
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 異


Strange, Bizarre, Weird

guiˇ yiˋ

異 yiˋ
Different, Separate, Non Standard, Strange, Weird, Odd, Unusual, Foreign, Unfamiliar, Marvel, Wonder

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Phone , Tone

Words that rhyme with 詭異 (wei-yi)

Grouped by first phone

gui, chui, dui, hui, rui, shui, sui, tui, wei, zhui, zui

詭計 guiˇ jiˋ

Machination, Machinations, Scheme, Schemes, Artifice, Artifices, Deceit, Deceits, Deception, Deceptions, Guile

軌跡 guiˇ jiˋ


詭異 guiˇ yiˋ

Strange, Bizarre, Weird

gui, chui, dui, hui, rui, shui, sui, tui, wei, zhui, zui

吹起 chui¯ qiˇ


gui, chui, dui, hui, rui, shui, sui, tui, wei, zhui, zui

對比 duiˋ biˇ

Compare, Correlate

堆積 dui¯ ji¯

Pile up, Heap, Amass, Accumulate, Stack up

對立 duiˋ liˋ


對你我 duiˋ niˇ woˇ

To you and me

對妳我 duiˋ niˇ woˇ

To you and me

堆起 dui¯ qiˇ

Pile, Pile up, Piled up

堆砌 dui¯ qiˋ

Pile up

對細節勤奮的注意力 duiˋ xiˋ jieˊ qinˊ fenˋ de˙ zhuˋ yiˋ liˋ

Diligent attention to detail

對一切 duiˋ yiˊ qieˋ

With respect to everything, With respect to all of this

對弈 duiˋ yiˋ


gui, chui, dui, hui, rui, shui, sui, tui, wei, zhui, zui

迴避 huiˊ biˋ

Evade, Evasion

會比較單純 huiˋ biˇ jiaoˋ dan¯ chunˊ

Will be relatively simple, Was relatively simple

會比魔法更吸引他 huiˋ biˇ moˊ faˇ gengˋ xi¯ yinˇ ta¯

Could interest him more than magic, Could attract him more than magic

會比魔法更吸引她 huiˋ biˇ moˊ faˇ gengˋ xi¯ yinˇ ta¯

Could interest her more than magic, Could attract her more than magic

匯集 huiˋ jiˊ


諱疾忌醫 huiˋ jiˊ jiˋ yi¯

Conceal one's ailment, Refuse to face a harsh reality, Hide from the truth, Hide from one's troubles

彙寄編號 huiˋ jiˋ bian¯ haoˋ

Remittance number

會計 huiˋ jiˋ


會計師 huiˋ jiˋ shi¯


灰泥 hui¯ niˊ


會起雞皮疙瘩 huiˋ qiˇ ji¯ piˊ ge¯ daˊ

Get goosebumps, Gets goosebumps, Got goosebumps

晦氣 huiˋ qiˋ

Bad luck, Adversity

揮一揮 hui¯ yiˋ hui¯


回憶 huiˊ yiˋ

Memory, Memories, Memory of, Recalling, Recollection, Retrospect, In retrospect, Looking back on

回憶著 huiˊ yiˋ zhe˙

Thinking back, Recollecting, Recalling

回憶起 huiˊ yiˋ qiˇ

Remember, Bring to mind, Remind, Reminded

回憶錄 huiˊ yiˋ luˋ


悔意 huiˇ yiˋ


會意 huiˋ yiˋ

Get the hint, Understand, Got the hint, Understood, Associative compounds, one of six classifications for Chinese characters

會議 huiˋ yiˋ

Conference, Meeting

會議廳 huiˋ yiˋ ting¯

Conference room

gui, chui, dui, hui, rui, shui, sui, tui, wei, zhui, zui

銳利 ruiˋ liˋ


gui, chui, dui, hui, rui, shui, sui, tui, wei, zhui, zui

水滴 shuiˇ di¯

Water droplets

水利 shuiˇ liˋ

Water conservancy

水泥 shuiˇ niˊ


水泥地 shuiˇ niˊ diˋ

Concrete, Concrete floor

睡衣 shuiˋ yi¯


gui, chui, dui, hui, rui, shui, sui, tui, wei, zhui, zui

隨筆 suiˊ biˇ

Notes, Ramblings

隨機 suiˊ ji¯

Random, Stochastic, Probabilistic, Randomly, Stochastically Probabilistically

隨機的 suiˊ ji¯ de˙

Adapting, Changing, Varying, Random, Aleatory

隨機碼 suiˊ ji¯ maˇ

Random code

隨即 suiˊ jiˊ

Immediately, Right away

隨即想起來 suiˊ jiˊ xiangˇ qiˇ laiˊ

Then remembered, Then suddenly remembered

隨即發現 suiˊ jiˊ fa¯ xianˋ

Immediately discovers, Discovers straight away

隨意 suiˊ yiˋ

At one's will, As one pleases

gui, chui, dui, hui, rui, shui, sui, tui, wei, zhui, zui

推理 tui¯ liˇ


推移 tui¯ yiˊ

To pass

退役 tuiˋ yiˋ

Retired from military service, Retired

退役後曾有很多年時間 tuiˋ yiˋ houˋ cengˊ youˇ henˇ duo¯ nianˊ shiˊ jian¯

For many years after leaving the army, had

gui, chui, dui, hui, rui, shui, sui, tui, wei, zhui, zui

未必 weiˋ biˋ

Not necessarily

未必是刻意 weiˋ biˋ shiˋ keˋ yiˋ

Probably not deliberately, Perhaps not deliberate, Perhaps not intentionally

未必是刻意這麼做 weiˋ biˋ shiˋ keˋ yiˋ zheˋ me˙ zuoˋ

Probably didn't do it intentionally

為必 weiˋ biˋ

Required, Mandatory

為避免 weiˋ biˋ mianˇ

To prevent

危地馬拉 weiˊ diˋ maˇ la¯


危及 wei¯ jiˊ


危機 weiˊ ji¯


危機四伏 weiˊ ji¯ siˋ fuˊ

Filled with danger

微積分 weiˊ ji¯ fen¯


維基百科 weiˊ ji¯ baiˇ ke¯


危急 weiˊ jiˊ

Dire emergency

維吉尼亞州 weiˊ jiˊ niˊ yaˋ zhou¯

Virginia, Virginia state

尾跡 weiˇ ji¯

Wake, Contrail, Contrails

威利 wei¯ liˋ


威力 wei¯ liˋ


微粒 wei¯ liˋ

Micro, Tiny, Small

圍籬 weiˊ liˊ


為例 weiˊ liˋ

As an example, For example

偉立 weiˇ liˋ


衛理公會 weiˋ liˇ gong¯ huiˋ


衛理公會教堂 weiˋ liˇ gong¯ huiˋ jiaoˋ tangˊ

Methodist church

衛理公會教派 weiˋ liˇ gong¯ huiˋ jiaoˋ paiˋ

Methodist church

位立 weiˋ liˋ

Stand up, Standing position

萎靡不振 wei¯ miˊ buˊ zhenˋ

Despondent, Lethargic, Uninspired

微米 wei¯ miˇ

Micron, One millionth of a meter

萎靡 wei¯ miˇ


圍棋 weiˊ qiˊ

Chinese chess

為期 weiˊ qiˊ

Schedule, Deadline

尾氣 weiˇ qiˋ


味氣 weiˋ qiˋ

A smell

微細 wei¯ xiˋ

Tiny, Fine

微細管 wei¯ xiˋ guanˇ

Microtube, Microtubes

維繫 weiˊ xiˋ


維繫政權 weiˊ xiˋ zhengˋ quanˊ

Maintain authority, Maintain power

維繫與列國的關係 weiˊ xiˋ yuˇ lieˋ guoˊ de˙ guan¯ xiˋ

Maintain 維繫 relationships with other countries

唯一 weiˊ yi¯

The only, Only, The sole, Sole

唯一一個 weiˊ yi¯ yiˊ ge˙

The only one, The sole

唯一工作 weiˊ yi¯ gong¯ zuoˋ

Sole job, Only job

唯一的 weiˊ yi¯ de˙

Only, Single, Sole

唯一的壞處是 weiˊ yi¯ de˙ huaiˋ chuˇ shiˋ

The only disadvantage is, The only bad point is

唯一的孫輩 weiˊ yi¯ de˙ sun¯ beiˋ

Only grandchild

唯一的方式 weiˊ yi¯ de˙ fang¯ shiˋ

The only way, The only means of

唯一能踩下煞車的只有你 weiˊ yi¯ nengˊ caiˇ xiaˋ sha¯ che¯ de˙ zhiˇ youˇ niˇ

The only one who can put on the brakes is you

唯一適合的心臟 weiˊ yi¯ shiˋ heˊ de˙ xin¯ zang¯

The only suitable heart, The only heart suitable

唯一功能 weiˊ yiˋ gong¯ nengˊ

Its only function

唯一原因 weiˊ yiˋ yuanˊ yin¯

Sole reason, Whole reason

唯一的途徑 weiˊ yiˋ de˙ tuˊ jingˋ

The only way

尾翼 weiˇ yiˋ

Tail structure at rear of aircraft, Tail wing, Empennage

位移 weiˋ yiˊ


位移的路線 weiˋ yiˊ de˙ luˋ xianˋ

Movement, Movements, Movement line, Line of movement, Line of displacement

為一天的活動做準備 weiˋ yiˋ tian¯ de˙ huoˊ dongˋ zuoˋ zhunˇ beiˋ

Got ready for the day's activities, Prepare for the day's activities, Prepared for the day's activities

gui, chui, dui, hui, rui, shui, sui, tui, wei, zhui, zui

追敵 zhui¯ diˊ

In pursuit, Pursuing the enemy

墜機 zhuiˋ ji¯

Airplane crash

椎體 zhui¯ tiˇ

Vertebral Body

gui, chui, dui, hui, rui, shui, sui, tui, wei, zhui, zui

最低 zuiˋ di¯

Lowest, Minimum

最底下那排 zuiˋ diˇ xiaˋ naˋ paiˊ

Very bottom row, Bottom-most row

最棘手的 zuiˋ jiˊ shouˇ de˙

Most challenging, Biggest challenge

嘴裡 zuiˇ liˇ


嘴裡喊著的 zuiˇ liˇ hanˇ zhe˙ de˙

Yelled, Chanted, Shouted

嘴裡講的法律二字 zuiˇ liˇ jiangˇ de˙ faˇ luuˋ erˋ ziˋ

Would call the law, Would know as the law

最裡邊 zuiˋ liˇ bian¯


最裡邊的一圈 zuiˋ liˇ bian¯ de˙ yiˋ quan¯

Innermost ring

最密集 zuiˋ miˋ jiˊ

Most dense, Densest, Most concentrated

最起碼 zuiˋ qiˇ maˇ

At least

最喜歡 zuiˋ xiˇ huan¯


最喜歡的 zuiˋ xiˇ huan¯ de˙


最喜歡的作家 zuiˋ xiˇ huan¯ de˙ zuoˋ jia¯

Favorite author

Grouped in tone pairs

34, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 41, 42, 43, 44

詭計 guiˇ jiˋ

Machination, Machinations, Scheme, Schemes, Artifice, Artifices, Deceit, Deceits, Deception, Deceptions, Guile

軌跡 guiˇ jiˋ


詭異 guiˇ yiˋ

Strange, Bizarre, Weird

悔意 huiˇ yiˋ


水利 shuiˇ liˋ

Water conservancy

偉立 weiˇ liˋ


尾氣 weiˇ qiˋ


尾翼 weiˇ yiˋ

Tail structure at rear of aircraft, Tail wing, Empennage

34, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 41, 42, 43, 44

堆積 dui¯ ji¯

Pile up, Heap, Amass, Accumulate, Stack up

34, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 41, 42, 43, 44

灰泥 hui¯ niˊ


推移 tui¯ yiˊ

To pass

危及 wei¯ jiˊ


萎靡不振 wei¯ miˊ buˊ zhenˋ

Despondent, Lethargic, Uninspired

追敵 zhui¯ diˊ

In pursuit, Pursuing the enemy

34, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 41, 42, 43, 44

吹起 chui¯ qiˇ


堆起 dui¯ qiˇ

Pile, Pile up, Piled up

推理 tui¯ liˇ


微米 wei¯ miˇ

Micron, One millionth of a meter

萎靡 wei¯ miˇ


椎體 zhui¯ tiˇ

Vertebral Body

34, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 41, 42, 43, 44

堆砌 dui¯ qiˋ

Pile up

揮一揮 hui¯ yiˋ hui¯


威利 wei¯ liˋ


威力 wei¯ liˋ


微粒 wei¯ liˋ

Micro, Tiny, Small

微細 wei¯ xiˋ

Tiny, Fine

微細管 wei¯ xiˋ guanˇ

Microtube, Microtubes

34, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 41, 42, 43, 44

隨機 suiˊ ji¯

Random, Stochastic, Probabilistic, Randomly, Stochastically Probabilistically

隨機的 suiˊ ji¯ de˙

Adapting, Changing, Varying, Random, Aleatory

隨機碼 suiˊ ji¯ maˇ

Random code

危機 weiˊ ji¯


危機四伏 weiˊ ji¯ siˋ fuˊ

Filled with danger

微積分 weiˊ ji¯ fen¯


維基百科 weiˊ ji¯ baiˇ ke¯


唯一 weiˊ yi¯

The only, Only, The sole, Sole

唯一一個 weiˊ yi¯ yiˊ ge˙

The only one, The sole

唯一工作 weiˊ yi¯ gong¯ zuoˋ

Sole job, Only job

唯一的 weiˊ yi¯ de˙

Only, Single, Sole

唯一的壞處是 weiˊ yi¯ de˙ huaiˋ chuˇ shiˋ

The only disadvantage is, The only bad point is

唯一的孫輩 weiˊ yi¯ de˙ sun¯ beiˋ

Only grandchild

唯一的方式 weiˊ yi¯ de˙ fang¯ shiˋ

The only way, The only means of

唯一能踩下煞車的只有你 weiˊ yi¯ nengˊ caiˇ xiaˋ sha¯ che¯ de˙ zhiˇ youˇ niˇ

The only one who can put on the brakes is you

唯一適合的心臟 weiˊ yi¯ shiˋ heˊ de˙ xin¯ zang¯

The only suitable heart, The only heart suitable

34, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 41, 42, 43, 44

隨即 suiˊ jiˊ

Immediately, Right away

隨即想起來 suiˊ jiˊ xiangˇ qiˇ laiˊ

Then remembered, Then suddenly remembered

隨即發現 suiˊ jiˊ fa¯ xianˋ

Immediately discovers, Discovers straight away

危急 weiˊ jiˊ

Dire emergency

維吉尼亞州 weiˊ jiˊ niˊ yaˋ zhou¯

Virginia, Virginia state

圍籬 weiˊ liˊ


圍棋 weiˊ qiˊ

Chinese chess

為期 weiˊ qiˊ

Schedule, Deadline

34, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 41, 42, 43, 44

隨筆 suiˊ biˇ

Notes, Ramblings

34, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 41, 42, 43, 44

迴避 huiˊ biˋ

Evade, Evasion

回憶 huiˊ yiˋ

Memory, Memories, Memory of, Recalling, Recollection, Retrospect, In retrospect, Looking back on

回憶著 huiˊ yiˋ zhe˙

Thinking back, Recollecting, Recalling

回憶起 huiˊ yiˋ qiˇ

Remember, Bring to mind, Remind, Reminded

回憶錄 huiˊ yiˋ luˋ


隨意 suiˊ yiˋ

At one's will, As one pleases

危地馬拉 weiˊ diˋ maˇ la¯


為例 weiˊ liˋ

As an example, For example

維繫 weiˊ xiˋ


維繫政權 weiˊ xiˋ zhengˋ quanˊ

Maintain authority, Maintain power

維繫與列國的關係 weiˊ xiˋ yuˇ lieˋ guoˊ de˙ guan¯ xiˋ

Maintain 維繫 relationships with other countries

唯一功能 weiˊ yiˋ gong¯ nengˊ

Its only function

唯一原因 weiˊ yiˋ yuanˊ yin¯

Sole reason, Whole reason

唯一的途徑 weiˊ yiˋ de˙ tuˊ jingˋ

The only way

34, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 41, 42, 43, 44

水滴 shuiˇ di¯

Water droplets

尾跡 weiˇ ji¯

Wake, Contrail, Contrails

34, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 41, 42, 43, 44

水泥 shuiˇ niˊ


水泥地 shuiˇ niˊ diˋ

Concrete, Concrete floor

34, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 41, 42, 43, 44

嘴裡 zuiˇ liˇ


嘴裡喊著的 zuiˇ liˇ hanˇ zhe˙ de˙

Yelled, Chanted, Shouted

嘴裡講的法律二字 zuiˇ liˇ jiangˇ de˙ faˇ luuˋ erˋ ziˋ

Would call the law, Would know as the law

34, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 41, 42, 43, 44

睡衣 shuiˋ yi¯


墜機 zhuiˋ ji¯

Airplane crash

最低 zuiˋ di¯

Lowest, Minimum

34, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 41, 42, 43, 44

對一切 duiˋ yiˊ qieˋ

With respect to everything, With respect to all of this

匯集 huiˋ jiˊ


諱疾忌醫 huiˋ jiˊ jiˋ yi¯

Conceal one's ailment, Refuse to face a harsh reality, Hide from the truth, Hide from one's troubles

位移 weiˋ yiˊ


位移的路線 weiˋ yiˊ de˙ luˋ xianˋ

Movement, Movements, Movement line, Line of movement, Line of displacement

最棘手的 zuiˋ jiˊ shouˇ de˙

Most challenging, Biggest challenge

34, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 41, 42, 43, 44

對比 duiˋ biˇ

Compare, Correlate

對你我 duiˋ niˇ woˇ

To you and me

對妳我 duiˋ niˇ woˇ

To you and me

會比較單純 huiˋ biˇ jiaoˋ dan¯ chunˊ

Will be relatively simple, Was relatively simple

會比魔法更吸引他 huiˋ biˇ moˊ faˇ gengˋ xi¯ yinˇ ta¯

Could interest him more than magic, Could attract him more than magic

會比魔法更吸引她 huiˋ biˇ moˊ faˇ gengˋ xi¯ yinˇ ta¯

Could interest her more than magic, Could attract her more than magic

會起雞皮疙瘩 huiˋ qiˇ ji¯ piˊ ge¯ daˊ

Get goosebumps, Gets goosebumps, Got goosebumps

衛理公會 weiˋ liˇ gong¯ huiˋ


衛理公會教堂 weiˋ liˇ gong¯ huiˋ jiaoˋ tangˊ

Methodist church

衛理公會教派 weiˋ liˇ gong¯ huiˋ jiaoˋ paiˋ

Methodist church

最底下那排 zuiˋ diˇ xiaˋ naˋ paiˊ

Very bottom row, Bottom-most row

最裡邊 zuiˋ liˇ bian¯


最裡邊的一圈 zuiˋ liˇ bian¯ de˙ yiˋ quan¯

Innermost ring

最起碼 zuiˋ qiˇ maˇ

At least

最喜歡 zuiˋ xiˇ huan¯


最喜歡的 zuiˋ xiˇ huan¯ de˙


最喜歡的作家 zuiˋ xiˇ huan¯ de˙ zuoˋ jia¯

Favorite author

34, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 41, 42, 43, 44

對立 duiˋ liˋ


對細節勤奮的注意力 duiˋ xiˋ jieˊ qinˊ fenˋ de˙ zhuˋ yiˋ liˋ

Diligent attention to detail

對弈 duiˋ yiˋ


彙寄編號 huiˋ jiˋ bian¯ haoˋ

Remittance number

會計 huiˋ jiˋ


會計師 huiˋ jiˋ shi¯


晦氣 huiˋ qiˋ

Bad luck, Adversity

會意 huiˋ yiˋ

Get the hint, Understand, Got the hint, Understood, Associative compounds, one of six classifications for Chinese characters

會議 huiˋ yiˋ

Conference, Meeting

會議廳 huiˋ yiˋ ting¯

Conference room

銳利 ruiˋ liˋ


退役 tuiˋ yiˋ

Retired from military service, Retired

退役後曾有很多年時間 tuiˋ yiˋ houˋ cengˊ youˇ henˇ duo¯ nianˊ shiˊ jian¯

For many years after leaving the army, had

未必 weiˋ biˋ

Not necessarily

未必是刻意 weiˋ biˋ shiˋ keˋ yiˋ

Probably not deliberately, Perhaps not deliberate, Perhaps not intentionally

未必是刻意這麼做 weiˋ biˋ shiˋ keˋ yiˋ zheˋ me˙ zuoˋ

Probably didn't do it intentionally

為必 weiˋ biˋ

Required, Mandatory

為避免 weiˋ biˋ mianˇ

To prevent

位立 weiˋ liˋ

Stand up, Standing position

味氣 weiˋ qiˋ

A smell

為一天的活動做準備 weiˋ yiˋ tian¯ de˙ huoˊ dongˋ zuoˋ zhunˇ beiˋ

Got ready for the day's activities, Prepare for the day's activities, Prepared for the day's activities

最密集 zuiˋ miˋ jiˊ

Most dense, Densest, Most concentrated


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詭異 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 異

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