
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 色



xunˋ seˋ

色 seˋ, shaiˇ
Color, Sensual, Sensuality, Expression, Appearance, Look

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Phone , Tone

Words that rhyme with 遜色 (yun-e)

Grouped by first phone

xun, yun

遜色 xunˋ seˋ


尋著 xunˊ zhe˙

Seeking, Following

尋著大樂隊的樂聲 xunˊ zhe˙ daˋ yueˋ duiˋ de˙ yueˋ sheng¯

Following the sound of the big band

循著 xunˊ zhe˙

Follow, Followed

循著直而窄的軌道 xunˊ zhe˙ zhiˊ erˊ zhaiˇ de˙ guiˇ daoˋ

Follow the straight and narrow path, Followed the straight and narrow path

xun, yun

暈車 yun¯ che¯

Car sick, Motion sick, Motion sickness

運河 yunˋ heˊ


Grouped in tone pairs

44, 11, 25, 42

遜色 xunˋ seˋ


44, 11, 25, 42

暈車 yun¯ che¯

Car sick, Motion sick, Motion sickness

44, 11, 25, 42

尋著 xunˊ zhe˙

Seeking, Following

尋著大樂隊的樂聲 xunˊ zhe˙ daˋ yueˋ duiˋ de˙ yueˋ sheng¯

Following the sound of the big band

循著 xunˊ zhe˙

Follow, Followed

循著直而窄的軌道 xunˊ zhe˙ zhiˊ erˊ zhaiˇ de˙ guiˇ daoˋ

Follow the straight and narrow path, Followed the straight and narrow path

44, 11, 25, 42

運河 yunˋ heˊ



丶-辶 : > : > [遜]-遜色 : > [遜]-遜色 >

丿-⺈ : > : > [色]-遜色 : > [色]-遜色 >

遜色 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 色

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