Index for words including 距


Distance, Ago, In The Past, Bird's Spur

Word Links for words containing 距 (sorted via character pairs)

距 juˋ
Distance, Ago, In The Past, Bird's Spur

Words containing

(Use links to see word pronunciation)


距骨 Talus


距離 Distance apart, Amount of separation, Range, Distance, Distance between, How close or far

距離 Short distance, Close range

距離 Equidistance, Equal distance

距離 Up close, Nearby

保持距離 Maintain distance, Maintain separation

遠的距離 Distance

每隔一段距離 A set distance apart, At regular intervals

蠻長一段距離 Quite a distance, Quite a ways

那麼遠的距離 That far a distance, That great a distance, That much distance

他們會想和追捕者保持距離 They will want to keep away from their pursuer, They will want to maintain separation from their pursuit

距離拉近 Approach, Come closer

現在距離拉近 Had approached, Had come closer

距離某個 A certain distance

距離過遠 Distance, Too far away

距離和方位 Range and bearing, Range and azimuth, Distance and bearing, Distance and azimuth

距離戰鬥 Close combat, Hand-to-hand combat

距離傳送 Teleportation

相機的距離變更 Camera distance changes, Distance to camera changes

距離安全那麼近 That close to safety, So close to safety

距離看過他們 Saw them up close

距離看過他們一次 Saw them up close once

距離某個中心理想還不算太遠 Not too far from a central ideal

距離可不短 Not a short distance

從上面到底下的距離可不短 It was a long way down, It was not a short drop


距今 To now


跨距 Span, Space, Gap


間距 Spacing, Pitch, Interval

抽樣間距 Sampling interval

車輪間距 Cart wheel spacing based on axle length


焦距 Focal length, Focal distance


差距 Gap

差距不大 Not too different, Not too far apart


上距 Above


軸距 Wheelbase

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