
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 椅


Wheel chair, (Cats: Device next)

lunˊ yiˇ

椅 yiˇ

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Phone , Tone

Words that rhyme with 輪椅 (wen-yi)

Grouped by first phone

lun, chun, cun, dun, hun, shun, tun, wen

倫理 lunˊ liˇ

Ethics, Moral principles

倫理污點 lunˊ liˇ wu¯ dianˇ

Ethical stain, Ethical stains

倫理盲點 lunˊ liˇ mangˊ dianˇ

Ethical blindspot

倫西波 lunˊ xi¯ bo¯


輪椅 lunˊ yiˇ

Wheel chair

lun, chun, cun, dun, hun, shun, tun, wen

春季 chun¯ jiˋ


lun, chun, cun, dun, hun, shun, tun, wen

村裡 cun¯ liˇ

In the village

村裡沒人知道 cun¯ liˇ meiˊ renˊ zhi¯ daoˋ

No one in the village knew

存起來 cunˊ qiˇ laiˊ

Save, Save up

存疑 cunˊ yiˊ

Doubtful, Skeptical

lun, chun, cun, dun, hun, shun, tun, wen

頓一下 dunˋ yiˋ xiaˋ


lun, chun, cun, dun, hun, shun, tun, wen

婚禮 hun¯ liˇ

Wedding, Wedding ceremony

昏迷 hun¯ miˊ


lun, chun, cun, dun, hun, shun, tun, wen

順理成章 shunˋ liˇ chengˊ zhang¯


順利 shunˋ liˋ

Smoothly, Easily, Without incident, Successful, Without a hitch

順利地 shunˋ liˋ de˙


順利完成 shunˋ liˋ wanˊ chengˊ

Went smoothly

順利度過 shunˋ liˋ duˋ guoˋ

Smoothly pass over

順利極了 shunˋ liˋ jiˊ le˙

Great, Fantastic, Going really well

順其自然 shunˋ qiˊ ziˋ ranˊ

Act naturally (according to nature), Naturally (act)

lun, chun, cun, dun, hun, shun, tun, wen

臀肌 tunˊ ji¯


lun, chun, cun, dun, hun, shun, tun, wen

溫蒂 wen¯ diˋ


溫妮費德 wen¯ niˊ feiˋ deˊ


聞起來像 wenˊ qiˇ laiˊ xiangˋ

Smelled like

聞起來像塑膠燃燒 wenˊ qiˇ laiˊ xiangˋ suˋ jiao¯ ranˊ shao¯

Smelled like burning plastic, Smelling like burning plastic

問題 wenˋ tiˊ

Problem, Question

問題回答法 wenˋ tiˊ huiˊ daˊ faˇ

Solution method, Problem solving method, Question answering method

問題在這裡 wenˋ tiˊ zaiˋ zheˋ liˇ

Here's the problem, Here's the thing

問題總是接二連三地來 wenˋ tiˊ zongˇ shiˋ jie¯ erˋ lianˊ san¯ de˙ laiˊ

Problems always come together

溫習 wen¯ xiˊ

Review lessons learned, Review what's been learned

瘟疫 wen¯ yiˋ

Plague, Epidemic, Pestilence

文藝 wenˊ yiˋ


文藝界 wenˊ yiˋ jieˋ

World of literature and art

Grouped in tone pairs

23, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 24, 42, 43, 44

存起來 cunˊ qiˇ laiˊ

Save, Save up

倫理 lunˊ liˇ

Ethics, Moral principles

倫理污點 lunˊ liˇ wu¯ dianˇ

Ethical stain, Ethical stains

倫理盲點 lunˊ liˇ mangˊ dianˇ

Ethical blindspot

輪椅 lunˊ yiˇ

Wheel chair

聞起來像 wenˊ qiˇ laiˊ xiangˋ

Smelled like

聞起來像塑膠燃燒 wenˊ qiˇ laiˊ xiangˋ suˋ jiao¯ ranˊ shao¯

Smelled like burning plastic, Smelling like burning plastic

23, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 24, 42, 43, 44

昏迷 hun¯ miˊ


溫妮費德 wen¯ niˊ feiˋ deˊ


溫習 wen¯ xiˊ

Review lessons learned, Review what's been learned

23, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 24, 42, 43, 44

村裡 cun¯ liˇ

In the village

村裡沒人知道 cun¯ liˇ meiˊ renˊ zhi¯ daoˋ

No one in the village knew

婚禮 hun¯ liˇ

Wedding, Wedding ceremony

23, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 24, 42, 43, 44

春季 chun¯ jiˋ


溫蒂 wen¯ diˋ


瘟疫 wen¯ yiˋ

Plague, Epidemic, Pestilence

23, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 24, 42, 43, 44

倫西波 lunˊ xi¯ bo¯


臀肌 tunˊ ji¯


23, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 24, 42, 43, 44

存疑 cunˊ yiˊ

Doubtful, Skeptical

23, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 24, 42, 43, 44

文藝 wenˊ yiˋ


文藝界 wenˊ yiˋ jieˋ

World of literature and art

23, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 24, 42, 43, 44

順其自然 shunˋ qiˊ ziˋ ranˊ

Act naturally (according to nature), Naturally (act)

問題 wenˋ tiˊ

Problem, Question

問題回答法 wenˋ tiˊ huiˊ daˊ faˇ

Solution method, Problem solving method, Question answering method

問題在這裡 wenˋ tiˊ zaiˋ zheˋ liˇ

Here's the problem, Here's the thing

問題總是接二連三地來 wenˋ tiˊ zongˇ shiˋ jie¯ erˋ lianˊ san¯ de˙ laiˊ

Problems always come together

23, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 24, 42, 43, 44

順理成章 shunˋ liˇ chengˊ zhang¯


23, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 24, 42, 43, 44

頓一下 dunˋ yiˋ xiaˋ


順利 shunˋ liˋ

Smoothly, Easily, Without incident, Successful, Without a hitch

順利地 shunˋ liˋ de˙


順利完成 shunˋ liˋ wanˊ chengˊ

Went smoothly

順利度過 shunˋ liˋ duˋ guoˋ

Smoothly pass over

順利極了 shunˋ liˋ jiˊ le˙

Great, Fantastic, Going really well


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