
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 耳


Ready to listen, Attentive

tie¯ erˇ

耳 erˇ
Ear, Ears, Only, Merely

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Phone , Tone

Words that rhyme with 貼耳 (ye-er)

Grouped by first phone

tie, jie, qie

貼耳 tie¯ erˇ

Ready to listen, Attentive

tie, jie, qie

接二連三 jie¯ erˋ lianˊ san¯

One after the other, repeatedly, Continuously

tie, jie, qie

鍥而不捨 qieˋ erˊ buˋ sheˇ

Persistant, Persists, Keeps trying

Grouped in tone pairs

13, 14, 42

貼耳 tie¯ erˇ

Ready to listen, Attentive

13, 14, 42

接二連三 jie¯ erˋ lianˊ san¯

One after the other, repeatedly, Continuously

13, 14, 42

鍥而不捨 qieˋ erˊ buˋ sheˇ

Persistant, Persists, Keeps trying


口-貝 : > : > [貼]-貼耳 : > [貼]-貼耳 >

一-耳 : > : > [耳]-貼耳 : > [耳]-貼耳 >

貼耳 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 耳

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