Suffer, Affected By, Forced, Acted On, Because Of, Due To, Compelled, Passive, Cover, Quilt, Blanket, Wear, Indicating Passive Voice
Word Links for words containing 被 (sorted via character pairs)
被關 Covered, Protected, Imprisoned
被關進 Being shut in
被關起來 Locked up, Held in captivity, In captivity
被肌肉刺激物弄得有點焦躁 A little jumpy because of muscle stimulants
常被肌肉刺激物弄得有點焦躁 Often a little bit jumpy because of muscle stimulants
被風吹倒 Blown over by the wind, Knocked down by the wind
被風吹去 Blown away by the wind, Blown off by the wind
被風雨雷霆摧折 Destroyed by wind rain and thunder
不被風雨雷霆摧折 Not broken by wind rain or thunder
被他 By him
被他們 By their
被他搶 He had mugged, Mugged by him
被他們打爆了頭 Been beaten by them
被他搶的那個人 The person he had mugged
被他們如此認真看待 Taken seriously, To be taken seriously
被動 Passive, Inactive
被動地 Passively, Passive
被動性 Passively
被動的狀態 Passive mode
比較被動的狀態 More passive mode
被看守 Watched, Guarded, Protected
每小時被看守 For every hour been watched, Watched hourly, Hourly watched
不被看好的 Not very well thought of
原本不被看好的 Originally not well thought of, Initially not well thought of
被放出 Is released, Is sent out, Is discharged
原子可以被放在選定的地方 Atoms can be placed in selected or predetermined locations
被評定給予 Been granted, Deemed worthy of
被評定給予二等艙 Rated a second class cabin, Deemed worthy of a second class cabin
被認定 Was assumed
被認為 Believed to be
而被認定 And so was assumed
而被認定已經死亡 And so was assumed to be dead
被認為有居住可能性的 Believed to be habitable
被認為有居住可能性的行星 Planets that are believed to be habitable
被窩 Bed cover, Quilt
舒服地躲在被窩裡 Snuggled up under a quilt, Snuggled up under the covers, Snuggled up
被冷漠對待 Treated with indifference
被冷漠對待後 After being treated with indifference
來表現她被冷漠對待後的強烈失落 To show the intensity of her loss after being treated indifferently
被迫 Forced
而被迫 And so are forced (to)
被迫中斷 Forced to stop, Forced to abort
被迫再次想起 Forced to again think about
被迫成為農民 Was forced to become a farmer
而被迫中斷任務 And so the mission was forced to be aborted
被這輕率的操作激出大笑 Were driven to laugh heartily by the curt maneuver, The curt maneuver drew hearty laughter
被人們 By people, By mankind
被人家 By others, By someone
被人毆打 Being beaten up, Beaten
被人誤導了 Misled
很少被人食用 Rarely eaten by people, Rarely eaten
是被人誤導了嗎 Were you misled?, Misled?
不斷被人掛在嘴邊 Always hanging on peoples lips, Constantly repeated, Said constantly
看有沒有被人發現 Looking to see if anyone had seen, Looking for witnesses
文字被人們造出來了 Characters or symbols were created by people.
我今天晚上被人家從高塔上丟出去 I was thrown from a tower tonight
被人從飛機上丟下去的 Thrown out of an airplane, Dropped from an airplane
他是被人從飛機上丟下去的 He was thrown out of an airplane, Someone threw him out of an airplane
被分心 Be distracted
可被分成 Can be divided into, Can be separated into
可以被分解 Can be broken down, Could be broken down, Could be disassembled
完全不能被分心 Could not be distracted
被分成四個 Divided into four
可以被分解重做 Could be broken down and remade
頭髮被剪得那麼醜 Such a bad haircut, Hair had been cut so badly
好像簡直不敢相信頭髮被剪得那麼醜 As if not believing how bad the haircut was
被取笑為 Laughingly known as, Jokingly known as, Derisively, Mockingly
逐漸被取代 Gradually replaced, Gradually supplanted
樟腦的重要性才逐漸被取代 Camphor's importance was gradually supplanted, Camphor increasingly became less important
被穀片嗆死 Choked on her cereal, Choked on his cereal, Choked on my cereal, Choked on the cereal
差點就被穀片嗆死 Almost choked on his cereal, Almost choked on her cereal, Almost choked on my cereal, Almost choked on the cereal
被打得 Beaten
被打得那麼慘 Beaten so badly, Beaten so viciously, Such a vicious beating
鼻子被打斷了 Broken nose
被捕 Been arrested
被捕之前 Before being caught, Before being arrested
被捕後 After being arrested, Having been arrested
你被捕了 You are under arrest
妳被捕了 You are under arrest
被搶 Be mugged, Getting mugged, Mugged
被搶走的東西 Stolen item, Stolen items
被搶劫 Mugged, Being mugged
被搶勢 Being mugged, Been mugged
被搶走 Stolen, Taken
被世族壟斷 Monopolized or controlled by the aristocracy
被世人遺忘的墳墓 A forgotten tomb, Forgotten grave
一個長久以來被世人遺忘的墳墓裡 In a long forgotten tomb
被世族壟斷之弊 Corrupted through monopolization by the aristocracy
漸被世族壟斷之弊 Being gradually corrupted through monopolization by the aristocracy
會被 Would be, Could be
你會被關 You will be held, You will be locked up
你會被關在離家不遠的地點 You will be held at a location close to home
不會被發現的 Won't be discovered
我們不會被發現的 We won't be discovered, No one will find out what we've done
會被劍的毒性害死 Could be killed by the sword's poison
也會被劍的毒性害死 Could also be killed by the sword's poison
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