
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 距


Talus, (Cats: Anatomy next)

juˋ guˇ

距 juˋ
Distance, Ago, In The Past, Bird's Spur

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Phone , Tone

Words that rhyme with 距骨 (yu-wu)

Grouped by first phone

ju, luu, nuu, qu, xu, yu

局部 juˊ buˋ

Portion, Part of the whole, local

舉出一例 juˇ chu¯ yiˊ liˋ

Give an example, Give one example

局促 juˊ cuˋ

Restless, Nervous, Uneasy

聚醋酸乙烯 juˋ cuˋ suan¯ yiˇ xi¯

Polyvinyl Acetate (PVA)

距骨 juˋ guˇ


鋸木架 ju¯ muˋ jiaˋ

Saw horse

劇目 juˋ muˋ


拘束 ju¯ shuˋ

Restrain, Tie down, Tied down, Timid, Awkward, Not comfortable

句數 juˋ shuˋ

Sentence count, Number of sentences

居無定所 ju¯ wuˊ dingˋ suoˇ

Of no fixed abode

居住 ju¯ zhuˋ

Inhabit, Reside (at or in), Live in

居住可能 ju¯ zhuˋ keˇ nengˊ


居住可能性的 ju¯ zhuˋ keˇ nengˊ xingˋ de˙

Potentially habitable

居住地 ju¯ zhuˋ diˋ

Base, Residence

居住的地方 ju¯ zhuˋ de˙ diˋ fang¯

Place of residence

居住艙 ju¯ zhuˋ cang¯

Habitat, Sealable and self-contained living space

巨柱 juˋ zhuˋ

Pillar, Pillars

舉足輕重 juˇ zuˊ qing¯ zhongˋ

Position of so much importance that each step can have an affect, Position of importance

舉足輕重的地位 juˇ zuˊ qing¯ zhongˋ de˙ diˋ weiˋ

Important position, Important post

劇組 juˋ zuˇ


ju, luu, nuu, qu, xu, yu

縷述 luuˇ shuˋ

Narrate in detail

旅途 luuˇ tuˊ

Route, Travel route

鋁土礦 luuˇ tuˇ kuangˋ


ju, luu, nuu, qu, xu, yu

女服務生 nuuˇ fuˊ wuˋ sheng¯


女僕 nuuˇ pu¯


女主人 nuuˇ zhuˇ renˊ

Hostess, Woman of the house

ju, luu, nuu, qu, xu, yu

去不了 quˋ buˋ liaoˇ

Can't go, Not possible to go

取出 quˇ chu¯

Remove, Take out, Withdraw, Withdrew

去除 quˋ chuˊ


去處 quˋ chuˇ


曲度 qu¯ duˋ

Degree of curvature

去讀 quˋ duˊ


屈服 qu¯ fuˊ


屈辱 qu¯ ruˇ

Humiliated, Suffer humiliation, Humiliation

曲突徙薪 qu¯ tuˊ xiˇ xin¯

Bend the chimney and move the firewood, Take precautions

趣途 quˋ tuˊ

Winding passage

取物裝置 quˇ wuˋ zhuang¯ zhiˋ

Device for picking things up, Pick-up device

驅逐 qu¯ zhuˊ

Expel, Drive out

驅逐艦 qu¯ zhuˊ jianˋ


ju, luu, nuu, qu, xu, yu

虛度 xu¯ duˋ

Fritter away time, Let time slip by in vain

序幕 xuˋ muˋ

Prelude, Prologue

敘述 xuˋ shuˋ

Describe, Narrate, Tell a story, Narrative

敘述出來 xuˋ shuˋ chu¯ laiˊ


虛無主義 xu¯ wuˊ zhuˇ yiˋ


ju, luu, nuu, qu, xu, yu

寓目 yuˋ muˋ

Stare at, Study

餘數 yuˊ shuˋ

Balance, Complement to a number, Remainder

餘數為 yuˊ shuˋ weiˋ

Balance is, Complement to a number is, Remainder is

魚屋 yuˊ wu¯

Fish dwelling

語無倫 yuˇ wuˊ lunˊ


浴屋 yuˋ wu¯


雨珠 yuˇ zhu¯

Bead of rain water, Beads of rain water

語族 yuˇ zuˊ

Language family

Grouped in tone pairs

43, 12, 13, 14, 21, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 44

距骨 juˋ guˇ


劇組 juˋ zuˇ


去處 quˋ chuˇ


43, 12, 13, 14, 21, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 44

居無定所 ju¯ wuˊ dingˋ suoˇ

Of no fixed abode

屈服 qu¯ fuˊ


曲突徙薪 qu¯ tuˊ xiˇ xin¯

Bend the chimney and move the firewood, Take precautions

驅逐 qu¯ zhuˊ

Expel, Drive out

驅逐艦 qu¯ zhuˊ jianˋ


虛無主義 xu¯ wuˊ zhuˇ yiˋ


43, 12, 13, 14, 21, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 44

屈辱 qu¯ ruˇ

Humiliated, Suffer humiliation, Humiliation

43, 12, 13, 14, 21, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 44

鋸木架 ju¯ muˋ jiaˋ

Saw horse

拘束 ju¯ shuˋ

Restrain, Tie down, Tied down, Timid, Awkward, Not comfortable

居住 ju¯ zhuˋ

Inhabit, Reside (at or in), Live in

居住可能 ju¯ zhuˋ keˇ nengˊ


居住可能性的 ju¯ zhuˋ keˇ nengˊ xingˋ de˙

Potentially habitable

居住地 ju¯ zhuˋ diˋ

Base, Residence

居住的地方 ju¯ zhuˋ de˙ diˋ fang¯

Place of residence

居住艙 ju¯ zhuˋ cang¯

Habitat, Sealable and self-contained living space

曲度 qu¯ duˋ

Degree of curvature

虛度 xu¯ duˋ

Fritter away time, Let time slip by in vain

43, 12, 13, 14, 21, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 44

魚屋 yuˊ wu¯

Fish dwelling

43, 12, 13, 14, 21, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 44

局部 juˊ buˋ

Portion, Part of the whole, local

局促 juˊ cuˋ

Restless, Nervous, Uneasy

餘數 yuˊ shuˋ

Balance, Complement to a number, Remainder

餘數為 yuˊ shuˋ weiˋ

Balance is, Complement to a number is, Remainder is

43, 12, 13, 14, 21, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 44

舉出一例 juˇ chu¯ yiˊ liˋ

Give an example, Give one example

女僕 nuuˇ pu¯


取出 quˇ chu¯

Remove, Take out, Withdraw, Withdrew

雨珠 yuˇ zhu¯

Bead of rain water, Beads of rain water

43, 12, 13, 14, 21, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 44

舉足輕重 juˇ zuˊ qing¯ zhongˋ

Position of so much importance that each step can have an affect, Position of importance

舉足輕重的地位 juˇ zuˊ qing¯ zhongˋ de˙ diˋ weiˋ

Important position, Important post

旅途 luuˇ tuˊ

Route, Travel route

女服務生 nuuˇ fuˊ wuˋ sheng¯


語無倫 yuˇ wuˊ lunˊ


語族 yuˇ zuˊ

Language family

43, 12, 13, 14, 21, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 44

鋁土礦 luuˇ tuˇ kuangˋ


女主人 nuuˇ zhuˇ renˊ

Hostess, Woman of the house

43, 12, 13, 14, 21, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 44

縷述 luuˇ shuˋ

Narrate in detail

取物裝置 quˇ wuˋ zhuang¯ zhiˋ

Device for picking things up, Pick-up device

43, 12, 13, 14, 21, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 44

浴屋 yuˋ wu¯


43, 12, 13, 14, 21, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 44

去除 quˋ chuˊ


去讀 quˋ duˊ


趣途 quˋ tuˊ

Winding passage

43, 12, 13, 14, 21, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 44

聚醋酸乙烯 juˋ cuˋ suan¯ yiˇ xi¯

Polyvinyl Acetate (PVA)

劇目 juˋ muˋ


句數 juˋ shuˋ

Sentence count, Number of sentences

巨柱 juˋ zhuˋ

Pillar, Pillars

去不了 quˋ buˋ liaoˇ

Can't go, Not possible to go

序幕 xuˋ muˋ

Prelude, Prologue

敘述 xuˋ shuˋ

Describe, Narrate, Tell a story, Narrative

敘述出來 xuˋ shuˋ chu¯ laiˊ


寓目 yuˋ muˋ

Stare at, Study


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