Index for words including 遂

suiˋ, suiˊ

Consequently, Forthwith, Thereupon, Comply With, Succeed, Successful, Fulfill, Flee, Escape, Proceed

Word Links for words containing 遂 (sorted via character pairs)

遂 suiˋ, suiˊ
Consequently, Forthwith, Thereupon, Comply With, Succeed, Successful, Fulfill, Flee, Escape, Proceed

Words containing

(Use links to see word pronunciation)


遂心 Satisfied


順遂 Proceed without a hitch


未遂 Attempted

殺人未遂 Attempted murder

好幾宗殺人未遂 Several attempted murders

好幾宗殺人未遂 Various counts of attempted murder

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