
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 癢


Feel itchy

jueˊ yangˇ

癢 yangˇ
Itch, Tickle

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Phone , Tone

Words that rhyme with 覺癢 (yue-yang)

Grouped by first phone

jue, que, yue

倔強 jueˊ qiangˊ


覺癢 jueˊ yangˇ

Feel itchy

jue, que, yue

缺項補零 que¯ xiangˋ buˇ lingˊ

Replace missing term using zero as a coefficient

缺氧 que¯ yangˇ

Oxygen deficit

jue, que, yue

月亮 yueˋ liangˋ

Moon, Moons

月亮大小 yueˋ liangˋ daˋ xiaoˇ

Moon sized, The size of a moon

月亮蝦餅 yueˋ liangˋ xia¯ bingˇ

Shrimp Moon Cakes

越想越氣 yueˋ xiangˇ yueˋ qiˋ

Get angrier the more one thinks

Grouped in tone pairs

23, 13, 14, 22, 43, 44

覺癢 jueˊ yangˇ

Feel itchy

23, 13, 14, 22, 43, 44

缺氧 que¯ yangˇ

Oxygen deficit

23, 13, 14, 22, 43, 44

缺項補零 que¯ xiangˋ buˇ lingˊ

Replace missing term using zero as a coefficient

23, 13, 14, 22, 43, 44

倔強 jueˊ qiangˊ


23, 13, 14, 22, 43, 44

越想越氣 yueˋ xiangˇ yueˋ qiˋ

Get angrier the more one thinks

23, 13, 14, 22, 43, 44

月亮 yueˋ liangˋ

Moon, Moons

月亮大小 yueˋ liangˋ daˋ xiaoˇ

Moon sized, The size of a moon

月亮蝦餅 yueˋ liangˋ xia¯ bingˇ

Shrimp Moon Cakes


厂-臼 : > : > [覺]-覺癢 : > [覺]-覺癢 >

丶-疒 : > : > [癢]-覺癢 : > [癢]-覺癢 >

覺癢 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 癢

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