Index for words including 辦


Manage, Run, Handle, Set Up, Go About, Deal With, Do

Word Links for words containing 辦 (sorted via character pairs)

辦 banˋ
Manage, Run, Handle, Set Up, Go About, Deal With, Do

Words containing

(Use links to see word pronunciation)


我們還能怎麼辦呢 What else could we do?


辦了 Set up


辦學 Run a school


辦得 Can do

也許辦得 Probably could, Perhaps could do

沒人辦得 Never works


辦完 After completing


辦案 Handle a case, Handle the case, Make inquiries regarding a case, Inquiries

一起辦案 Handle a case together


辦法 Method, Technique, Way of doing something

辦法 Have a means, Have a method for

辦法 No way to, Can't, Couldn't

快想辦法 Think of something quickly

想出辦法 Figure out a way, come up with a means of

想想辦法 Think of something, Come up with a means of

我有辦法 I know how

我沒辦法 I can't

沒有辦法 Can't, Couldn't

總有辦法 Always a way, There's always a way

有沒有辦法 Was there some way

他有沒有辦法 Was there some way that he

採取折衷的辦法 Compromised

想出來了一個辦法 Come up with a means of, Come up with a method for

辦法逼他 Managed to get him to, Coerced him into, Got him to

辦法下床 Can't get out of bed

辦法清理 Can't be cleaned, No way to clean, No way to clean up

辦法離開 Could not leave

沒有辦法打開 Can't open, Can't get open

辦法等太久 Can't wait for too long, Can't put it off for too long

一點辦法也沒有 No way at all, Completely impossible

想出辦法來解決 Come up with a solution

辦法撐到永遠 Couldn't take it for ever, Wouldn't last for ever

遇事有辦法變通的 Adaptable, Flexible, Capable of thinking laterally

我沒有辦法事先知道 There's no way I could have known in advance

我們沒辦法像以前那樣 We can't go back to the way it was

我自己一個人沒辦法 I can't do it alone

看我一個人有沒有辦法應付 To see if I could handle it alone

我沒辦法接住你 I can't catch you

我沒辦法接住妳 I can't catch you

他會想辦法阻止她 He would find some way to stop her, He would try and stop her

她會想辦法阻止他 She would find some way to stop him, She would try and stop him

我們有沒有辦法阻止它 Is there any way we could stop it?, Would we be able to stop it?

他沒辦法在驚慌的時候使用 He couldn't do it while panicking

她沒辦法在驚慌的時候使用 She couldn't do it while panicking


辦公 Office

辦公 Office

辦公 Desk

辦公 Rundown office, Seedy office

一個辦公 A single office

教師辦公 Teacher's office

整間辦公 Whole office

雇工辦公 Employment office

在右半邊擺了一張辦公 On the right was a desk

辦公大樓 Office building, Office buildings

辦公摩天大樓 Office skyscrapers, Office buildings

老師的辦公桌上 Teacher's desk

把書鎖進辦公桌抽屜 Locked the book in a desk drawer


辦到 Accomplish, Do it, Get something done

他就能辦到 He can do it, He can

辦到 You are doing it!

她不知道她是怎麼辦到 She doesn't know how she does it

我用幾張錫箔紙和口香糖就能辦到 All I needed to do it was some tin foil and chewing gum


辦不 Can't do, Couldn't do

辦不 Couldn't


辦理 Take care of, Manage, Handle

親自辦理 Personally manage, Personally handle


辦桌 Street Banquet


辦事 Deal with business matters

他的方式來辦事 His way, His way of dealing with things

辦事 Gofer, Lackey, Dogsbody

辦事 Office

辦事能力 Ability to do things, Competence


民辦 Private


照辦 To do so


開辦 Run


經辦 Handle, Take care of

丟給某人經辦 Given to someone to handle, Dumped on someone's desk


承辦 Undertak


興辦 Organize, Set up


舉辦 Hold an activity

舉辦 Held (an event)

舉辦了音樂會 Held a concert

沒有使用這些物品或舉辦儀式的資格 Are not allowed to use these items or perform ceremonies

各級貴族可以使用的物品或舉辦的儀式 Items or rituals that can be used by each grade of nobility


籌辦 Organize


主辦 Take charge of, Sponsor, Host


官辦 Run by the government, Operated by the government

收歸官辦 Operations and management taken over by the government


麼辦 What to do, What do I do?

我們怎麼辦 What do we do?

接下來怎麼辦 Then what's next?, What do we do next?


創辦 Set up, Establish, Found, Start up


著辦 See what happens and then act accordingly, Act according to prevailing circumstances


申辦 Bid


協辦 Co organizer

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