Index for words including 訴


Tell, Inform, Narrate, Accuse

Word Links for words containing 訴 (sorted via character pairs)

訴 suˋ
Tell, Inform, Narrate, Accuse

Words containing

(Use links to see word pronunciation)


把發生的事情一五一十地造訴我 Tell me everything that happened


訴訟 Lawsuit

官司訴訟 Lawsuit, Court case


訴說 Tell, Say, Speak


訴諸 Appeal to


訴苦 Complain


勝訴 Win a lawsuit


告訴 Tell, Inform, Told, Informed

立刻告訴 Immediately tell, Right away inform, Tell right away

告訴 Tell him, Told him

告訴 Tell you, Give you

告訴 Tell her, Tells her, Telling her, Told her

告訴 Tell me, Inform me, Told me, Informed me

告訴 She told me

告訴 Please tell me

從未告訴 Had never told

我會告訴 I'm telling you

你是在告訴 You are telling me, Are you telling me

怎麼現在才告訴 Why is it that only now do you tell me

我不能直接告訴 I can't just tell you

她所請教的律師告訴 The lawyer she consulted told her

告訴他們 Told them

告訴自己 Tell yourself

不行告訴我爸媽 Don't tell my parents

告訴我是什麼事 Didn't tell me what it was, Didn't tell me what it was about

告訴他什麼新奇有趣的事 Telling him something novel and interesting

告訴你一個秘密 Tell you a secret

我這可是告訴你一個秘密 I tell you this in all confidence

我只能告訴妳我所看到的事實 I can only tell you what I see

讓我來告訴你一點我自己的事吧 Allow me to tell you a little about myself


傾訴 Confide in, Confide


上訴 Appeal


起訴 Accuse, Sue, Prosecute, Charge, Indicted

起訴 Indictment

起訴他們 Prosecute them, Charge them, Accuse them, Sue them


投訴 Complain, File a complaint

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