daoˋ le˙
You are late
妳遲早會習慣的 niˇ chiˊ zaoˇ huiˋ xiˊ guanˋ de˙
You'll get used to it, You'll get used to it sooner or later
尼日利亞 niˊ riˋ liˋ yaˋ
尼日爾 niˊ riˋ erˇ
你是 niˇ shiˋ
You are
你是一名記者嗎 niˇ shiˋ yiˋ mingˊ jiˋ zheˇ ma˙
Are you a reporter
你是位 niˇ shiˋ weiˋ
You are a/an
你是位警察巡官 niˇ shiˋ weiˋ jingˇ chaˊ xunˊ guan¯
You are a police inspector
你是個聰明人 niˇ shiˋ ge˙ cong¯ mingˊ renˊ
You are a clever person, You are a smart individual, You are an intelligent person
你是否 niˇ shiˋ fouˇ
Whether or not you
你是在告訴我 niˇ shiˋ zaiˋ gaoˋ suˋ woˇ
You are telling me, Are you telling me
你是武裝的 niˇ shiˋ wuˇ zhuang¯ de˙
You are armed, You are packing
你是第一個跟她聯絡的 niˇ shiˋ diˋ yi¯ ge˙ gen¯ ta¯ lianˊ luoˋ de˙
You're the first to contact her, You're the first to get back to her
你是覺得他會到這裡來嗎 niˇ shiˋ jueˊ de˙ ta¯ huiˋ daoˋ zheˋ liˇ laiˊ ma˙
Do you think he will come here?
你是覺得她會到這裡來嗎 niˇ shiˋ jueˊ de˙ ta¯ huiˋ daoˋ zheˋ liˇ laiˊ ma˙
Do you think she will come here?
你是說 niˇ shiˋ shuo¯
You are saying, You mean
你知不知道你惹到了誰 niˇ zhi¯ buˋ zhi¯ daoˋ niˇ reˇ daoˋ le˙ sheiˊ
Do you know who you messed with?, You don't know who you messed with do you?
你知道 niˇ zhi¯ daoˋ
You know, Do you know, You understand
你知道我在講什麼嗎 niˇ zhi¯ daoˋ woˇ zaiˋ jiangˇ shenˊ me˙ ma˙
Are you getting all of this?, Do you understand what I am saying?
你知道我的意思 niˇ zhi¯ daoˋ woˇ de˙ yiˋ si¯
You know what I mean.
妳知不知道妳惹到了誰 niˇ zhi¯ buˋ zhi¯ daoˋ niˇ reˇ daoˋ le˙ sheiˊ
Do you know who you messed with?, You don't know who you messed with do you?
你只是不確定嗎 niˇ zhiˇ shiˋ buˊ queˋ dingˋ ma˙
You're just not sure?
你只是個小孩子 niˇ zhiˇ shiˋ ge˙ xiaoˇ haiˊ ziˇ
You're just a child, You're just a kid
你只需要 niˇ zhiˇ xu¯ yaoˋ
All you needed
妳只是個小孩子 niˇ zhiˇ shiˋ ge˙ xiaoˇ haiˊ ziˇ
You're just a child, You're just a kid
你自己 niˇ ziˋ jiˇ
Your self
你自己看 niˇ ziˋ jiˇ kanˋ
Take a look, Take a look for yourself, Look
妳自己看 niˇ ziˋ jiˇ kanˋ
Take a look, Take a look for yourself, Look
膩子 niˋ ziˇ
Putty, Repair putty, Customer who lingers or sticks around overly long
yi, bi, di, ji, li, mi, ni, pi, qi, ti, xi
其次 qiˊ ciˋ
Secondly, Next, Besides
其次數為 qiˊ ciˋ shuˋ weiˋ
Its degree is
七十 qi¯ shiˊ
Seventy, 70
七十歲 qi¯ shiˊ suiˋ
Seventy years old
其實 qiˊ shiˊ
Really, Actually, In fact, As a matter of fact
其實也不算少 qiˊ shiˊ yeˇ buˊ suanˋ shaoˇ
Was actually quite a lot
其實就只是 qiˊ shiˊ jiuˋ zhiˇ shiˋ
Actually just, Is actually just, Is in fact just (a)
其實很簡單 qiˊ shiˊ henˇ jianˇ dan¯
Is actually very simple, Is in fact quite simple
其實是少了兩個 qiˊ shiˊ shiˋ shaoˇ le˙ liangˇ ge˙
It is two things that are missing actually, In fact it is two things that are lacking
歧視 qiˊ shiˋ
Discriminate, Discrimination
騎士 qiˊ shiˋ
啟事 qiˇ shiˋ
Announcement, Notice
啟示 qiˇ shiˋ
Inspired, Enlightened, Inspiration, Revelation, Enlightenment
起事 qiˇ shiˋ
Rise in revolt
起勢 qiˇ shiˋ
Beginning (Or Opening)
起士 qiˇ shiˋ
氣勢 qiˋ shiˋ
Imposing, Vehemence, Fervor
緝私 qi¯ si¯
Anti-smuggling, Arrest smugglers
起司 qiˇ si¯
起司漢堡 qiˇ si¯ hanˋ baoˇ
起司片 qiˇ si¯ pianˋ
Sliced Cheese, Slice Of Cheese, Cheese Slices
起司蛋糕 qiˇ si¯ danˋ gao¯
Cheese cake
起死回生 qiˇ siˇ huiˊ sheng¯
Come back to life, Came back to life, Brought back to life
起死回生了 qiˇ siˇ huiˊ sheng¯ le˙
Come back to life, Came back to life, Brought back to life
氣死 qiˋ siˇ
Angry, Pissed off
氣死了 qiˋ siˇ le˙
Angry, Pissed off
旗幟 qiˊ zhiˋ
Banner, Flag
棄置 qiˋ zhiˋ
Discard, Dispose off, Abandon, Banish
氣質 qiˋ zhiˋ
妻子 qi¯ ziˇ
Wife, Wives
妻子和年幼的兒子 qi¯ ziˇ hanˋ nianˊ youˋ de˙ erˊ ziˇ
Wife and young son
其子弟 qiˊ ziˇ diˋ
Their children, Their sons
棋子 qiˊ ziˇ
旗子 qiˊ zi˙
yi, bi, di, ji, li, mi, ni, pi, qi, ti, xi
提示 tiˊ shiˋ
Reminder, Pointers, Points, Prompt, Clue, Cue, Hint, Tips
提示音 tiˊ shiˋ yin¯
Beeper, Beep, Beeping sound
體式 tiˇ shiˋ
Exercise, Posture, Form, Position
體脂肪 tiˇ zhi¯ fangˊ
Body fat
體質 tiˇ zhiˊ
Body type
體制 tiˇ zhiˋ
梯子 ti¯ zi˙
Ladder, Step ladder
題字 tiˊ ziˋ
替自己 tiˋ ziˋ jiˇ
For one's self
yi, bi, di, ji, li, mi, ni, pi, qi, ti, xi
昔日 xi¯ riˋ
Former, Old
昔日的 xi¯ riˋ de˙
Former, Old
吸食 xi¯ shiˊ
Absorbed (as sustenance), Sucked dry
吸食完畢 xi¯ shiˊ wanˊ biˋ
Totally absorbed
西式 xi¯ shiˋ
Western Style
喜事 xiˇ shiˋ
希斯克利夫 xi¯ si¯ keˋ liˋ fu¯
希指 xi¯ zhiˇ
Obsequious, Cater to the wishes of ones superiors
希旨 xi¯ zhiˇ
Cater to the wishes of ones superiors
洗紙牌 xiˇ zhiˇ paiˊ
Shuffle cards, Card shuffling
細枝 xiˋ zhi¯
Twig, Small twig
細枝條 xiˋ zhi¯ tiaoˊ
Slender strips of wood
細緻 xiˋ zhiˋ
Delicate, Subtle, Fine, Detailed, Refined, Careful, Cautious
細緻的 xiˋ zhiˋ de˙
Meticulous, Fine
習字帖 xiˊ ziˋ tieˇ
Copy book for learning calligraphy
Grouped in tone pairs
12, 11, 13, 14, 15, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 41, 42, 43, 44
基石 ji¯ shiˊ
Building block, Building blocks
七十 qi¯ shiˊ
Seventy, 70
七十歲 qi¯ shiˊ suiˋ
Seventy years old
吸食 xi¯ shiˊ
Absorbed (as sustenance), Sucked dry
吸食完畢 xi¯ shiˊ wanˊ biˋ
Totally absorbed
衣食住行 yi¯ shiˊ zhuˋ hangˊ
Basic necessities of life
12, 11, 13, 14, 15, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 41, 42, 43, 44
低脂 di¯ zhi¯
Low fat
低脂牛奶 di¯ zhi¯ niuˊ naiˇ
Low Fat Milk
機師 ji¯ shi¯
緝私 qi¯ si¯
Anti-smuggling, Arrest smugglers
希斯克利夫 xi¯ si¯ keˋ liˋ fu¯
醫師 yi¯ shi¯
Physician, Surgeon
伊斯坦堡 yi¯ si¯ tanˇ baoˇ
伊斯坦布爾 yi¯ si¯ tanˇ buˋ erˇ
伊斯蘭教 yi¯ si¯ lanˊ jiaoˋ
12, 11, 13, 14, 15, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 41, 42, 43, 44
坯子 pi¯ ziˇ
Unglazed pottery
妻子 qi¯ ziˇ
Wife, Wives
妻子和年幼的兒子 qi¯ ziˇ hanˋ nianˊ youˋ de˙ erˊ ziˇ
Wife and young son
希指 xi¯ zhiˇ
Obsequious, Cater to the wishes of ones superiors
希旨 xi¯ zhiˇ
Cater to the wishes of ones superiors
一呎長 yi¯ chiˇ changˊ
A foot long
依此定罪 yi¯ ciˇ dingˋ zuiˋ
Find guilty, Convict, Convicted
依指示 yi¯ zhiˇ shiˋ
Follow directions, Act according to instructions
12, 11, 13, 14, 15, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 41, 42, 43, 44
激刺 ji¯ ciˋ
Goad, Excite, Stimulate
機制 ji¯ zhiˋ
機智 ji¯ zhiˋ
昔日 xi¯ riˋ
Former, Old
昔日的 xi¯ riˋ de˙
Former, Old
西式 xi¯ shiˋ
Western Style
一次 yi¯ ciˋ
A, One, Single
一次一微形塊 yi¯ ciˋ yiˋ weiˊ xingˊ kuaiˋ
One microscopic chunk at a time
一次又一次 yi¯ ciˋ youˋ yi¯ ciˋ
Again and again, Repeatedly
一次多項式 yi¯ ciˋ duo¯ xiangˋ shiˋ
First-order polynomial, First-degree polynomial
一次式乘積 yi¯ ciˋ shiˋ chengˊ ji¯
First-order product, First degree product
一次性 yi¯ ciˋ xingˋ
Disposable, Single use
一次次的 yi¯ ciˋ ciˋ de˙
Again and again, Constant
一次項係數 yi¯ ciˋ xiangˋ xiˋ shuˋ
First order (linear) coefficient
一次項係數為 yi¯ ciˋ xiangˋ xiˋ shuˋ weiˋ
The first order (linear) coefficient is
依次 yi¯ ciˋ
In proper order, Sequentially, Successively
12, 11, 13, 14, 15, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 41, 42, 43, 44
梯子 ti¯ zi˙
Ladder, Step ladder
12, 11, 13, 14, 15, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 41, 42, 43, 44
集資 jiˊ zi¯
Raise funds
迷失 miˊ shi¯
Get lost
迷失自我 miˊ shi¯ ziˋ woˇ
Lose one's self
迷思診療 miˊ si¯ zhenˇ liaoˊ
Mystery clinic
皮斯卡波 piˊ si¯ kaˇ bo¯
遺失 yiˊ shi¯
Lost, Misplaced
遺失過 yiˊ shi¯ guoˋ
Had lost, Had misplaced
12, 11, 13, 14, 15, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 41, 42, 43, 44
即時 jiˊ shiˊ
Instantly, Immediately, At once, Just-in-time
即時顯示 jiˊ shiˊ xianˇ shiˋ
Live View
即時顯示拍攝 jiˊ shiˊ xianˇ shiˋ pai¯ sheˋ
Live view shooting (picture taking)
及時 jiˊ shiˊ
Timely, Promptly
及時聯繫 jiˊ shiˊ lianˊ xiˋ
Promptly get in touch with
及時阻止了 jiˊ shiˊ zuˇ zhiˇ le˙
Stopped, Prevented
及時阻止了自己 jiˊ shiˊ zuˇ zhiˇ le˙ ziˋ jiˇ
Stopped themselves
離職 liˊ zhiˊ
其實 qiˊ shiˊ
Really, Actually, In fact, As a matter of fact
其實也不算少 qiˊ shiˊ yeˇ buˊ suanˋ shaoˇ
Was actually quite a lot
其實就只是 qiˊ shiˊ jiuˋ zhiˇ shiˋ
Actually just, Is actually just, Is in fact just (a)
其實很簡單 qiˊ shiˊ henˇ jianˇ dan¯
Is actually very simple, Is in fact quite simple
其實是少了兩個 qiˊ shiˊ shiˋ shaoˇ le˙ liangˇ ge˙
It is two things that are missing actually, In fact it is two things that are lacking
移植 yiˊ zhiˊ
Transplant, Graft
12, 11, 13, 14, 15, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 41, 42, 43, 44
鼻子尖 biˊ ziˇ jian¯
Pointy nosed, Long nosed
即使 jiˊ shiˇ
Despite, Even if, Even though
即使如此 jiˊ shiˇ ruˊ ciˇ
That's all, That's why
即使是一點點 jiˊ shiˇ shiˋ yiˋ dianˇ dianˇ
Even a little
即使是一點點都 jiˊ shiˇ shiˋ yiˋ dianˇ dianˇ dou¯
Even a little
即使是好友 jiˊ shiˇ shiˋ haoˇ youˇ
Even a close friend
即使時間是清晨四點 jiˊ shiˇ shiˊ jian¯ shiˋ qing¯ chenˊ siˋ dianˇ
Even though it was only four in the morning
即使有事 jiˊ shiˇ youˇ shiˋ
Even if something has happened
即使沒人在旁邊觀看 jiˊ shiˇ meiˊ renˊ zaiˋ pangˊ bian¯ guan¯ kanˋ
Even if there was no one there to see
即使這麼多年後 jiˊ shiˇ zheˋ me˙ duo¯ nianˊ houˋ
Even after all this time, Even after all these years
離子引擎 liˊ ziˇ yinˇ qingˊ
Ion engine
迷死人了 miˊ siˇ renˊ le˙
Awesome, Amazing, Ravishing
其子弟 qiˊ ziˇ diˋ
Their children, Their sons
棋子 qiˊ ziˇ
遺址 yiˊ zhiˇ
12, 11, 13, 14, 15, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 41, 42, 43, 44
即日 jiˊ riˋ
Same day, Immediately, As soon as possible, At once
即日起至 jiˊ riˋ qiˇ zhiˋ
From now until, Starting from now until, Good until...
急事 jiˊ shiˋ
Urgent matter
離日落大道只有一街之遙 liˊ riˋ luoˋ daˋ daoˋ zhiˇ youˇ yiˋ jie¯ zhi¯ yaoˊ
One block from Sunset Boulevard
犁式 liˊ shiˋ
Plough Pose, Halasana
離世 liˊ shiˋ
尼日利亞 niˊ riˋ liˋ yaˋ
尼日爾 niˊ riˋ erˇ
其次 qiˊ ciˋ
Secondly, Next, Besides
其次數為 qiˊ ciˋ shuˋ weiˋ
Its degree is
歧視 qiˊ shiˋ
Discriminate, Discrimination
騎士 qiˊ shiˋ
旗幟 qiˊ zhiˋ
Banner, Flag
提示 tiˊ shiˋ
Reminder, Pointers, Points, Prompt, Clue, Cue, Hint, Tips
提示音 tiˊ shiˋ yin¯
Beeper, Beep, Beeping sound
題字 tiˊ ziˋ
習字帖 xiˊ ziˋ tieˇ
Copy book for learning calligraphy
一次項 yiˊ ciˋ xiangˋ
First order term
一日 yiˊ riˋ
The first
一世 yiˊ shiˋ
An era, An age, A lifetime
一事無成 yiˊ shiˋ wuˊ chengˊ
Get nothing done
一視同仁 yiˊ shiˋ tongˊ renˊ
Treat everyone the same, Treat everyone equally
儀式 yiˊ shiˋ
Ceremony, Rite, Ritual
疑似 yiˊ siˋ
Suspect, Suspected
一致 yiˊ zhiˋ
Unanimous, Unanimously
一字一字慢慢說 yiˊ ziˋ yiˊ ziˋ manˋ manˋ shuo¯
Speak slowly, Speaks slowly, Speaking slowly, Spoke slowly
一字一字說得很慢 yiˊ ziˋ yiˊ ziˋ shuo¯ de˙ henˇ manˋ
Spoke slowly
一字排開 yiˊ ziˋ paiˊ kai¯
Line up, Lined up, Arrayed, Arranged
12, 11, 13, 14, 15, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 41, 42, 43, 44
鼻子 biˊ zi˙
鼻子被打斷了 biˊ zi˙ beiˋ daˇ duanˋ le˙
Broken nose
笛子 diˊ zi˙
離子 liˊ zi˙
旗子 qiˊ zi˙
12, 11, 13, 14, 15, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 41, 42, 43, 44
幾隻 jiˇ zhi¯
A few, Some
幾隻恐龍寶寶 jiˇ zhi¯ kongˇ longˊ baoˇ baoˇ
A few baby dinosaurs
你知不知道你惹到了誰 niˇ zhi¯ buˋ zhi¯ daoˋ niˇ reˇ daoˋ le˙ sheiˊ
Do you know who you messed with?, You don't know who you messed with do you?
你知道 niˇ zhi¯ daoˋ
You know, Do you know, You understand
你知道我在講什麼嗎 niˇ zhi¯ daoˋ woˇ zaiˋ jiangˇ shenˊ me˙ ma˙
Are you getting all of this?, Do you understand what I am saying?
你知道我的意思 niˇ zhi¯ daoˋ woˇ de˙ yiˋ si¯
You know what I mean.
妳知不知道妳惹到了誰 niˇ zhi¯ buˋ zhi¯ daoˋ niˇ reˇ daoˋ le˙ sheiˊ
Do you know who you messed with?, You don't know who you messed with do you?
起司 qiˇ si¯
起司漢堡 qiˇ si¯ hanˋ baoˇ
起司片 qiˇ si¯ pianˋ
Sliced Cheese, Slice Of Cheese, Cheese Slices
起司蛋糕 qiˇ si¯ danˋ gao¯
Cheese cake
體脂肪 tiˇ zhi¯ fangˊ
Body fat
已知 yiˇ zhi¯
Know that, Knew, Knew how, Knew how to
12, 11, 13, 14, 15, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 41, 42, 43, 44
比值 biˇ zhiˊ
筆直 biˇ zhiˊ
Straight, Perfectly straight
筆直向上 biˇ zhiˊ xiangˋ shangˋ
Straight up, Straight upwards
幾十 jiˇ shiˊ
幾十億 jiˇ shiˊ yiˋ
幾十年 jiˇ shiˊ nianˊ
A few decades
幾十年來 jiˇ shiˊ nianˊ laiˊ
For decades
幾十萬 jiˇ shiˊ wanˋ
Few hundred thousand, Several hundred thousand
幾十萬畝 jiˇ shiˊ wanˋ muˇ
Few hundred thousand acres
理直氣壯 liˇ zhiˊ qiˋ zhuangˋ
你遲到了 niˇ chiˊ daoˋ le˙
You are late
你遲早會習慣的 niˇ chiˊ zaoˇ huiˋ xiˊ guanˋ de˙
You'll get used to it, You'll get used to it sooner or later
她遲到了 niˇ chiˊ daoˋ le˙
You are late
妳遲早會習慣的 niˇ chiˊ zaoˇ huiˋ xiˊ guanˋ de˙
You'll get used to it, You'll get used to it sooner or later
體質 tiˇ zhiˊ
Body type
12, 11, 13, 14, 15, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 41, 42, 43, 44
彼此 biˇ ciˇ
Each other, You and me, That and this
彼此對吼 biˇ ciˇ duiˋ houˇ
Shout at each other
彼此對吼一陣 biˇ ciˇ duiˋ houˇ yiˊ zhenˋ
Shout at each other for awhile
彼此的 biˇ ciˇ de˙
Each other's
彼此重疊 biˇ ciˇ chongˊ dieˊ
Overlap each other
底子 diˇ ziˇ
你只是不確定嗎 niˇ zhiˇ shiˋ buˊ queˋ dingˋ ma˙
You're just not sure?
你只是個小孩子 niˇ zhiˇ shiˋ ge˙ xiaoˇ haiˊ ziˇ
You're just a child, You're just a kid
你只需要 niˇ zhiˇ xu¯ yaoˋ
All you needed
妳只是個小孩子 niˇ zhiˇ shiˋ ge˙ xiaoˇ haiˊ ziˇ
You're just a child, You're just a kid
起死回生 qiˇ siˇ huiˊ sheng¯
Come back to life, Came back to life, Brought back to life
起死回生了 qiˇ siˇ huiˊ sheng¯ le˙
Come back to life, Came back to life, Brought back to life
洗紙牌 xiˇ zhiˇ paiˊ
Shuffle cards, Card shuffling
以此 yiˇ ciˇ
The thing is, For this reason
以死要挾 yiˇ siˇ yao¯ xieˊ
The threat of death, Threatened with death
已死 yiˇ siˇ
Was dead, Was already dead
12, 11, 13, 14, 15, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 41, 42, 43, 44
比試 biˇ shiˋ
筆試 biˇ shiˋ
Written test, Written examination
鄙視 biˇ shiˋ
抵制 diˇ zhiˋ
Resist, Boycott
幾次 jiˇ ciˋ
A few times
幾次後 jiˇ ciˋ houˋ
After a few times
理事 liˇ shiˋ
Administer, Manage, Administrator, Board directors
理事長 liˇ shiˋ zhangˇ
Board chairman, Chairman of the board
理智 liˇ zhiˋ
你是 niˇ shiˋ
You are
你是一名記者嗎 niˇ shiˋ yiˋ mingˊ jiˋ zheˇ ma˙
Are you a reporter
你是位 niˇ shiˋ weiˋ
You are a/an
你是位警察巡官 niˇ shiˋ weiˋ jingˇ chaˊ xunˊ guan¯
You are a police inspector
你是個聰明人 niˇ shiˋ ge˙ cong¯ mingˊ renˊ
You are a clever person, You are a smart individual, You are an intelligent person
你是否 niˇ shiˋ fouˇ
Whether or not you
你是在告訴我 niˇ shiˋ zaiˋ gaoˋ suˋ woˇ
You are telling me, Are you telling me
你是武裝的 niˇ shiˋ wuˇ zhuang¯ de˙
You are armed, You are packing
你是第一個跟她聯絡的 niˇ shiˋ diˋ yi¯ ge˙ gen¯ ta¯ lianˊ luoˋ de˙
You're the first to contact her, You're the first to get back to her
你是覺得他會到這裡來嗎 niˇ shiˋ jueˊ de˙ ta¯ huiˋ daoˋ zheˋ liˇ laiˊ ma˙
Do you think he will come here?
你是覺得她會到這裡來嗎 niˇ shiˋ jueˊ de˙ ta¯ huiˋ daoˋ zheˋ liˇ laiˊ ma˙
Do you think she will come here?
你是說 niˇ shiˋ shuo¯
You are saying, You mean
你自己 niˇ ziˋ jiˇ
Your self
你自己看 niˇ ziˋ jiˇ kanˋ
Take a look, Take a look for yourself, Look
妳自己看 niˇ ziˋ jiˇ kanˋ
Take a look, Take a look for yourself, Look
啟事 qiˇ shiˋ
Announcement, Notice
啟示 qiˇ shiˋ
Inspired, Enlightened, Inspiration, Revelation, Enlightenment
起事 qiˇ shiˋ
Rise in revolt
起勢 qiˇ shiˋ
Beginning (Or Opening)
起士 qiˇ shiˋ
體式 tiˇ shiˋ
Exercise, Posture, Form, Position
體制 tiˇ zhiˋ
喜事 xiˇ shiˋ
乙式 yiˇ shiˋ
Second type
以示 yiˇ shiˋ
To show
以至 yiˇ zhiˋ
Until, Up to, So that
以至於 yiˇ zhiˋ yuˊ
So that
以致 yiˇ zhiˋ
So that
已治療 yiˇ zhiˋ liaoˊ
Already treated, Already taken care of (i.e. treated cavities)
以自己的動力 yiˇ ziˋ jiˇ de˙ dongˋ liˋ
Under its own power
12, 11, 13, 14, 15, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 41, 42, 43, 44
地支 diˋ zhi¯
Earthly branch, Earthly branches
祭司 jiˋ si¯
Priest, Priests
祭司們 jiˋ si¯ men˙
細枝 xiˋ zhi¯
Twig, Small twig
細枝條 xiˋ zhi¯ tiaoˊ
Slender strips of wood
一絲 yiˋ si¯
A trace, A hint
一絲不掛 yiˋ si¯ buˊ guaˋ
Naked, Bare, Nude, Not wearing any clothing
一絲懷疑 yiˋ si¯ huaiˊ yiˊ
Harbor a thread of doubt
一絲頭髮 yiˋ si¯ touˊ faˇ
A hair, A strand of hair
意思 yiˋ si¯
Idea, Meaning, Implication
意思一樣 yiˋ si¯ yiˊ yangˋ
The same meaning
一支 yiˋ zhi¯
A (e.g. an antennae or other long and slender object)
一支天線 yiˋ zhi¯ tian¯ xianˋ
An antennae
一支小傘 yiˋ zhi¯ xiaoˇ sanˇ
A little tiny umbrella
一支手錶 yiˋ zhi¯ shouˇ biaoˇ
A watch
一支蜡燭 yiˋ zhi¯ laˋ zhuˊ
A candle
一支鋼筆 yiˋ zhi¯ gang¯ biˇ
A fountain pen
一知半解 yiˋ zhi¯ banˋ jieˇ
Only partially comprehend, A smattering of understanding, Partially understand
一隻 yiˋ zhi¯
One, A (e.g. a hand), An (e.g. an animal), A (e.g. a beast or creature)
一隻兔子 yiˋ zhi¯ tuˋ zi˙
A rabbit
一隻公雞 yiˋ zhi¯ gong¯ ji¯
One rooster, One cock
一隻大黑鳥 yiˋ zhi¯ daˋ hei¯ niaoˇ
A big black bird
一隻孔雀 yiˋ zhi¯ kongˇ queˋ
A peacock
一隻小毛毛蟲 yiˋ zhi¯ xiaoˇ maoˊ maoˊ chongˊ
A caterpillar
一隻小海豹 yiˋ zhi¯ xiaoˇ haiˇ baoˋ
A seal, One seal
一隻戴著手套的拳頭 yiˋ zhi¯ daiˋ zhe˙ shouˇ taoˋ de˙ quanˊ touˊ
A gloved fist
一隻手 yiˋ zhi¯ shouˇ
One hand, A hand
一隻手肘 yiˋ zhi¯ shouˇ zhouˇ
An elbow
一隻手肘撞進他的胸口 yiˋ zhi¯ shouˇ zhouˇ zhuangˋ jinˋ ta¯ de˙ xiong¯ kouˇ
An elbow crashed into his chest
一隻手肘撞進她的胸口 yiˋ zhi¯ shouˇ zhouˇ zhuangˋ jinˋ ta¯ de˙ xiong¯ kouˇ
An elbow crashed into her chest
一隻手臂 yiˋ zhi¯ shouˇ biˋ
One arm
一隻眼睛 yiˋ zhi¯ yanˇ jing¯
一隻老鼠 yiˋ zhi¯ laoˇ shuˇ
One mouse, A mouse
一隻腳 yiˋ zhi¯ jiaoˇ
A Foot, foot
一隻腳踢中他的小腿 yiˋ zhi¯ jiaoˇ ti¯ zhong¯ ta¯ de˙ xiaoˇ tuiˇ
A foot kicked his lower leg
一隻腳踢中她的小腿 yiˋ zhi¯ jiaoˇ ti¯ zhong¯ ta¯ de˙ xiaoˇ tuiˇ
A foot kicked her lower leg
一隻蜘蛛 yiˋ zhi¯ zhi¯ zhu¯
A spider
一隻蜜蜂 yiˋ zhi¯ miˋ feng¯
A honeybee
一隻蜜蜂嗡嗡尋花蜜 yiˋ zhi¯ miˋ feng¯ weng¯ weng¯ xunˊ hua¯ miˋ
A honeybee buzzing around looking for nectar
一隻蝴蝶 yiˋ zhi¯ huˊ dieˊ
A butterfly
一隻蟬 yiˋ zhi¯ chanˊ
A Cicada
一隻隻 yiˋ zhi¯ zhi¯
One by one
一隻鱷魚 yiˋ zhi¯ eˋ yuˊ
An alligator
一隻鳥 yiˋ zhi¯ niaoˇ
A bird
一隻麒麟 yiˋ zhi¯ qiˊ linˊ
A unicorn
義肢 yiˋ zhi¯
Fake foot, Fake limb
12, 11, 13, 14, 15, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 41, 42, 43, 44
幣值 biˋ zhiˊ
第十 diˋ shiˊ
第十二年 diˋ shiˊ erˋ nianˊ
Year 12
第十八 diˋ shiˊ ba¯
地質 diˋ zhiˊ
紀實 jiˋ shiˊ
計時 jiˋ shiˊ
計時器 jiˋ shiˊ qiˋ
計時器核彈 jiˋ shiˊ qiˋ heˊ danˋ
Timer equipped Nuclear bomb
麗池 liˋ chiˊ
歷時 liˋ shiˊ
Duration, Time to complete, Time taken
歷時十秒完成 liˋ shiˊ shiˊ miaoˇ wanˊ chengˊ
Took all of ten seconds, Took about ten seconds to finish
覓食 miˋ shiˊ
Foraging, Looking for food
一池清涼乾淨活水 yiˋ chiˊ qing¯ liangˊ gan¯ jingˋ huoˊ shuiˇ
Cool and clear pond of fresh water
一時 yiˋ shiˊ
For a moment, A period of time, Accidentally
一時衝動 yiˋ shiˊ chong¯ dongˋ
On an impulse
一石三鳥 yiˋ shiˊ san¯ niaoˇ
Kill three birds with one stone
一石二鳥 yiˋ shiˊ erˋ niaoˇ
Kill Two Birds With One Stone
一直 yiˋ zhiˊ
Straight, Always, All the way, Constantly, Been, Straight ahead, Go straight ahead
一直企圖 yiˋ zhiˊ qiˋ tuˊ
Constantly trying, Constantly been trying
一直到熱水用盡 yiˋ zhiˊ daoˋ reˋ shuiˇ yongˋ jinˋ
Until the hot water ran out, Till the hot water was used up
一直到週末 yiˋ zhiˊ daoˋ zhou¯ moˋ
Up to the weekend
一直在困擾情我 yiˋ zhiˊ zaiˋ kunˋ raoˇ qingˊ woˇ
Has always puzzle me, Constantly perplexes me
一直在工作 yiˋ zhiˊ zaiˋ gong¯ zuoˋ
Work continuously, Worked continuously
一直在海底 yiˋ zhiˊ zaiˋ haiˇ diˇ
Always under the sea, Been on the bottom of the ocean
一直在講話 yiˋ zhiˊ zaiˋ jiangˇ huaˋ
Been talking
一直在進步 yiˋ zhiˊ zaiˋ jinˋ buˋ
Always progressing, Always improving
一直太忙了 yiˋ zhiˊ taiˋ mangˊ le˙
Have been so busy
一直往前走吧 yiˋ zhiˊ wangˇ qianˊ zouˇ ba¯
Go straight ahead
一直抱怨 yiˋ zhiˊ baoˋ yuanˋ
一直持續增強 yiˋ zhiˊ chiˊ xuˋ zeng¯ qiangˊ
Keeps getting stronger
一直擺在原地 yiˋ zhiˊ baiˇ zaiˋ yuanˊ diˋ
Remained in place
一直期待 yiˋ zhiˊ qiˊ daiˋ
Been waiting, Been wondering
一直看到 yiˋ zhiˊ kanˋ daoˋ
Kept watching until, Continued to watch until, Watched until
一直站在窗邊 yiˋ zhiˊ zhanˋ zaiˋ chuang¯ bian¯
Been standing by the window, Standing at the window
一直覺得 yiˋ zhiˊ jueˊ de˙
Felt, Believed, Thought that
一直走下台階 yiˋ zhiˊ zouˇ xiaˋ taiˊ jie¯
Go all the way down the stairs
一直通過 yiˋ zhiˊ tong¯ guoˋ
Has been using
一直都在 yiˋ zhiˊ dou¯ zaiˋ
Was there, Was always there
一直都是如此 yiˋ zhiˊ dou¯ shiˋ ruˊ ciˇ
It had always been this way.
一直預期 yiˋ zhiˊ yuˋ qiˊ
Been expecting
12, 11, 13, 14, 15, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 41, 42, 43, 44
地址 diˋ zhiˇ
弟子 diˋ ziˇ
歷史 liˋ shiˇ
History, Story
歷史事件 liˋ shiˇ shiˋ jianˋ
Historic event, Historical event, Historical events
歷史人物 liˋ shiˇ renˊ wuˋ
Historical figure, Historical figures
歷史分期 liˋ shiˇ fen¯ qiˊ
Historical period, Historical periods
歷史是什麼 liˋ shiˇ shiˋ shenˊ me˙
What is history?
歷史時代 liˋ shiˇ shiˊ daiˋ
Historical era
歷史的 liˋ shiˇ de˙
Histories, Historical
歷史紀錄 liˋ shiˇ jiˋ luˋ
Historic record, Historical record
歷史舊城 liˋ shiˇ jiuˋ chengˊ
Historic old cities, Old cities
歷史解釋 liˋ shiˇ jieˇ shiˋ
Historical explanation, Historical interpretation
歷史課 liˋ shiˇ keˋ
History lesson, History class
歷史資料 liˋ shiˇ zi¯ liaoˋ
Historical data
例子 liˋ ziˇ
Example, Instance, For instance
粒子 liˋ ziˇ
粒子加速器 liˋ ziˇ jia¯ suˋ qiˋ
Particle accelerator
膩子 niˋ ziˇ
Putty, Repair putty, Customer who lingers or sticks around overly long
氣死 qiˋ siˇ
Angry, Pissed off
氣死了 qiˋ siˇ le˙
Angry, Pissed off
意指 yiˋ zhiˇ
Meant, Meaning, Intent, Intention, Wish, Will
意旨 yiˋ zhiˇ
Meant, Meaning, Intent, Intention, Wish, Will
12, 11, 13, 14, 15, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 41, 42, 43, 44
壁式支架 biˋ shiˋ zhi¯ jiaˋ
Wall bracket, Wall mount
畢氏定理 biˋ shiˋ dingˋ liˇ
Pythagorean Theorem
地勢 diˋ shiˋ
Topography, Terrain
第四年 diˋ siˋ nianˊ
Fourth year
第四段 diˋ siˋ duanˋ
Section 4
第四章 diˋ siˋ zhang¯
Chapter four
帝制 diˋ zhiˋ
帝制中國 diˋ zhiˋ zhong¯ guoˊ
Imperial China
記事 jiˋ shiˋ
Record events, Make a record of events
記事本 jiˋ shiˋ benˇ
Note book
祭祀 jiˋ siˋ
Offer sacrifice
技置 jiˋ zhiˋ
Technology, Device, Devices
力士 liˋ shiˋ
Strong man, Muscleman
勵志 liˋ zhiˋ
立志 liˋ zhiˋ
Aspire to be, Aspired to be, Aspiring to be, Aspire to become, Want to be, Wanted to be, Wanting to be
氣勢 qiˋ shiˋ
Imposing, Vehemence, Fervor
棄置 qiˋ zhiˋ
Discard, Dispose off, Abandon, Banish
氣質 qiˋ zhiˋ
替自己 tiˋ ziˋ jiˇ
For one's self
細緻 xiˋ zhiˋ
Delicate, Subtle, Fine, Detailed, Refined, Careful, Cautious
細緻的 xiˋ zhiˋ de˙
Meticulous, Fine
翌日 yiˋ riˋ
意識 yiˋ shiˋ
意識到 yiˋ shiˋ daoˋ
Realizes, Realized
意識到自己在做這件事 yiˋ shiˋ daoˋ ziˋ jiˇ zaiˋ zuoˋ zheˋ jianˋ shiˋ
Realized what they were doing
意識清醒 yiˋ shiˋ qing¯ xingˇ
議室 yiˋ shiˋ
Interview room
意志 yiˋ zhiˋ
Volition, Will power
意志力 yiˋ zhiˋ liˋ
抑制 yiˋ zhiˋ
Repress, Restrain, Control
抑制劑 yiˋ zhiˋ jiˋ
Negative catalyst
抑制激情 yiˋ zhiˋ ji¯ qingˊ
Curb one's passions
丶-亠 : > 衣: > [衣]-衣食 : > [衣]-衣食住行 >
人-食 : > 食: > [食]-食住 : > [食]-衣食住行 >
丿-亻 : > 住: > [住]-住行 : > [住]-衣食住行 >
丿-彳 : > 行: > [行]-住行 : > [行]-衣食住行 >
衣食住行 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 行
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