Index for words including 見

jianˋ, xianˋ

See, Meet, Connect With, Interview, Appear, Sense, Become Apparent, Hear

Word Links for words containing 見 (sorted via character pairs)

見 jianˋ, xianˋ
See, Meet, Connect With, Interview, Appear, Sense, Become Apparent, Hear

Words containing

(Use links to see word pronunciation)


開門見山 Straight to the point


見習 Trainee priest, Novice


見解 View, Views

政治見解 Political views

影響他政治見解 Influence his political views

將會影響他政治見解 Would influence his political views

形成一個在未來將會影響他政治見解的看法 Form an idea or opinion that would in the future shape his political views


見外 See outside


見仁見智 Different people have different opinions


見仁見智 Different people have different opinions


準備見你 Is ready to see you


見得 Can see, Can meet

見得 Can see (someone or something)


見鬼 Heck, Hell, Nonsense

見鬼 Heck, Hell, Nonsense


見效 Take effect


見諒 Forgiveness


見證 Witness, Bear witness

一個不朽的見證 An immortal witness

像一個不朽的見證 Like an immortal witness


見識 Experience directly (at first hand), Experience

見識致命的意義 See the meaning of fatal, Show the meaning of fatal, Know the meaning of fatal, Experience the meaning of fatal first hand


見癥 Understand the heart of the problem, Get to the root cause of the problem


見過 Seen, Saw, Met

見過 Had seen, Had met

見過 Never seen

沒有見過 Never seen

再也沒見過 Never again saw

從來沒見過 Had never seen

如果你認為你見過 If you think you've seen

見過 Had seen before

我們見過 We've met (before)

見過這個 Seen this, Seen this one

見過我嗎 Have you seen me?


見愉 Happy at first site, Merry, Glad to see


司空見慣 Commonplace


愧難見人 Ashamed to be seen in public


見錢眼開 See money


見義勇為 Be brave


見著 See (someone or something)

見著 Didn't see (someone or something)

見著 Saw (someone or something)


見到 See, Sees, Seeing, Saw, Meet

見到 At the first sign of, At the first sight of

見到 Don't see, Don't meet

見到 Didn't see, Didn't meet

第一次見到 First time seeing, At first glance

見到 Saw, Met

真高興見到兩位 It's so good to see you both, Truly wonderful to see you two, So good to see you both

第一次見到她的人 Someone seeing her for the first time, Anyone seeing her for the first time

讓第一次見到她的人愛上她 Make people fall in love with her when first meeting her, Making people fall in love with her when first meeting her

喜歡讓第一次見到她的人愛上她 Liked to make people fall in love with her on first site


見不 Can't see, Can't meet

見不 Can't see (someone or something)

見不得人 Shameful, Shady, Under the table, Unseen


見面 Meet, Get together

跟你見面 Meet you

跟我見面 Meet me

他們一見面 As soon as they met

我們才剛見面 We've only just met

聞名不如見面 To hear of someone's reputation is not the same as knowing them

在這裡跟你見面 (to) meet you here

想儘快跟你見面 Wants to meet with you as soon as possible

很久沒見面 It's been a while! Long time no see!


見死不救 Let someone die, Not try to save someone from dying


見地 Insight, Views, Ideas, Beliefs


只見 See only

只見處處黑影晃動 Looking around, everything was covered in shadows


顯而易見 Obvious


瞧見 See, Saw, Glimpsed, Spied, Caught sight of


臆見 Personal opinion, Personal opinions


罕見 Rarely seen, Seldom seen, Rare


參見 See


召見 Summoned


預見 Anticipate, Foresee


所見 See

所見 Had seen, Had ever seen


偏見 Beliefs, Prejudices, Biases


拜見 Formally meet

拜見 Formally meets


看見 See, Seen, Saw

看見 As soon as they saw her

看見 Could see, Could watch, Could be seen

看見 Didn't see

看見 Could see, Was able to see

不想看見 Didn't want to see

偶然看見 Accidentally saw, Came across by chance, Came across

親眼看見 Saw, Personally witnessed

起碼看見 See at least, Saw at least

大家怎麼沒看見 How is it that nobody can see it

就是必須親眼看見 Just have to see for yourself first-hand

看見 Saw

看見 Seen, Have seen, Met, Have met

沒有看見 Didn't see him

沒有看見 Didn't see her

記得看見 Remember seeing me

有很多人記得看見 Plenty of people remember seeing me

看見了他 Saw him, Had seen him

看見了她 Saw her, Had seen her

有個巫師看見了他 A sorcerer saw him, A sorcerer had seen him

有個巫師看見了她 A sorcerer saw her, A sorcerer had seen her

看見他們 See them, Sees them, Seeing them, Saw them

我剛看見他了 I just saw him

看見幻象 See visions, Have visions, Imagine things

看見有動靜 Saw movement

偶然看見他的相片 Came across a picture of him, Came across his photograph

看見他如此的舉動 Seeing him like this

才剛我看見他了三年 I just saw him three years ago

才剛我看見他了三分鐘 I just saw him three minutes ago

看見一名年輕的女人朝他走過來 Saw a young woman walking towards him

看見他握緊了拳頭 Saw his fist clench, Saw his fists clench

看見她握緊了拳頭 Saw her fist clench, Saw her fists clench


得見 Could see

得見 Able to see

得見 Could hear

什麼都看得見 Everything could be seen

所有人都聽得見 Everyone could hear

聲音大到所有人都聽得見 Loud enough for everyone to hear


望見 Seen, Seeing, Saw


意見 Opinion, Suggestion, Idea, Proposal, Advice, Point of view

有什麼意見 Had a problem with, Had an opinion of


遇見 Accidentally meet, Bump into, Come across, See, Meet, Meet with

遇見 Met

遇見 Met, Had met


遙見 See from afar, See at a distance


遠見 Foresight


會見 Meet with

我再也不會見她了 I can't see her ever again


創見 Transcend (company name)


少見 Rare

少見 Vary rarely seen


常見 See, Frequently seen, Commonly seen, Common, Norm, Usual

常見元素 Common elements

常見 Frequently seen, Commonly seen, Common

常見 Most common


瞥見 Catch a glimpse of


夢見 Dream of


難得一見 Difficult to get together


頭見 See you in a sec, See you later


不見 Didn't see

不見 Don't see, Can't see, Invisible

不見 Can't hear, Couldn't hear

好久不見 Long time no see

快看不見 Soon won't be able to see, Soon unable to see

裝聽不見 Pretend not to hear

視而不見 Absent minded, Look but see nothing, Ignore

陸土不見 No land in sight, No land visible

小到看不見 Too small to see

幾乎看不見 Barely visible, Nearly invisible

什為都看不見 Invisible

什麼也聽不見 Can't hear a thing, Can't hear anything

他們就裝聽不見 They then pretend not to hear

小到看不見也感覺不到 Small enough to not be seen or felt

不見 Disappeared, Can't see it, Couldn't be seen, Was lost

不見 Not necessarily

不見 Not necessarily

不見 Don't see, Can't see, Invisible, Unseen

就會不見 Will have disappeared, Will be gone

好好久不見 Very long time no see

成年女子怎麼不見 Why is the woman not here?

不見蹤影 Disappeared, Disappeared without a trace

不見的線 Invisible wire, Invisible wires

不見的力量 Unseen powers

不見得是件好事 Was not necessarily a good thing

不見得比他聰明 Not necessarily smarter than him

不見他們說什麼 Couldn't hear what they said

儘管看不見卻真實存在 Despite not being visible was still real, Invisible but real

不見經傳 Unknown, Anonymous

那種名不見經傳 That kind of little known, Those kinds of little known, The kind of little known, The kind of anonymous


可見 Visible, So

清楚可見 Clearly visible

由此可見 It can be seen from this

隨處可見 Everywhere

可見光線 Visible beams of light, Beams of visible light

可見光譜 Visible spectrum


再見 See you again, Bye


聽見 Listen, Heard

聽見 Heard

聽見了嗎 Did you hear?

聽見了嗎 Are you listening, Can you hear

聽見幻音 Hearing things, Hearing voices, Hearing imaginary sounds

聽見絕望 Hear desperation, Hearing desperation, Heard desperation

聽見呼喊 Heard a shout

聽見一個聲音 Heard a sound

聽見他的問題 Had heard his question, heard his question


碰見 Bump into, Unexpectedly encounter, Unexpected encounter


帶他去見 Take him to see

帶我去見 Take me to see


起見 With a view to, For the sake of


楚見 See clearly


想見 Want to see, Imagine

不難想見 No doubt, Predictably

可以想見 Can imagine


相見 Seeing, Meeting

老友相見 See an old friend, Seing an old friend

老友相見的愉悅心情 The pleasure of seing an old friend


接見 Meeting with

接見 Met with

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