
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 談



kua¯ kua¯ qiˊ tanˊ

談 tanˊ
Talk, Talk About, Converse, Chat, Speak, Discuss

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Phone , Tone

Words that rhyme with 誇誇其談 (wa-wa)

Grouped by first phone

kua, hua, shua, wa

誇誇其談 kua¯ kua¯ qiˊ tanˊ


kua, hua, shua, wa

花花 hua¯ hua¯


花花世界 hua¯ hua¯ shiˋ jieˋ

World of flowers

花花布 hua¯ hua¯ buˋ

Colorful cloth, Colorful clothing

畫畫 huaˋ huaˋ

Draw, Paint

畫畫兒 huaˋ huaˋ erˊ

Paint, Draw

畫畫課 huaˋ huaˋ keˋ

Drawing class, Art class

kua, hua, shua, wa

耍花招兒 shuaˇ hua¯ zhao¯ erˊ

Show of special skills, Play tricks

耍耍看 shuaˇ shuaˇ kanˋ

Try it out, Give it a whirl

kua, hua, shua, wa

娃娃 waˊ waˊ

Doll, Dolls

娃娃床墊 waˊ waˊ chuangˊ dianˋ

Crib mattress, Baby mattress

Grouped in tone pairs

11, 22, 31, 33, 44

花花 hua¯ hua¯


花花世界 hua¯ hua¯ shiˋ jieˋ

World of flowers

花花布 hua¯ hua¯ buˋ

Colorful cloth, Colorful clothing

誇誇其談 kua¯ kua¯ qiˊ tanˊ


11, 22, 31, 33, 44

娃娃 waˊ waˊ

Doll, Dolls

娃娃床墊 waˊ waˊ chuangˊ dianˋ

Crib mattress, Baby mattress

11, 22, 31, 33, 44

耍花招兒 shuaˇ hua¯ zhao¯ erˊ

Show of special skills, Play tricks

11, 22, 31, 33, 44

耍耍看 shuaˇ shuaˇ kanˋ

Try it out, Give it a whirl

11, 22, 31, 33, 44

畫畫 huaˋ huaˋ

Draw, Paint

畫畫兒 huaˋ huaˋ erˊ

Paint, Draw

畫畫課 huaˋ huaˋ keˋ

Drawing class, Art class


丶-言 : > : > [誇]-誇其 : > [誇]-誇誇其談 >

丶-言 : > : > [誇]-誇其 : > [誇]-誇誇其談 >

人-其 : > : > [其]-其談 : > [其]-誇誇其談 >

丶-言 : > : > [談]-其談 : > [談]-誇誇其談 >

誇誇其談 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 談

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