
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 明


Prove or disprove

zhengˋ mingˊ huoˋ fanˇ zhengˋ

明 mingˊ
Bright, Clear, Light, Understand, Ming Dynasty

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Phone , Tone


證明 zhengˋ mingˊ

反證 fanˇ zhengˋ

Words that rhyme with 證明或反證 (eng-ying)

Grouped by first phone

zheng, ceng, cheng, deng, feng, geng, heng, leng, meng, neng, peng, sheng

正盯著 zhengˋ ding¯ zhe˙

Staring straight at, Directing gaze at

政經 zhengˋ jing¯

Political and economic currents or trends

政經潮流 zhengˋ jing¯ chaoˊ liuˊ

Political and economic currents or trends

正經 zhengˋ jing¯

Serious, Proper, Respectable

證明 zhengˋ mingˊ

Confirm, Prove, Provide evidence, Gave evidence, Evidence

證明或反證 zhengˋ mingˊ huoˋ fanˇ zhengˋ

Prove or disprove

證明自己 zhengˋ mingˊ ziˋ jiˇ

Prove himself, Prove herself, Prove themselves

證明著 zhengˋ mingˊ zhe˙

To prove, Prove

猙獰 zheng¯ ningˊ


蒸檸檬鱸魚 zheng¯ ningˊ mengˊ luˊ yuˊ

Steamed Lemon Sea Bass

正平方根 zhengˋ pingˊ fang¯ gen¯

Positive square root

zheng, ceng, cheng, deng, feng, geng, heng, leng, meng, neng, peng, sheng

曾經 cengˊ jing¯

Experienced, Once, Had once, Ever been

曾經參加牛津划船隊 cengˊ jing¯ can¯ jia¯ niuˊ jin¯ huaˊ chuanˊ duiˋ

Used to row with the Oxford rowing team

曾經想出 cengˊ jing¯ xiangˇ chu¯

Had come up with

曾經是 cengˊ jing¯ shiˋ

Once was

曾經相處十年 cengˊ jing¯ xiang¯ chuˋ shiˊ nianˊ

Known each other for 10 years, 10 year association

曾經跟我 cengˊ jing¯ gen¯ woˇ

I have in the past

曾警告過 cengˊ jingˇ gaoˋ guoˋ

Had warned

曾警告過她 cengˊ jingˇ gaoˋ guoˋ ta¯

Had warned her

曾聽過 cengˊ ting¯ guoˋ

Had ever heard

zheng, ceng, cheng, deng, feng, geng, heng, leng, meng, neng, peng, sheng

承明 chengˊ mingˊ

Cheng Ming Hall (used as research academy during Han Dynasty)

澄明 chengˊ mingˊ

Clear and bright

程憑 chengˊ pingˊ


澄清 chengˊ qing¯

Clear, Clarify, Let impurities sink to bottom, Purify water by allowing sediment to settle, Set right, Put in order, Quell disturbances, Quell

澄清天下 chengˊ qing¯ tian¯ xiaˋ

Rid the world of trouble

澄清溶液 chengˊ qing¯ rongˊ yeˋ

Clear solution, Clarified solution

成型 chengˊ xingˊ


成形 chengˊ xingˊ

Forming, Formed

zheng, ceng, cheng, deng, feng, geng, heng, leng, meng, neng, peng, sheng

等傾線 dengˇ qing¯ xianˋ


zheng, ceng, cheng, deng, feng, geng, heng, leng, meng, neng, peng, sheng

封頂 feng¯ dingˇ


風景 feng¯ jingˇ

Scenery, Landscape

風鈴 feng¯ lingˊ

Wind chimes

奉命 fengˋ mingˋ


風平浪靜 feng¯ pingˊ langˋ jingˋ

Calm seas, Calm and tranquil

風輕輕吹著 feng¯ qing¯ qing¯ chui¯ zhe˙

Wind blew gently, Gently blowing wind

風情 feng¯ qingˊ

Romantic feelings, Refined taste (sensitivity), Flirtatious expression

鋒行 feng¯ xingˊ

Vanguard, Van

逢迎曲踊 fengˊ yingˊ qu¯ yongˇ

Flatter, Ingratiate

zheng, ceng, cheng, deng, feng, geng, heng, leng, meng, neng, peng, sheng

更敬佩他 gengˋ jingˋ peiˋ ta¯

Respect him even more

更清楚 gengˋ qing¯ chuˇ

More clear

更形威脅 gengˋ xingˊ wei¯ xieˊ

More of a threat

zheng, ceng, cheng, deng, feng, geng, heng, leng, meng, neng, peng, sheng

恆星 hengˊ xing¯

Fixed star, Fixed stars

恆星系 hengˊ xing¯ xiˋ

Stellar System, Star System

恆星系統 hengˊ xing¯ xiˋ tongˇ

Star System

橫行 hengˊ xingˊ

Over run

zheng, ceng, cheng, deng, feng, geng, heng, leng, meng, neng, peng, sheng

冷冰冰 lengˇ bing¯ bing¯

Icy cold

冷冰冰的 lengˇ bing¯ bing¯ de˙


冷靜 lengˇ jingˋ

Calm, Clear mind, Quiet, Secluded

冷凝 lengˇ ningˊ


冷凝器 lengˇ ningˊ qiˋ


冷凝物 lengˇ ningˊ wuˋ


冷凝結 lengˇ ningˊ jieˊ

Condense, Condenses, Condensation

冷清 lengˇ qing¯

Deserted, Desolate, Lonely

zheng, ceng, cheng, deng, feng, geng, heng, leng, meng, neng, peng, sheng

夢境 mengˋ jingˋ

Dreamland, Dream, Dreams

zheng, ceng, cheng, deng, feng, geng, heng, leng, meng, neng, peng, sheng

能輕易 nengˊ qing¯ yiˋ

Could easily

能輕易得手 nengˊ qing¯ yiˋ deˊ shouˇ

Had the ability to do it with ease

zheng, ceng, cheng, deng, feng, geng, heng, leng, meng, neng, peng, sheng

碰釘子 pengˋ ding¯ zi˙

Meet with rejection, Rebuffed, Rebuked

zheng, ceng, cheng, deng, feng, geng, heng, leng, meng, neng, peng, sheng

生病 sheng¯ bingˋ

Get sick

生病了 sheng¯ bingˋ le˙

Become sick, Became sick

聖經 shengˋ jing¯

Bible, Religious writings (e.g. Confucius)

聖經研讀會 shengˋ jing¯ yanˊ duˊ huiˋ

Bible-study group, Bible-study session

聖經箴言卡 shengˋ jing¯ zhen¯ yanˊ kaˇ

Scripture card

聲明 sheng¯ mingˊ

Statement, Declaration

生命 sheng¯ mingˋ


生命儀 sheng¯ mingˋ yiˊ

Biomonitor, Life signs indicator

生命力 sheng¯ mingˋ liˋ


生命危險 sheng¯ mingˋ weiˊ xianˇ

Life threatening

生命的 sheng¯ mingˋ de˙


生命線 sheng¯ mingˋ xianˋ


生命衝刺 sheng¯ mingˋ chong¯ ciˋ

Life's rushed moments

生命體 sheng¯ mingˋ tiˇ

Life form

生平 sheng¯ pingˊ

Biography, Overview of one's life, In the course of one's life

生平第一次 sheng¯ pingˊ diˋ yi¯ ciˋ

For the first time ever

盛情 shengˋ qingˊ

Kindness, Hospitality

生性凶殘 sheng¯ xingˋ xiong¯ canˊ


盛行 shengˋ xingˊ


生硬 sheng¯ yingˋ

Stiff, Awkward

Grouped in tone pairs

42, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 31, 32, 34, 41, 44

更形威脅 gengˋ xingˊ wei¯ xieˊ

More of a threat

盛情 shengˋ qingˊ

Kindness, Hospitality

盛行 shengˋ xingˊ


證明 zhengˋ mingˊ

Confirm, Prove, Provide evidence, Gave evidence, Evidence

證明或反證 zhengˋ mingˊ huoˋ fanˇ zhengˋ

Prove or disprove

證明自己 zhengˋ mingˊ ziˋ jiˇ

Prove himself, Prove herself, Prove themselves

證明著 zhengˋ mingˊ zhe˙

To prove, Prove

正平方根 zhengˋ pingˊ fang¯ gen¯

Positive square root

42, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 31, 32, 34, 41, 44

風輕輕吹著 feng¯ qing¯ qing¯ chui¯ zhe˙

Wind blew gently, Gently blowing wind

42, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 31, 32, 34, 41, 44

風鈴 feng¯ lingˊ

Wind chimes

風平浪靜 feng¯ pingˊ langˋ jingˋ

Calm seas, Calm and tranquil

風情 feng¯ qingˊ

Romantic feelings, Refined taste (sensitivity), Flirtatious expression

鋒行 feng¯ xingˊ

Vanguard, Van

聲明 sheng¯ mingˊ

Statement, Declaration

生平 sheng¯ pingˊ

Biography, Overview of one's life, In the course of one's life

生平第一次 sheng¯ pingˊ diˋ yi¯ ciˋ

For the first time ever

猙獰 zheng¯ ningˊ


蒸檸檬鱸魚 zheng¯ ningˊ mengˊ luˊ yuˊ

Steamed Lemon Sea Bass

42, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 31, 32, 34, 41, 44

封頂 feng¯ dingˇ


風景 feng¯ jingˇ

Scenery, Landscape

42, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 31, 32, 34, 41, 44

生病 sheng¯ bingˋ

Get sick

生病了 sheng¯ bingˋ le˙

Become sick, Became sick

生命 sheng¯ mingˋ


生命儀 sheng¯ mingˋ yiˊ

Biomonitor, Life signs indicator

生命力 sheng¯ mingˋ liˋ


生命危險 sheng¯ mingˋ weiˊ xianˇ

Life threatening

生命的 sheng¯ mingˋ de˙


生命線 sheng¯ mingˋ xianˋ


生命衝刺 sheng¯ mingˋ chong¯ ciˋ

Life's rushed moments

生命體 sheng¯ mingˋ tiˇ

Life form

生性凶殘 sheng¯ xingˋ xiong¯ canˊ


生硬 sheng¯ yingˋ

Stiff, Awkward

42, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 31, 32, 34, 41, 44

曾經 cengˊ jing¯

Experienced, Once, Had once, Ever been

曾經參加牛津划船隊 cengˊ jing¯ can¯ jia¯ niuˊ jin¯ huaˊ chuanˊ duiˋ

Used to row with the Oxford rowing team

曾經想出 cengˊ jing¯ xiangˇ chu¯

Had come up with

曾經是 cengˊ jing¯ shiˋ

Once was

曾經相處十年 cengˊ jing¯ xiang¯ chuˋ shiˊ nianˊ

Known each other for 10 years, 10 year association

曾經跟我 cengˊ jing¯ gen¯ woˇ

I have in the past

曾聽過 cengˊ ting¯ guoˋ

Had ever heard

澄清 chengˊ qing¯

Clear, Clarify, Let impurities sink to bottom, Purify water by allowing sediment to settle, Set right, Put in order, Quell disturbances, Quell

澄清天下 chengˊ qing¯ tian¯ xiaˋ

Rid the world of trouble

澄清溶液 chengˊ qing¯ rongˊ yeˋ

Clear solution, Clarified solution

恆星 hengˊ xing¯

Fixed star, Fixed stars

恆星系 hengˊ xing¯ xiˋ

Stellar System, Star System

恆星系統 hengˊ xing¯ xiˋ tongˇ

Star System

能輕易 nengˊ qing¯ yiˋ

Could easily

能輕易得手 nengˊ qing¯ yiˋ deˊ shouˇ

Had the ability to do it with ease

42, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 31, 32, 34, 41, 44

承明 chengˊ mingˊ

Cheng Ming Hall (used as research academy during Han Dynasty)

澄明 chengˊ mingˊ

Clear and bright

程憑 chengˊ pingˊ


成型 chengˊ xingˊ


成形 chengˊ xingˊ

Forming, Formed

逢迎曲踊 fengˊ yingˊ qu¯ yongˇ

Flatter, Ingratiate

橫行 hengˊ xingˊ

Over run

42, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 31, 32, 34, 41, 44

曾警告過 cengˊ jingˇ gaoˋ guoˋ

Had warned

曾警告過她 cengˊ jingˇ gaoˋ guoˋ ta¯

Had warned her

42, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 31, 32, 34, 41, 44

等傾線 dengˇ qing¯ xianˋ


冷冰冰 lengˇ bing¯ bing¯

Icy cold

冷冰冰的 lengˇ bing¯ bing¯ de˙


冷清 lengˇ qing¯

Deserted, Desolate, Lonely

42, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 31, 32, 34, 41, 44

冷凝 lengˇ ningˊ


冷凝器 lengˇ ningˊ qiˋ


冷凝物 lengˇ ningˊ wuˋ


冷凝結 lengˇ ningˊ jieˊ

Condense, Condenses, Condensation

42, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 31, 32, 34, 41, 44

冷靜 lengˇ jingˋ

Calm, Clear mind, Quiet, Secluded

42, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 31, 32, 34, 41, 44

更清楚 gengˋ qing¯ chuˇ

More clear

碰釘子 pengˋ ding¯ zi˙

Meet with rejection, Rebuffed, Rebuked

聖經 shengˋ jing¯

Bible, Religious writings (e.g. Confucius)

聖經研讀會 shengˋ jing¯ yanˊ duˊ huiˋ

Bible-study group, Bible-study session

聖經箴言卡 shengˋ jing¯ zhen¯ yanˊ kaˇ

Scripture card

正盯著 zhengˋ ding¯ zhe˙

Staring straight at, Directing gaze at

政經 zhengˋ jing¯

Political and economic currents or trends

政經潮流 zhengˋ jing¯ chaoˊ liuˊ

Political and economic currents or trends

正經 zhengˋ jing¯

Serious, Proper, Respectable

42, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 31, 32, 34, 41, 44

奉命 fengˋ mingˋ


更敬佩他 gengˋ jingˋ peiˋ ta¯

Respect him even more

夢境 mengˋ jingˋ

Dreamland, Dream, Dreams


丶-言 : > : > [證]-反證 : > [證]-證明或反證 >

口-日 : > : > [明]-證明 : > [明]-證明或反證 >

丶-弋 : > : > [或]-或反 : > [或]-證明或反證 >

厂-厂 : > : > [反]-反證 : > [反]-證明或反證 >

丶-言 : > : > [證]-反證 : > [證]-證明或反證 >

證明或反證 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 明

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