Chase, Pursue, Follow, Investigate
Word Links for words containing 追 (sorted via character pairs)
追蹤 Track, Tracks, Tracking, Tracked, Trace, Traces, Tracing, Traced, Locate, Locates, Locating, Located
追蹤器 Tracking device, Homing beacon
在追蹤你 To track you, Tracking you
在追蹤妳 Was tracking you, To track you
的追蹤器 Tracking device, Tracker, Tracer
追蹤鏡頭 Tracking shot
追蹤不到了 Lost track of, Can no longer trace, Can no longer locate
他追蹤男爵到一個已經暴露的敵人藏身處 He tracked the Baron to an exposed enemy hideout
追溯 Trace back, Trace the origin
可以追溯到 Could be traced to, Could be traced back to
追溯到世界上第一批巫師 Traced back to the world's first sorcerers, Tracing the world's first wizards
追查 Trace, Traced, Tracing, Tracking
追查出 Trace, Track, Locate, Find
追查出他 Trace him, Track him, Locate him, Find him
追殺 Hunt and kill, Pursue and kill, Chase down and kill
來追殺 Come after, Come to kill
來追殺我 Come after me, Come to kill me
追捕 Pursue, Hunt, Chase, Pursuit
進城都是為了追捕 Came to town hunting for
追捕你 Hunting you
追捕者 Pursuer, Pursuers
他們會想和追捕者保持距離 They will want to keep away from their pursuer, They will want to maintain separation from their pursuit
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