Index for words including 豫


Comfortable, Relaxed, At Ease, Happy, Delighted, Pleased, Prepare, Prepared, Get Ready, Before Hand, Hesitate, Lie, Cheat

Word Links for words containing 豫 (sorted via character pairs)

豫 yuˋ
Comfortable, Relaxed, At Ease, Happy, Delighted, Pleased, Prepare, Prepared, Get Ready, Before Hand, Hesitate, Lie, Cheat

Words containing

(Use links to see word pronunciation)


悅豫 Happy and comfortable, Pleased, Delighted


猶豫 Hesitant, Undecided, Unsure

毫不猶豫 Without hesitation

猶豫 Hesitated

猶豫不決 Indecisive

猶豫片刻 Hesitated

猶豫了很長一段時間 Hesitated a long time

猶豫了那麼百分之一秒 Hesitated for a split second

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