Foot, Satisfy, Sufficient, Enough
Word Links for words containing 足 (sorted via character pairs)
足夠 Enough, Sufficient
仍足夠 Still sufficient
存到足夠 Saved enough
她一存到足夠 Once she'd saved enough
足夠漆 Is enough to paint, Is sufficient to paint
足夠休息 Get plenty of rest
足夠穩定 Sufficiently stable
足夠空間留給 Enough room left for
地板上有足夠空間 There was enough room on the floor, There was plenty of room on the floor
足夠的量 Sufficient amount
足夠應付突發狀況的量 Send an amount sufficient to deal with any emergencies, Send just enough to deal with any emergencies
足球 Soccer, Football
踢足球 Play football or soccer
美式足球 American football
足球賽 Football game, Football match
足球隊 Football team, Soccer team
足球課程 Football program
足聲 The sound of footsteps, Footsteps
悄悄的足聲 Quiet footsteps
他聽到背後有悄悄的足聲 He heard quiet footsteps behind him
她聽到背後有悄悄的足聲 She heard quiet footsteps behind her
無足輕重 Insignificant
舉足輕重 Position of so much importance that each step can have an affect, Position of importance
舉足輕重的地位 Important position, Important post
滿足 Satisfied
難以滿足 Difficult to satisfy, Difficult to meet needs of
滿足感 Satisfaction
心裡覺得既滿足又輕 Feeling both satisfied and relaxed
不足 Insufficient, Not enough
美中不足 A flaw in something that is otherwise perfect, A single drawback, A fly in the ointment
不足以 Insufficient, Not enough
不足時 If not enough, When there is not enough
微不足道 Trivial
十足 Pure, Out-and-out, Downright, Complete, Completely, Utterly, Perfectly, One hundred percent
聽起來十足的疲憊 Sounded completely exhausted
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