Index for words including 該


Should, Ought, Each, Each Of, Owe, Deserve, Above Mentioned, Most Likely, Then, The

Word Links for words containing 該 (sorted via character pairs)

該 gai¯
Should, Ought, Each, Each Of, Owe, Deserve, Above Mentioned, Most Likely, Then, The

Words containing

(Use links to see word pronunciation)


該用 Should use


該隱 Cain


該出 Should show up, Should appear


該發揮的作用 Its role, Its task, What it should do, What it was supposed to do


該多 That would be sufficient


該告退的時候了 It was time to leave, It was time to withdraw, It was time to quit


該怎麼做 What to do, What needed to be done

他就會知道該怎麼回答了 He'll know how he should answer, He knew how he would have answered, He knew what he would have said

她就會知道該怎麼回答了 She'll know how to answer, She knew how she would have answered


該知道事情不對勁 Should have known something was wrong


該代 The generation


該做 Do


該升級了 It was time for a promotion, It was time to move up the ladder


該認清了 Then that's it


該說 Need to say

該說 Should just say

該說的話 Things that should be said

講了該說的話 Said the things that should be said, Said the right things

不知道該說什麼 Did not know what to say, Had nothing to say

該說的都說完了 That's all there is to say


該洗澡了 Need to take a bath


不過這該不太可能 This was not too likely, Which was not terribly likely


該死 Damn it, Shit

該死 Damn, Damned

該死 Damn you, Time for you to die

修好那該死的無線電 Fix that damned radio

抱怨會是該死的餿主意 Complaining was a goddam bad idea


穿越該蟲 Travel through above mentioned wormhole


該去 Should go, Should go to

知道它該去的明確位置 Knew exactly where it should go, Knew exactly where it was supposed to go


該走 Time to go, We should leave

該走 Time to go, We should leave


該有 Should have, Probably has, Probably had


該打電話的 Should have called


我們該把所有幫手都召集起來 We need all the help we can get


不知該挑 Not know what choice to make, Not know what to choose


你該 You should, You need

你該想想 You should think about it, You should do some thinking

你該死了 Damn you, Time for you to die

你該去一趟 I think you should go there, I think you should take a trip


我該 I should

或許我該 Perhaps I should

我該怎麼做 What I needed to do

我知道我該怎麼做 I knew what I needed to do

我該從哪說起呢 Where should I begin? Where do I begin?


向該 To each, To the


應該 Should, Ought to, Must

應該 Should not, Should not have

應該 Should have first

應該 I would say, I should say that

我想應該 I suppose that

正確答案應該 The correct answer should be

應該料到 Should have expected

他就應該料到 He should have expected

應該逃走 Should run away

應該料到的 Should have known, Should have foreseen, Should have expected

應該發霉了 Would be moldy, Would have become moldy

應該被提醒 Should be reminded

應該解釋 I should explain

應該影響到 Should not affect

我想應該不是 I suppose not

應該提一下 I should mention that

正確答案應該是多少 The correct answer should be how much?

你不應該回來的 You shouldn't have come back, You shouldn't have returned

妳不應該回來的 You shouldn't have come back, You shouldn't have returned

應該要保護我才對 You should protect me, You should be protecting me

應該要保護我才對 You should protect me, You should be protecting me


活該 Serves them right, Got what they deserved

活該 He got what she deserved

活該 She got what she deserved

那是他活該 He deserved it, It serves him right

那是她活該 She deserved it, It serves her right


不該 Should not

不該要求 Should not request, Should not get

不該這麼做 Shouldn't be doing this


本該 Ought to be, Should be

本該是手的地方 Where a hand should be, Where hands should be

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