
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 輪


Ship, (Cats: Vehicle next)

lunˊ chuanˊ

輪 lunˊ
Wheel, Gear, Turn, Rotate, Cycle, Recur, Alternate, Take turns, Majestic, Stately

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Phone , Tone

Words that rhyme with 輪船 (wen-wan)

Grouped by first phone

lun, chun, cun, hun, wen

輪船 lunˊ chuanˊ


輪換 lunˊ huanˋ


lun, chun, cun, hun, wen

純鑽石 chunˊ zuan¯ shiˊ

Solid diamond, Pure diamond

lun, chun, cun, hun, wen

存款 cunˊ kuanˇ


lun, chun, cun, hun, wen

混亂 hunˇ luanˋ

Confusing, Confusion, Chaos, Chaotic, Messy, Untidy, Disturbance, Disruption

混亂之中 hunˇ luanˋ zhi¯ zhong¯

Midst of chaos, Among the ensuing chaos

lun, chun, cun, hun, wen

紊亂 wenˇ luanˋ


溫暖 wen¯ nuanˇ

Warm, Welcoming

溫暖人心的 wen¯ nuanˇ renˊ xin¯ de˙

Heart warming

溫暖沙灘 wen¯ nuanˇ sha¯ tan¯

Warm beach

溫暖的懷抱 wen¯ nuanˇ de˙ huaiˊ baoˋ

Warm embrace

Grouped in tone pairs

22, 13, 21, 23, 24, 34

輪船 lunˊ chuanˊ


22, 13, 21, 23, 24, 34

溫暖 wen¯ nuanˇ

Warm, Welcoming

溫暖人心的 wen¯ nuanˇ renˊ xin¯ de˙

Heart warming

溫暖沙灘 wen¯ nuanˇ sha¯ tan¯

Warm beach

溫暖的懷抱 wen¯ nuanˇ de˙ huaiˊ baoˋ

Warm embrace

22, 13, 21, 23, 24, 34

純鑽石 chunˊ zuan¯ shiˊ

Solid diamond, Pure diamond

22, 13, 21, 23, 24, 34

存款 cunˊ kuanˇ


22, 13, 21, 23, 24, 34

輪換 lunˊ huanˋ


22, 13, 21, 23, 24, 34

混亂 hunˇ luanˋ

Confusing, Confusion, Chaos, Chaotic, Messy, Untidy, Disturbance, Disruption

混亂之中 hunˇ luanˋ zhi¯ zhong¯

Midst of chaos, Among the ensuing chaos

紊亂 wenˇ luanˋ



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輪船 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 輪

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